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Patrick C.

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  1. I am a Methodist pastor in rural Florida. I have a seminary degree (masters) and a doctorate in psycholgy. This rural expereince is completely new t0 me. For more than 35 years I lived in cities (New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia). I pastored urban churches and was quite happy doiong the Lord's work whereever I was sent. In 2002 my wife and I moved to Florida and I associated at a mid size church in Central Florida. In 2005 my wife ahd a stroke and I retired in 2008 from a career as a clinical psychholigist. That left me free to accept an appointment anywherre in the world. I desparately wanted to do mission work somewhere. I thought perhaps south America, the Caribean or Africa. Little did I know the mission field in continental United States was so wide open. I have nevr been happier in ministry. A whole new world has opened up to me and it seems evry day I experience some new growth. god is busy with me. I am shared by two congregatins. I preach at both churches each week. that was the first challenge and it has proved to be the bet thing that could have happened not for me butfor the congrgations here. they have not had a resident passtor in many years and it seems they are constantly being reborn more and moe into God's will for the. I culd go on and on but I'll stop hre. I'll be glad to answer any quetins if anyone has any.
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