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Everything posted by esther414
Q1. Lion and Root
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. The Triumphant Lamb We Worship (Revelation 5)
The lion is a symbol for royalty, the king of the land. the phrase "the Lion of the tribe of Judah" is referring to Jesus' as king and connecting him to a long line of people who are royalty. The phrase "the Root of David" is affirming his place in the line of David. He shares ties to King David, who God called a man after his own heart. -
Q3. (Matthew 26:28) Why should the words, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins" fill us with sorrow? Why should they fill us with joy? I think this should fill us with sorrow because our sin's price is so great, the blood of an innocent, perfect person was needed to cover it and allow us to be re-communed with God. It should fill us with joy also because we are free from our sins now and no longer held to that bondage.
Q5. Extra Credit: In what sense have we been set free or released from slavery to sin? Why do we need the Holy Spirit to help us keep this freedom? Feel free to share stories of how Christ has freed you. we are set free and able to commune with God again. we need to holy spirit to help us stay in communion with God. The holy spirit is our guide and helps us to stay on the right path. God has set me free from a past filled with pain and false teachings. I had never known the sweet taste of freedom until i heard the real truth in the bible and not mans manipulated, second agenda version. I am free.
Q4. According to the slave-ransom analogy, who is the slave? What is he enslaved by? Who offers the ransom? If Satan is involved in the enslaving process, why isn't the ransom paid to him? Why isn't the slave-ransom analogy spelled out completely in the New Testament? We are the slave. We are enslaved by our sin. God offers the ransom. Satan deceives us and doesn't ever own us, thus no payment to him. Satan loses his power, not because he has been paid off, but because we have been forgiven. We can no longer accurately be accused of sin. When we realize that truth, we are set free (John 8:32), no longer hopeless and manipulated by lies.Since God "owns" us, the slave-ransom analogy breaks down at this point, since it God paying a ransom to God confuses the picture.
Old testaments: * Marrying a brother's widow if no children have yet been born, in order to raise up children in the brother's name (a main issue in the case of Ruth and Tamar), * Purchasing family lands that had to be sold because of poverty, in order to keep the land in the family, * Buying the freedom of relatives who had become slaves because of debts they couldn't pay, and * Avenging a kinsman who was murdered. * Rescuing a kinsman who was kidnapped. Jesus comforts the widow. we share his inheritance his blood bought our freedom from death he will always be our avenger, setting wrong to right he will always go after us if we stray away.
Q5. Isaiah 53 in the NT
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Romans 3:24-26 " * 24. * and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. * 25. * God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in his blood. He did this to demonstrate his justice, because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished-- * 26. * he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time, so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus. I think it reflects Isaiah 53. -
Q4. Bearing Our Punishment
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q4. The Servant also bears the punishment deserved by sinners. In what sense, if any, did Jesus bear the punishment due you when he died on the cross? We are sinners from birth. The punishment for sin is death. So from the very beginning of our lives, we deserve to die for our sins. Because Christ acted on our behalf, baring the physical punishment for our sins. He was sinless, perfect and innocent for all that was brought against Him. By God's design, Christ had to die for us so we could be joined to God again without having animals or priests to speak for us. -
Q3. Substitutionary Atonement
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Christ die for us and kept us from dieing for our sins. -
Q2. Sense of Destiny
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Q2. Which New Testament parallels to Isaiah 53 convince you that Jesus himself saw his own mission and destiny spelled out in Isaiah 53? If you aren't convinced, what stands in your way? There are many parallels throughout the entire new testament that correspond to Isaiah 53 about the life of Jesus. John 3:16 came to my mind right away. I don't believe Jesus read this and knew this is what he must do right away. Isaiah was a man inspired by God as where all the men who wrote books of the Bible. I think it was through God's prompting and the Holy Spirit, Jesus was reveled what he must be do. God could have used this scripture to speak to Jesus and many other scriptures. Jesus' affirmation about what he should do with his life came from God himself, not just from reading Isaiah 53. I think saying Isaiah solely inspired Jesus is giving glory to Isaiah and not God. -
Q1. Universal Atonement
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. The Lamb Who Takes Our Place (Isaiah 53)
Jesus was sacrificed for the present day people he walked among and for all the future people to walk the earth. The scripture talks about his sacrifice was for the nations, the world. I don't think his sacrificed was wasted on anyone. Even if they reject him or have never heard of him, he still didn't waste anything. I think God is big enough to know what he was doing and I think to suggest Jesus (in turn God) wasted something as precious as his own blood is judgmental of the Creator. -
Q6. Lessons from Sacrifice
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Q6. What do you think God intended animal sacrifice teach us about sin? What do they teach us about holiness? What do they teach us about God's nature? God intended animal sacrifice teach us atonement for sin required a costly sacrifice. It taught us God is holy and we can't enter into his presence with sin. The animal's blood provided a way for God to communicate and forgive man. Even though the animal sacrifice was insufficient, God was willing to accept it so we would not be apart from him. He loves us that much. -
Q5. In what sense is God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins an expression of his mercy? Were animal sacrifices actually adequate to atone for human sin? God's provision of animal sacrifice for forgiveness of sins is an expression of his mercy because then there was no way for atonement other than animal sacrifice. Animal sacrifices are no where near adequate for atonement for out sin.
Q4. Elements of Sacrifice
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Q4. (Leviticus 4:32-35; 5:5-6) What are the basic elements involved in a sacrifice for sin? Which of these are still necessary for forgiveness of sins today? Which are no longer necessary? Why? Confession, Bringing an animal, Lay his hands, Slay the animal and collecting the blood. Today we confess to the Lord our sins. Jesus has already been slain and his blood atones our sin and future sin. We just need to ask for forgiveness and repent. Bringing a perfect animal,imparting sin to the animal, slaying it on a alter, having a priest take some blood to pour on the alter, then removing the fat and eating the meat are longer necessary. I think God has us to this because He doesn't want us to forget how much it cost Him for our sins atonement, thus most people practice communion. -
Why is animal sacrifice repulsive to modern people? How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? I grew up on a farm in south Texas. I participated in what is called a "stock show" where you raise animals to sell for butcher. The idea of animal sacrifice was easy for me to understand over time. I had to raise a lamb or goat from birth til it was time to sell it for someone's meal. Pretty hard on a kid who spends 7 or 8 months caring for a baby animal and see it off to slaughter. I ask my mom once if it was OK for me to feel guilty for raising it, caring for it and then selling it for food to someone. She said its not OK to feel guilty because we are placed above the animals according to God. God placed animals like the sheep and goats on Earth for us to eat. Yes, a few times, my lamb or goat or rabbit ended up on my own dinner table because they didn't sell. It was either eat them or go hungry. I now live in Houston. I went to college at UTMB. A lot of people I've talked to feel they are above people who live on farms and that somehow because they live in a major city, they have a higher intelligence and have become move evolved than people who practice the ways of farming. I do remind them with love their organic fresh produce doesn't magically appear at HEB. I think city way of life is mostly about people's needs and wants being met instantaneous. You don't have to go far it get anything you may want or need. They don't have to kill an animal they raised for food and have one less for breeding for more meals. They probably haven't ever had to worry about that. In the farming way of life you have to consider how many eggs you take from your chickens because you want your chickens to continue to make more chickens. You have to consider which goat you decide to eat because you need so many of your best bred ones to continue to make more well bred goats. Why are modern people repulsive by animal sacrifice? Because it has been perverted. To me, animal sacrifice is I get to eat because this animal gave its life. How much of this has to do with a city vs. a farming way of life? In some respects a lot. From personal experiences on both sides, the farming way of life has a better respect for it.
Q2. Anger, Caprice, and Justice
esther414 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Lamb of God (John 1:29)
Why is anger an appropriate response to sin? What is the difference between capricious or uncontrolled anger and anger that brings about justice? How i understand anger from God is, His anger is a righteous anger without other emotions or desires of the flesh influencing it. Sin is what the human flesh desires because we are from Adam and Eve after they sinned. Anger is an appropriate response to sin from God because we do it knowing its not pleasing in God's eyes. He judges us righteously because he is perfect. In some ways that in incomprehensible to us humans because we want to point figures and try to pass the blame around. Thus we can't judge with perfect clarity and righteousness to bring perfect justice like God can. Humans demonstrate uncontrolled anger and assume that is how God deals with us because the Bible says we are made in his image. We are made in the image of God, but that hardly means we act like him or think like him or see others feelings, emotions and well being like God does. In our human uncontrolled anger, the receiving end's well being is not in consideration. Among anger; jealousy, rage, envy, slander, defilement and so much more make their appearance. God always has our well being in consideration, even in his anger. He does punish us, as any loving parent would punish a child for disobeying. To teach that child there are boundaries and consequences, and I still accept you even though you made me mad. -
I think John the Baptist used "Lamb" because that was the easiest term to teach other people that Jesus would one day choose to sacrifice himself, according to the will of God in order to save humanity from total separation from God. John knew who Jesus was from the womb, he leaped inside Elizabeth's womb when Mary came to her and was pregnant.
Hi! This is my first experience with Jesus Walk. I am looking forward to it. My name is Jessica. I have been married for a year. I have a wonderful husband who I love very much. We have a baby boy who is growing way to fast! We live in Houston, Texas. I am a respiratory therapist by profession, but right now I'm enjoying staying home with my son. I will never get this time back with him. I love to cook every type of cuisine. I love to paint still life, landscape and my own type of art