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  1. Q4. How do you think Jesus will hold you personally accountable on Judgment Day for using your
  2. Q3. When we are successful, to whom does the fruit of our labors belong? God In what sense are we independent entrepreneurs? We really aren't we are entrusted with talents and are to use our talents to glorify God and not ourselves. In what sense are we stewards of the gifts and
  3. Q2. (Matthew 25:15, 21, 23) What are the factors that make up a person
  4. Q1. (Matthew 25:14-30) What do you think the
  5. Q4. (Luke 13:18-20) According to these parables in this lesson, in what ways is the Kingdom small? It is small in that it is only one way to enter in. Repent, believe in the Lord Jesus with all your heart, accept Him and confess with the mouth and thou shall be saved. This is hard for some people to do, because they put so much ahead of Christ. I was also included with that group at one time, but thank God for His grace and mercy. In what ways does the Kingdom grow? one heart sharing with another the beautiful news of the Kingdom. In what ways is the Kingdom door narrow? It is narrow in that it is only one way to enter in and that is receiving the Lord Jesus as one's personal savior, repent and turn away from the old life style and live the new life according to the Kingdom rules. We can not do it our way, but do it God's way. It is only one way. In what way is the Kingdom banquet, on the one hand, large and diverse, and on the other, selective? Because people will come from all over which makes it large and diverse. There will be people of all color in heaven. Only those who obeyed and heeded to the call and were obedient can enter in.
  6. Q2. (Luke 13:24-27) Why do you think Jesus characterizes the entrance to the Kingdom here as
  7. Q1. (Luke 13:19-21) What is the point of the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven? The point is that something small can end up as something great. How would this be encouraging to Jesus
  8. Q4. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) How could praying the Lord
  9. Q3. (Matthew 18:34-35) Why does Jesus frighten us with his statement:
  10. Q2. (Matthew 18:23-35) In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, what is the purpose of contrasting the huge debt with the small one? To show that God forgives many sins and we should be able to forgive also to those who have sinned agains us. If we were to put ourselves in the parable, which debt would we owe? Which debt might be owed us? Why was the king insulted by the unmerciful servant
  11. Q1. (Matthew 18:21-22) Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? If figurative, what are they figurative of? We should take this figuratively. This means to forgive without numbering the times that we have forgiven a person. We are to forgive just as Christ forgives us. What does this teach us about God
  12. Q4. (John 3:16) Why is this verse so famous? Because this verse lets us know just how much God loves us. He gave His only Son for our lives. What does it teach us about God? God was willing to sacrifice His Son's life for ours. What does it teach us about salvation? All we have to do is belive and we will not perish. Since
  13. # Q3. (John 3:5-7) What does it mean to be
  14. Q2. (John 3:3-5) What does
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