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Everything posted by princesskitty
Coming from his family and his land, there was no one to teach him who and what this God is like. Abram had no knowledge of who God was, just that he was The Amighty. So, he and Sarai are truly "milkfed" spiritual babies. I just had a baby, and we are getting to know each other, and it will continue thrughout our lifetime--what we like and dislike,if we can trust each other, our strengths and weaknesses. She doesn't yet know I'll always be there for her if I'm able---just that I'm here now. And I don't think she even fully comprehends yet who I am to her, let alone where she comes from and what lies ahead of her. I think it's amazing to see where Abram started--godless and knowing nothing of God's ways and laws---to staking his future and the future life of his son on God's promises and word. Just like me and my baby, assumptions and mistakes most likely will be made, but that's all part of the process. God, The Father, meets us where WE are. His faithfulness to us as His little children and His ability to turn our mistakes into good is I think the greatest lesson in this story. And as for Abram making the same mistake twice, and Issac repeating the mistakes of his father.....well, that is very human indeed.
God is love. A marriage covenant is based on that. Adultery goes against that by betraying a sacred trust, being selfish and caring about the satisfaction of the flesh as opposed to the hurt feelings of those you are to LOVE, and in this day (and in the past also as we have studied), inviting literal death into your home against your loved ones. With God being love, it's no wonder the consequenses are serious with this level of betrayal. Even if there is conflict within a marriage, God/love is patient.....suffers all things, and tries to work it out to it's end (if possible--sometimes the other party doesn't cooperate, as I'm sure God is mourning about being the groom and all). Of course God will forgive. Just have to ask for forgiveness (apologize) and do that 180 degrees and go the other way. I have recieved some apologies and given some, and I am always amazed at how well a sincere apology removes pain.
Personally, I don't think that God "gives" affliction and sickness. I think it's His love and grace covering us that keeps us from reaping the full benefit of our sin, and it's only when something has gone far enough that He MUST remove his protective hand (and allow us to get a bit of the consequences of our sin)---which is what happened to Pharaoh and his family. (no man is an island)
Special faith......I think every measure of faith within believers is special. The proverbial mustard seed, starting off so teeny, yet GROWING into a grand and awesome tree. I can remember times when my fervent prayer was "Lord, hold tight my mustard seed!" (He did ) As believers in one body, I think we need to be considerate to others as to where thier faith may be, in the different stages of growth we all experience, and meet them where they are, maybe to give a little sunshine, maybe a little water, maybe a little shade from the heat, but definately not to badger them for what they "lack" or are incapable of at the time. To get to the great faith like Abraham demonstrated, I think it's important to obey the baby steps along the way, one day at a time! I have had many opportunities. Some I consider a "success" and others "failing", but in the long run, it's all to the glory of the Lord and for my good. I've learned some valuable lessons from the times I "failed", and looking back, I wouldn't trade the lesson. It was hard won, but won still, by grace I'm sure. Yes, I am in the adventure of a lifetime! I just had my first baby! It was something that took me trusting God completely. We didn't know if we were ready, but God knew what we needed, and led us the whole way! I'm so glad I listened and gave that control over to Him. I am so amazed at how one little child has already changed and blessed not just our lives, but our whole family! Stepping out when God opens the door and asks is sooooo the way to go! It's exciting! It's terrifying! If I think too far ahead I start to twitch and my ears start to smoke , but day by day, I can handle it, and it's all good. God knows what we need, and where we want to go, and if we'll just follow step by step, I think we'll each find that the destination is what we've always been looking for, but we just didn't know it at the time.
The way I look at it, his greatest blessing was through being the father of nations, faith, and the Messianic blood line. The way that ALL people are blessed by him is that grace is overflowing and abundant because of his obedience. What I mean by overflowing and abundant is that all true love and beauty and goodness that is with us is provided by God the Father to reach out to us. The enemy (Satan and his crew) seek to make mankind thier slaves through false worship of anything other than the true God. Satan hates man, because God created man above him. He was not happpy as a servant and he seeks to break us beneath him. Love and beauty in this world is the evidence of the grace abundant of our savior, which many take for granted, but blessed they are indeed, because the enemy would have it differently. It is God's spirit holding the evil back from overtaking us completely. Abraham continues to bless people through my life because I have been redeemed, therefore I pray and lift up those around me. I have seen my prayers answered, halleluiah!, for not just my own situations, but for others I have prayed for. It is such a joy to see good things happen for those I love! and also fuel for my faith as well.
This is the first study of this kind I have done, and I really enjoyed the in depth study of scripture. Sometimes when reading the word I find it's easy to miss some profound things beacause I'm not stopping and paying attention after every verse. This study has been very valuable to me. My daily/weekly Bible study had kinda slacked off and this has been a great way for me to refocus. I have really enjoyed reading what other people think and hearing about their individual walks and faith. I don't know what to say about improvment. It's a very workable and understandable format. The only thing I would change is to not have separate e-mails of the questions, as they are all on the first study lesson. It's the only one I open and as I work through it I answer the questions. Of course, I'm sure you have a reason for doing it the way you do, and it isn't any big deal anyway. I'm looking forward to the next study, and am anxious to learn more. It's always exciting to take another look at what you "already know" and finding even more wisdom. Thank you very much Pastor Ralph for your hard work.
I think we are responsible for our own faith because after the fall of man, that's just the way it is now. There is a world we are born into and blinded by that we must overcome. We must each one seek to know our purpose within the body of Christ, and it is only by following the light of His love and grace that we can find it. I also think that it is only by seeking to know Him better that we prove ourselves (to Him and us) that we can handle the RESPONSIBILITY and priveledge of His holy annointing and great power in our lives--that it won't be taken for granted or abused. I do on a regular basis the things I know I must do. I must pray, read the word, be kind and love. But these things are not something I see as a chore. I WANT to. It brings me peace, especially when I don't seem to be hearing and recieving answers. I know I'm doing my part, and God has the rest, and if I'm not feeling sure and certain, it's probably because He's just allowing me the opportunity to build my faith, patience, longsuffering, and overall character. I've been with Him long enough now to KNOW he will never leave me or forsake me, and He is always planning for my good in the context of the kingdom. I am constantly thanking and praising Him. I don't really know what else I should do. I think he has me in a quiet, solitary place right now so He can do His thing. I know I'm being formed and worked right now, and I am patiently enduring the best I can. I think that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now, because that's the fight I've got--to not let doubt, or fear, or just plain lazyness get a foothold. I'm the one responsible for keeping those things out of my mind, and I have bible verses on notecards around the house that I read that remind of God's promises.
The one that has been impressed upon me the most strongly is being kept by the Lord. During my time of rebellion, I was right down in the underbelly of society. I had company with thieves, rapists, murderers: some misgiuded, and many completely without conscience. I know this because I was there, and bore witness to these violent ungodly acts on more than one occasion. It is truly heartbreaking how far my disobedience took me, but how all the more glorious it is how far the Lord's love and grace have brought me now! I have been redeemed from the very pits of hell on earth, not by my own strength, but by the love of God, and to Him goes all the glory!! His love for me kept me safe (probably someone praying for me out of that love as well), and since my repentance, it has become perfectly clear to me that nothing can take me from Him! What shall I fear?! If those devils were ABLE to steal me away, they had their chance and could not! My life, and my death, will be for and by the Lord. I believe I will either die of a ripe old age, or the day will come when I will CHOOSE to lay down my life for the glory of the Lord, just as He did for us. As long as I am on His path He has chosen for me, there will be no "accidents" to steal me, no plague, disease or pestilence that will gain victory over my faith in His love for me. Psalm 91 says so. Ain't it great it is available to ALL that believe? Mark 9:23 says so.
I think I jumped the gun and answered the first two questions in my former post, but I will tell of a time when it was difficult for me to repent. I was angry at God because things didn't go my way. I had plans. I was impatient. I had fear of things other than God as well, which all put together, is probably why things weren't working out. Looking back now, I can see that the problems started well before the **** hit the fan, but I was too busy doing things MY way to really listen and just let God "BE" and work things out in His time. I was doing the "shoulds", "need tos", "supposed tos" trying to clean myself up rather than wait on Him to direct me. I had some serious issues to deal with , and He knew the best way, but I was too caught up in "the vanity of my mind" I think, not allowing His grace to do it's work on things that were way too big for me at the time--trying to be what I thought He wanted. (He just wanted me to be myself. and let Him work it out.)Then when I couldn't live up to my own high expectations, I was burdened by guilt, 'till one fateful day, when I'd had enough of the whole bit, and I quit altogether. No praying, no study, and I was going to do whatever I wanted. Since at the time I thought all God wanted for me was a life of pain and misery and service, I figured I had just as good a chance doing that on my own (and boy did I). Nothing I had previously wanted had worked out anyway. So for several years, I did it MY way, ALL the way, with no desire to repent, having one "hell" of a time. Wound up so far from everything that was ever important to me it's hard to fathom. Finally, I'd had enough of making myself miserable, and asked God for help. He did. Repentance came not too long after when He so lovingly picked me up, started setting my life straight, showed me how much He could forgive, and that He had loved me and wanted good things for me all along. What a wonderful Lord we have! How grateful I am for His grace, patience, and faithfulness. I am forever humbled before Him. Repentance hopefully will never be something I am unwilling to do again. There are still things we are working on, of course. I ask for forgiveness as soon as I realize I have made a mistake. Sometimes it's hard to acknowledge though. We all hate being wrong, don't we. I just claim His promises all the time, and thank Him for getting me there, and do my best to follow His lead. I'm just so glad I don't have to be the one to fix me. I was all jacked up! Definately a job only God can do!
I think it is important to know what it means to perish to keep us viligent in our call. So your own soul is secure--what about your mother? sister? best friend? all of those that you love dearly? How many tears could we weep if we find out in the end it was us who dropped the ball, and now they march off to perdition. I think the rewards we receive in Heaven won't neccessarily be the golden road and beautiful city, but the ones we love around us to share it with. We will each be judged according to our OWN faith, our OWN lives. Did we do the best we could do? or were we lazy? Did we let someone fall alone because we were too concerned about the temporal? This is why I think the fruits of the Spirit is the ultimate evidence of our salvation. Anyone can say "I'm a Christian", but do they have the love, patience, character to walk the extra mile in prayer for their fallen brother? We MUST die with peace with ourselves as well as God. We know just as well as He does if we gave it our all. How could anyone with the true love of God march off to Heaven knowing everyone they love missed it because they were lazy! Fakers! And Jesus is going to call them out. And it will be just. These truths aren't realized because people don't want to hear they may need to change, get out of the comfort zone, and do a little spiritual work, maybe cry a few tears, take a chance on faith. And they are just spiritually blind, can't see the darkness they are in because of all the shiny temporal distractions. They also don't realize that God doesn't SEND, CHOOSE for people to go to hell. hell has been the default since sin entered into the world. You now have to actively pursue that which was formerly available in the garden, a relationship with and knowledge of God the creator. There is now a dark cloud between Him and us called SIN, and we have to be the ones to desire to breach it. Thank the Lord Jesus His hand is ever waiting to pull us up! The effect it has on me is it makes me mad! (if you can't tell) and it breaks my heart. It's a constant challenge to love, and remember to take the anger out in prayer towards the enemy, and not on the blind (fool) person. I think the only way to get the proper balance and understanding in our churches is through praying for the body of Christ, the churches we attend, and the church leaders in them. And by being bold with the truth when called upon to do so. The light of truth is very exposing, and darkness WILL flee. I once told a young man in a discussion we were having about repentance and Jesus: He said to accept Jesus you had to repent of your sin (true statement), which he didn't want to do. I told him that it was not the repentance that he thought it was,(stop lying, drinking, whatever) and Jesus would take care of those things. But that the true repentance that comes with accepting Christ is the repentance from our own arrogance that we do not need God. That was the end of conversation. He left not even five minutes later. I know that it was God's truth (He gave me the revelation that very moment) and the young man was exposed. The darkness within him fled. He had already decided at the time he didn't want to change and was "happy" the way he was. I have hope that when the right time comes, someone in the body of Christ will be there to help him take the next step.
Q1. Reminders
princesskitty replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Paul speaks of his struggle with the flesh: Ro. 7:13-25: In summary, the high points: .......For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me......v. 24. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?..... It is because of this very struggle that we all have as to why we need so much reminding. We are all prone to being led astray, decieved, and falling down. Thank God He catches us! There is always more to learn. I have found myself lately being reschooled on things I already "knew" by Him showing me new revelation and application of scriptures I had taken for granted. How do I remind myself? Lately, I have put up notecards with scriptures to read in particular locations throughout the house, where I pause and read them as I go about my day. (This has led to some of those "new" revelations I was talking about.) It has helped. Whenever doubt, fear, or whatever tries to sneak a seed into my mind, I go to one of those florescent notecards and read it outloud, and choose to believe what it says, what it promises to me. I suppose sometimes we are more vulnerable than others, at least I feel that way, and it is necessary to stick it out with the basics of our faith. The rocks that have been and are our path. How do I remind others? It's hard to remind people of what they don't already know! So hopefully people will see the peace and life and life more abundantly within and around me and want to know more. I try to follow the Holy Spirit, whether to speak or be silent. It seems throughout my life I've been butting heads with people that have "religion" that imprisons, rather than the truth that makes them free. So it's been like learning to walk a tight rope, talking with people who don't want to hear about the promises and life more abundantly (I think because it may take some changes and work on their part, and they just aren't miserable "enough" yet). But it's their life, and I just hope that the one seed of truth at the proper time will take hold, and grow in them, that they may come to know the love and joy and truth of Jesus that I do. I really love my church, and talking to the people I know there. It's full of Holy Spirit filled and purpose seeking people. I'm so glad God pointed me there. It seems just by talking with each other about whatever little thing helps us to remind each other of the faith and hope and victory we have so gracefully been given. Just recently I was talking with one of my lady friends there and we both were struggling to clean out a junk room full of "the past" we didn't want to be reminded of. It was nice to know someone else has the same struggle to bear, and to rest on one another, and encourage one another. God is so wonderful. -
A saying that deeply touched me: St. Francis "All the darkness in the world cannot exstinguish the light of a single candle." To me, this represents the absolute victory of our Lord. Life over death. Light over darkness. The darkness cannot comprehend it because it just cannot. Just as no matter how you shake it, oil will not mix with water. It is darkness. It's already defeated and dead. It has no power to turn out the light. Maybe only to hide it behind fake stuff (idols, distractions of the temporal world), or maybe to even reflect it to be a false light, as the moon does the sun. The darkness can only delay the revelation of the truth (the light). Everyone will know the truth come judgement day. To me the darkness is everything that is not permanent, and as such, not real. Only the light and what is true and of God is what will remain. To me, the light is the living eternal spirit of God, and if we have him in us, we ,too, are that candle. The scriptures, being God breathed, inspired, his truth, his love letter, his guide to us is also that candle. Calling out to those in the darkness from afar off, and to us, that we may shed the darkness that remains in us, and be an even brighter beacon to those following behind. This is why it is so important for us to patiently perservere on the path the Lord has put us on. There are others following behind who are lost who can only see the light we give. We may never know until the end the importance of how bright or dimly we shone. That's my take on it.
Sexual sin denies Christ by turning our backs on the spirit of life within us, in order to indulge our flesh. The flesh is dead, the spirit living. It is more damaging to us than just any old sin in that we are commiting not only a sacriligious act against the temple of the Lord, but bringing someone else in on the crime as well, for something so fleeting as the fulfillment of an immediate fleshly desire. It is my opinion that the mouth is the most sacred part of the body. It is where our salvation is confirmed by speaking our faith. It is where we speak scripture, love, life, and minister to those in need. It is what God will use on us to change the world around us, and our very own lives. When we contaminate our vessel, the power of God is cut off in our lives. If we let it persist without repentance, we will never reach maturity---the prize--to be conformed to the image of Christ. Why have we become so complacent about it? Desensitization. The enemy knows what they're doing, saying to our young ones "if it feels good do it" and "oral sex isn't really sex". I think it is also a demonicly propagated myth, that we will never get there, (conformed to Christ), in order to make people complacent in their sin. Christ said in the last days, greater works will his followers do than he. Pretty high calling. Can't get there if you don't belive you can. Can't get there if your temple is all sinned up, especially the mouth you speak your faith with. God can't dwell in unholiness.
We must contend for the faith in order to establish ourselves as the Lord's servants. It is with our heart that we believe unto righteousness , and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Ro. 10:10). Prov. 18:21 tells us that life and death is in the power of the tongue. Clearly, the words we speak matter. The danger in not confronting them is that our salvation, our faith, is intertwined with the words we speak. It is our duty to speak the truth, and if we do not, we are betraying the very faith that has saved us, and the call of our Lord. Perhaps it is so the false one standing before us at the moment, will have no claim to ignorance when standing before the Lord. Perhaps it is so the sword of the spirit can cut through all the jazz and open their eyes to the truth. Perhaps it is just a test for us, to see if we will speak when called upon. Not so much to prove to the Lord, he already knows, but more to prove ourselves to us. The danger in this-----usually, we must bear the brunt of spiritual persecution. No one likes to be cut, no matter how lovingly and gently done, or how necessary. Usually, the truth is not recieved, and anger and hostility is thrown our way. Which just hurts. But just because we bear the burden of being the sword bearer, does not mean we get caught up in the pain of confrontation. The Word will never return without bearing fruit, and this is our hope. Eccl. 3:14 tells us "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him." The Holy Spirit leading us is the only balance we can have, to speak in love without offending, for woe unto him by whom offense comes. It is vitally important to rely on the leading of Christ when such confrontation occurs, so that God will be the one to do it, and it will be done, rather than our own feeble attempts, which may just cause a bunch of pain.
Fasting has opened my eyes up and empowered me with the Holy spirit, as I stated in my last post more in deapth. When I don't make time to read the word, pray, I find the first thing I lose is my ability to hear and discern what God may be telling me. The simple little things that, had I been paying attention, I could have avoided this (insert situation). Usually, I can recall the passing thought that, had I been on my game, I would have heeded. All these little things add up over time, to make life richer, easier, more focused, or the opposite if I'm not doing my part. So when the little things start slipping, that's my cue to see where I am lacking, and fix the situation. I don't ever want to get far off again. There's pain in them there hills!
the easiest thing for me has been brotherly kindness. I've always had compassion and understanding for the fallen, having been there. The hardest for me has been self-control. Sin is fun, or else so many people wouldn't be doing it. It seemed like no matter what I set out to do, the good for me thing was not what I did. However, I've never been one to trample on someone, being as I've been underfoot plenty. I would like to say that fasting changed my life. It empowerd me to overcome. Mostly, it changed my perspective. I wish I would have known about it sooner. Maybe things would have been different. But for all of you out there battling your flesh, there is another step you can take to victory--Having been there myself ---and you don't have to do it perfectly. 2 Co. 8:12--is speaking about giving in the temple. We are the temple. Every sacrifice we make is noted. Perhaps you can give up soda for a day, or go farther and just drink water all day. Perhaps you have enough discipline to fast with only water and juice for 12 hours, or even a day. Or maybe you can just eat fruit for a day. There are all kinds of ways to fast. From sun up to sun down. Breakfast to breakfast. Basically, God knows what you CAN do, as well as what you cannot. I did my best in the beginning to not smoke while fasting, and if I had to, I just smoked half the cigarette. God met me halfway. I would say the most important thing is to stay in God's love while you are doing it. If you are griping at people, what's the point? Just thought I'd throw that out there. Pray and see if it's something God wants you to do. He will lead you, show you how, show you when. I often found that when it was Him leading me, I succeeded (finished). I've learned that sometimes the doors are open, and that is when you need to go, when He is directing. Jesus did say in MTTW. 6...WHEN ye fast. Not if. Sometimes it may be the only path to victory, as stated in Mttw 17:21. I hope this helps someone. I have found victory over things that formerly held me back. I am soooo glad God taught me about this valuable spiritual weapon. It's been a year and a half since he first started teaching me about it, and it is so nice to be on the victor's side now.
Q2. Everything We Need
princesskitty replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
It says in Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Jesus said that we would do even greater works than him. Being victorious in that begins with your own personal mustard seed, and how you exercise it, plant it, feed it, water it, tend to it, to make it grow into the great tree that it "could" become. In these last days before our Lord's return, our LACK of knowledge about Him, and our authority within Him as His body, could very well be our demise. He HAS given us all things pertaining to life and godliness THROUGH the knowledge of Him: the wisdom to minister, to pray, to be a vessel for the healing of our brothers and sisters, the Word to guide us in our authority over the evil in heavenly realms. Jesus is the embodied living Word. If we do not know it/Him, how would we be able to be victorious and do those greater works He is going to call/is calling us to do? It is for this reason that the unbelieving (faithless) will have their part in the lake of fire, because the Word (Jesus) says we each have a measure of faith as a gift to use, which is just the beginning seed, and that He has equipped us and given us dominion. The small acts of obedience daily is the water that will see that our most precious mustard seed grows, so that when real persecution comes, it will face a mighty tree that cannot be uprooted. The knowledge of our God is the ONLY way to obtain these promises.