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Everything posted by PATCH

  1. Why is Jacob's vision so bleak but Joseph's, so broad? What have been their differing responses to fear? I am sure Joseph must have questioned God when he was alone, lost and desolated. But what could he do? He was in a foreign land - there was no one he could ask for help. He was betrayed by his own brothers. Yet, he must have had a very special relationship with God because he knew his dreams were all given to him by God. So it was just he and God all those years and Joseph clung on to God. As for Jacob, apart from having to run away from Esau, his life had been relatively good. Most of us (if not all) are like Jacob - when things are going well, our level of faith goes up. When we face difficulties and we do not get answers to our problems quickly, we tend to feel that God has abandoned us and our vision becomes bleak. What have been their differing responses to fear? Jacob gave in to his fear, whilst Joseph remembered and clung on to God's promises What insight has kept Joseph from being bitter towards his brothers? Joseph's understanding that God's plans for him were for the ultimate good even though the path he had to take was not always smooth. He understood that the bad things that happen to us can always be used for God's glory.
  2. Why do you think God appears to Jacob yet another time? When God appeared to Jacob yet another time, he confirmed to Jacob the name of Israel. God was also reaffirming his promise that he had not forgotten his promises to Jacob. Even though Jacob's family and clan were worshipping false gods, God forgave them and He chose to bless them when they repented and purified themselves. What are the primary promises that God renews to Jacob? 1) God reaffirms that He is El Shaddai, God Almighty. Jacob was thus assured of God's protection, provision and blessing in every area of his life and in the lives of his children and the future generations. 2) God told Jacob to be fruitful and increase in number, to bring forth future generations of children who worship the only one and true God. 3) "A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and kings will come from your body" - it is through Abraham and Jacob that Jesus the Messiah was born into this world. 4) "The land I gave to Abraham and Isaac I also give to you, and I will give this land to your descendants after you". This same promise was given to Abraham. It is a promise fulfilled to Abraham and God promised to fulfill the same promise to Jacob. The above promises were given to Abraham - Abraham's descendents will be blessed by God. Jacob was Abraham's descendent so he received the blessing promised to Abraham and Jacob's descendents also received the same blessings.
  3. What are the terms of the Mizpah Covenant? 1) Firstly Jacob set up a stone pillar 2) They took stones and made it into heap, making it a witness between the both of them 3) They called on God to be the witness of the covenant they made 4) Jacob is not to take other women as his wifes 5) Both parties will not go pass the heap to harm each other The Mizpah Covenant was supposed to remind Jacob and Laban that even though they may be far apart from each other, they are not to break the terms of the covenant. God is their witness and He will punish the one who breaks the covenant.
  4. jacob's promise to tithe showed that he was serious about getting serious with God. He had come to a realization that God was in control of his life and all that he had was given to him by God. He was also demonstrating that he was putting his trust in God. Even though Jacob was a believer all his life, he inherited his faith secondhand. He just followed his parents in worship without fully comprehending who Yahweh is. The Bethel incident was a conversion experience because he had a personal encounter with God - he finally realized that God is real. The relationship of tithing to conversion is that it shows total commitment on our part and putting our trust in God.
  5. Jacob knew that his breeding techniques did not cause his flock to bread so successfully but it was God who prospered him because if he had speckled flock, they would breed well. If he had streaked flocks, then these would breed well also. The danger we face when we become wealthy is that we tend to think we became rich through our own abilities, talent and hard work, and we forget to to acknowledge that it is God who gave us the power to create wealth.
  6. 1) God was teaching Jacob that inspite of God's grace and mercy, his sins would not go "unpunished". Here Jacob experienced the hurt of being deceived by family - his father in law. 2) Through Jacob's marriage to Leah and Rachel and having children through their servant girls, he established a large family unit. The 12 tribes of Israel descended from Jacob's sons. I am just wondering if God permitted Jacob to serve 14 years for his 2 wives so he is "forced" to stay away from home for some time, allowing God to work in Esau's life as well. In the past Jacob was so impatient that he stole. By having to wait out the 14 years, God is teaching Jacob that everything works out fine in His time.
  7. Jacob set up the stone as a memorial to his encounter with God. It showed he did not take his dream lightly. He was in awe of God's presence, perhaps even humbled that God would revealed Himself to him (Jacob) after all the deceitful things he had done. The dream he had was too meaningful - he had to mark the spot where he had his encounter. The stone was to be like an altar, an offering to worship God. The anointing represented consecration. Jacob came into the position of sonship. Finally he had a revelation of God and he understood God's prophecy over his life. In his vow, Jacob promised to tithe (give God a tenth) IF God were to be him, to watch over him on his journey, provide him with food and clothes and God will bring him back safely to his father's house. Although Jacob said IF, I dont think he was doubting God here. I think he was so confident that God would keep Hs promises that in return he wanted to give a tenth back to God.
  8. It is clear that Isaac loved Jacob unconditionally. He himself must have understood the depth of God's unconditional love and he extended the same grace to Jacob. Therefore even though Isaac knew he was deceived by Jacob he continued to bless Jacob because he understood the will of God in Jacob's life. The blessing was similar to what God blessed gave Abraham - that Jacob will be fruitful, he will possess the land and the nations will be blessed through him (these are the main elements of Isaac's blessings). It is proof that God keeps His promises from generation to generation if we do not break our covenant with Him.
  9. I think Rebekah's character reminded me most of my own. I am generally an impatient person and I like to be in control. I still do :-( I like things to go my way at my time. About 6 years ago, certain things concerning my family just went completely off course and even if I wanted to, there was nothing I could do to make things right. I humbled myself and told God that I accepted his decision. I confessed my sin of being too controlling and the things that went wrong actually became right about 2 years ago. I have learnt (and I am STILL LEARNING) that He is God and His ways and His timing is sovereign. I still stumble and on several occasions still insist on doing things my way, but the Holy Spirit will gently remind me that God is in control.
  10. Both my children have different characters so their response will be different :- 1) my elder son will be resentful and accuse us of playing favourites, and will try to get his younger brother into as much trouble as possible 2) my younger son will brood The discrimination did not happen between my sister and I but it happened with my cousins whom I was living with. My aunts and uncles were doing much better than my parents. I was always put down because of my parents. I hated my aunts, uncles and my grandmother. I avoided as many family functions as I could when I was growing up but in my early twenties I became a Christian and I was set free! Happily many of my family members also became Christians and we were able to put the past behind us. In order to love our children who are all so different, we have to ask God for wisdom. We must also remember that all of us are so different - some downright sinful whilst others are walking right and yet God has no favourites. Thank You Lord!
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