Sin is darkness. Forgiveness is to see the light and joy that only comes by beliving in Christ Jesus is total washing of one's sin, buying us with His blood, and freeing us, is in this Joy. Sin came into the earth in doing so brought sin on us. We at first were free of sin then knolage came in to us of sin convecting us to deth. Look at this angel may be off but I will try to bring some light to this idia... Think! Your in prison forsomething you did do but would not have dune if it was not for sin in the world you fill remorce you wish you never did it you ask for forgiveness. Jesus is now your Loyer and frind who you trust and beleve in. He payed the price to free you from deth, and forgot your transgression, would you not be overjoyed in this. Prase to the Father from all good things come.