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Perseverence is difficult. One needs encouragement to continue in this. Perseverence is important because one grows in their relationship with the Lord with perseverence. There is no growth when one is not continuing on. God wants His people to become holy and blameless and this develops from a growing and maturing process in the Lord. From the passage in Hebrews 3:12-13 shows; we need to be encouraged and encourage others toward Christ so that none will be hardend by sin's decietfulness-which is an unbelieving heart. This is why we must stay in fellowship with God and those who love Him so that we continue in knowing and obeying God and loving and serving one another.
I found this scripture passage to be difficult until some light was shed. I have struggled with this one for quite some time. I hope this new understanding will help me overcome this struggle. Apparently, this passage is referring to a denial of the work of the Son of God and God's provision of Grace through Jesus. I believe in the work of the cross and the shed blood of Jesus for my sins. I believe Jesus is Lord and He is the Son of God. I struggle with sin that after I have confessed sometimes still occurs which then sets me up for an attitude of "What gives?" Why have I repeated a certain sin. For example gossiping. I have never full had victory over this. I have confessed this immediately when an occurence happens, I can say though I have "gotten better" at not gossiping and even not talking about another individual for any reason to another person. So reflecting back I would have to say over time because of God's great patience and gentleness with me He is helping me to become holy and blameless. I realize now that I have been impatient and expected immediate change in some areas of my life, but which the Lord has me to learn and truly understand Him in a better light. Praise God for His great Grace and Mercy.
Hebrews 3:13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness.Hebrews 10:24-25 (New International Version) 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. 25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another
The veil between the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place separated the presence of YHWH from sin and only one time per year was the High Priest permitted to go around the veil following strict instructions along with the blood of sacrificed animals to atone for the sins of the people. The significance of the torn veil represents access to God and that any person that trusts in the shed blood and torn body of Christ can with full confidence approach God for forgiveness and have an ongoing relationship with our creator- the Living God himself. Our access to God is a new and living way because the old order of things was changed when Jesus became the fullfillment of the new order of things.
The blood of bulls and goats can not take away sins because this did not cause repentance. True repentance is the work of the Holy Spirit and is a matter of the heart. The old covenant with the physical sacrifices was an external cleansing. The new order by the shed blood of Christ of removing sins is permanent and lasting and causes the repentant believer to want to be obedient to Father God. The sins of the Old testament saints still existed, but because of their faith and their desire to obey Father God this was counted as righteousness to them. God looks at the heart, not at our outward efforts to please him. He desires a contrite and repentant heart who steadfastly looks to please and obey him out of thankfulness for the grace, forgiveness, and mercy shown by Father God.
When Christ first came in man form his purpose was to teach about Father God and to be the perfect offering for the atonement of sins committed under the first(old) covenant. The Second coming of Christ is to bring salvation to those whom are eagerly expecting his return- for those who are becoming holy and blameless. The Jews expected an earthly king/ruler. Christ came to establish a heavenly kingdom (John 18:36) of which he will rule and reign. It fits perfectly as foretold.
According to God's word, the animal sacrifices were only good for one year and had to be performed each year to atone for the forgiveness of sins. Jesus died once for all and not having to repeat over each year his death. He went into the true holy of holies to atone for the forgiveness of sins. His offering before God was accepted and the shed blood of Christ is the new order or covenant. I am not sure how his blood cleanses the conscience other than by my faith in His work and His obedience to God the Father. I am saved by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus of which I trust in him for this. Kinda hard to explain. It is just by belief/faith that God provided the perfect sacrifice for the atonement of my sins.
Redemption means to buy/purchase back. Jesus paid the price for our sins with his shed blood and his death on the cross. Jesus redeemed me with his blood for the penalty (death) for my sin. The price of redemption is all the suffering, persecution, shed blood, humiliation, and the tortuous death on the cross that Jesus endured for me. My redeemption lasts for eternity.
A guarantee is a promise with specific outcomes and conditions which is provided by the guarantor. Jesus is the guarantor because he established the guarantee of specific outcomes and conditions by his sinless condition, shed blood, death, and resurrection all of which have been foretold and fullfilled in and by Jesus himself.