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Both Abraham and Melchizedek believed that God is the creator of heaven and earth and controls everything. Even though his ancestors worship many gods and idols, Abraham worshipped El Elyon. Melchizedek could have served many gods too but he chose to serve only the most high God. Inspite of all the idolatry and praying to other gods, both men were confident of their fath in El Elyon, who is the one true God and had supremacy over all.
Q2. Ability to Carry Out
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Serving in the Kingdom (Matthew 25:14-30)
The Kingdom of God is small because there are still millions out there who have not heeded the call to repent, who have not heard the gospel and who have walked away from the faith. Jesus did not come to save an elite few but he died for everyone. Even though it appears that the number of believers is small, the Kingdom of God will still grow because He is the only one and true God. If every believer do their part in bringing His word to the world and this can be in the form of our testimony, evangelizing, prayer and intercession, etc we will be like the small amount of yeast which multiply the number of believers in the Kingdom of God. The way to the Kingdom door is narrow because it involves a time sensitive decision and it will open only to those who obey the call to repent and receive Jesus as their Lord. The Kingdom banquet is large and diverse because the invitation is made to everyone - Jews, Gentiles, young and old, rich and poor, the intellectuals and the lesser educated. Although the invitation goes out to everyone, it is at the same time selective because only whose who enjoy a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus can make it through the narrow door.
Q2. The Narrow Door
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. The Narrowness and Breadth of the Kingdom (Lk 13:18-30)
How could praying the Lords Prayer become a curse upon a person? I dont think its so much a curse but more a reflection of our own weaknesses. Too often we think we deserve to be forgiven but those who have wronged us must pay for their sins. When we pray the Lord's prayer, it is a sober reminder that we are also sinners and if God can forgive us, who are we to decide not to forgive others. Is forgiving in order to be forgiven a kind of righteousness by works? Why or why not? I think we already know God is merciful and willing to forgive us so there is no need for us to work toward it. However, since we know of God's mercy and goodness toward us, we should extend the same to others. Therefore we should be ready to forgive even though we do not feel like it.
Q2. The Unmerciful Servant
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Forgiveness in the Kingdom (Matthew 18:21-35; 6:9-15)
In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, what is the purpose of contrasting the huge debt with the small one? God forgives All sins - both big and small. Therefore we cannot pick and choose those we want to forgive or we will only forgive those whose sins against us are small. If we were to put ourselves in the parable, which debt would we owe? We definitely owe the bigger debt. Jesus, the son of God, had to die on the cross for the remission of our sins. Which debt might be owed us? The debt with the smaller amount. Why was the king insulted by the unmerciful servants action? When he was forgiven of his large debt, the servant was happy and relieved. However, by not forgiving his own servant, he proved that he was not grateful of the King's kindness toward him. His actions made it seem as if he deserved to be forgiven and his servant did not, putting him in the place of a judge or King. -
Q1. Forgiving 7 Times
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Forgiveness in the Kingdom (Matthew 18:21-35; 6:9-15)
Q3. Born of Water and Spirit
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
Q2. Entering the Kingdom
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
Q1. Spiritual Kingdom
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is not of this world. It is not a visible kingdom but one which is spiritually discerned. It is also spiritually entered. We can only discern amd enter the Kingdom through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. Do you think Nicodemus understands him? Why or why not? Nicodemus knew the facts as a strict observer of the law but he did not know the truths. He took Jesus's words literally and thought Jesus was talking about physical birth when Jesus was referring to a spiritual birth. Although Nicodemus respected Jesus as a teacher who came from God, he was still an unbeliever at that time and the parables of Jesus were hidden to unbelievers. -
Q4. Valuing the Kingdom
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Through the parables of the Hidden Treasure, the Pearl and the Rich Young Ruler, Jesus teaches us that the Kingdom is so valuable, no amount of money in this world put together, will be able to match it that is if a value can be determined in the first place. Therefore we should be willing to give up everything for the Kingdom. Why are we tempted to value it so little? We find wealth and earthly pleasures more tangible. The "rewards" of wealth are almost instantaneous. The world glamourizes sinful living and indulgence, and persecutes those who choose to walk with God. Unfortunately the modern church also value earthly wealth more than Kingdom living. What helps us to appreciate its true value? Sometimes we have to pass through fires of sorrow, hardship, pain and see God's deliverance to appreciate the true value of the Kingdom. We also have to spend time meditating on the sacrifice of Jesus and God's unconditional's love, as well as pray always. How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more? I think its important that I am transparent and walk the talk. -
Q3. Follow Me!
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
Why is poverty and self-sacrifice an inadequate religion? We will still be relying on our own understanding and efforts to be forgiven of our sins, which is something we cannot do on our own, no matter how hard we try. Instead of humbling ourselves before God, it will make us self-righteous. Why does Jesus ask the man to follow him? Jesus did not want the man to have a religion. He wanted the young man to be discipled by him - to see for himself the life of Jesus and to learn from him. He wanted to set the young man free from his prison of wealth. In what senses was this a great privilege that the man was offered? Jesus was personally teaching the man. He would be embarking on a spiritual journey with Jesus. He would be ministering besides Jesus and would experience the miracles Jesus performed. He would enjoy the company and presence of Jesus and the other disciples. He would belong to a larger family - the body of Christ. He would be much richer than all his earthly riches could offer because of the hope and promises he had in Jesus. Why did he reject the offer? His wealth had become his god. He had become so accustomed to the luxuries lifestyle, he would rather be starved spiritually. He wanted to cling on to the respect and approval of man which he was getting as a wealthy young ruler. -
Q2. Sell What You Have
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
Why do you think Jesus requires the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune? The rich young ruler thought he could use his wealth to do enough good to enter heaven. Jesus was trying to make him understand that his (the young man's) standard of goodness and righteousness is way below Jesus' standards. Why does this trouble us so much? In this world, money can buy us security, power, fame, possessions, friends, a good name, and everything else that can accord us comfort and even luxury. Therefore for many of us money becomes our safety net. We have become so spoiled by money and possessions that we feel lost without them and we are afraid that we are unable to survive without them. Being contented with our daily bread is just not good enough for us. If there was no other way for the man to be saved, what does that say about the spiritual dangers of wealth? 1) Wealth and everything else that contrbutes to bringing in the wealth (investments, job, bosses etc) becomes our god. 2) Wealth can lead to convetousness, envy, greed and idolatry. 3) We trust in our wealth instead of trusting in God. 4) Wealth can blind us - we think nothing bad can touch us because of our wealth, and we think we can buy ourselves a place in heaven just by being philanthropic. -
What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common? 1) Both the treasure and the pearl were FOUND 2) Both were very very valuable 3) Both cost the finders they had to sell everything in order to buy what they found 4) The value was exceedingly much greater 5) The finders experienced great joy What is the main point of these parables? The main point of the parables is that when you come across such a valuable find, it is worth selling everything, sparing nothing just to own it or sell it for a greater profit. The gift of salvation is so valuable that nothing in this world can match it. At the same time, we are also so precious to God that he sacrificed his one and only beloved son to buy us. How should it affect our values? Our lives? Values - As Christians we should see our salvation as a gift which is worth much more than everything we possess in this world - our jobs, wealth, belongings, plans, attitudes and even our family members. Nothing we possess in this world should take the place of Jesus in our lives, not even our spouses, children or parents who are dear to us. Our lives - It will cost us. Our lives should never be the same once we become Christians. Our lives should be changed and transformed to reflect the joy of having Jesus in our lives. In order for transformation to take place, we have to make every effort to go through the scriptures and understand them to find the treasures. We must also be prepared to lay down our lives just as Jesus laid down his life for us in exchange for our salvation, which is infinitely valuable.
Q4. Separation in the Kingdom
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
There will be some who are saved and will go on to receive eternal life whilst others will face eternal punishment and destruction. Since we do not know when exactly Jesus will come again, we should live our lives in the fear of the Lord as if He is coming back today! We want to be able to face God and hear the words "Good and faithful servant". We cannot assume that just because we have received salvation at some point in our lives, our salvation is guaranteed. We have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The trust and faith we have in God must also be manifested in our daily living so that others will be drawn to Jesus. We must pray for God's mercy over those who do not know Jesus and wherever possible share the good news with them. -
Q1. Present Kingdom
PATCH replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
The Kingdom of God was present in the Person and ministry of Jesus in all that he did when he walked on earth - teaching, healing, feeding, performing miracles i.e exercising God's authority on earth. Everything Jesus did, pointed everyone to God in heaven. The Kingdom of God is present in us today today because Jesus, in His name, has made available to us believers all authority from heaven. Through the gift of the Holy spirit, we have also been empowered to do "greater things than these". -
I think God will receive more glory in my church if we spend more time worshipping him instead of concentrating on events, ministries, programmes and even cell group meetings. I think there is a place for all these in church but I am frustrated that people being visible seems to be the "in-thing" in many churches. In the end, the programme, the fund raising efforts and even the prayer meeting and especialy the people involved get more glory than God. I am not sure if I can help because I am one of the invisible ones. Its seems I do not have a right to speak out because I do not serve. In their eyes, what do I know??? At the risk of sounding as if I am giving a pat answer - I can start praying that things will change in my church.
How should verse 3:20 of the doxology energize your prayers? I will go to God for anything and everything. I wont have to worry if I had enough faith, if I am good enough or the person whom I am praying for is obedient enough. It's his power that is in me and he is more than able. So if I make God out to be tiny, his power in me will be tiny and he will only answer tiny prayers but I must come to the realization of who He is and then I will experience the fullness of his power in my life. What happens when we limit God by our own ability to comprehend? In layman's terms - we lose out. We settle for crumbs when we have a whole feast waiting for us at the banquest table and all because we are limited by our own mindsets. When we are faced with mountains and giants, we become overwhelmed and retreat in fear. How can we get past this failing? We really have to internalise the doxology. We have to be bold and be unstoppable.