Q1. (1:2-4) What value have trials had in your life? Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? Or allowed God to refine you? How have you changed?
I have been through many trials in life, and for some time during and after those trials, I allowed Satan to destroy my relationship with God and many earthly relationships as well. I allowed Satan to lead me into temptation and believed him when he told me I no longer deserved a life free of shame, guilt, and other bondage that was formed as a result of those bad choices. Recently, however, I have allowed God back into my life and have given myself over to Him completely, and he has revealed the beautiful truth to me that I am not defined by anything that happened to me or anything that I have done in the past.
One of my favorite verses now is Heb 12:10-11, "God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." God disciplined me greatly for my sins, but I have allowed him to refine me through the process and my life is better now than it ever was before, and I truly believe that my self worth, confidence, and relationship with God, my husband, and everyone around me is better now than it could have ever been without God's intervention.
Sometimes our trials are absolutely necessary to fulfill our callings, and I am so excited to find out what God has called me to do with this new and glorious testimony He is writing for me.