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  1. No, the world might be over, if only Christians only got married. The world sadly belongs to the devil. Most people today don't care or understand what born again is, they laugh at us.
  2. We need to not fight with our brothers and sisters in Christ, if we do we are not support to sue them or take it to court. Love them, pray for them. Most of all pray for yourself. After all we are our own worst enemies.
  3. As children as our Lord we're suppose to have his love for everyone no matter what they did. **** makes us so our Lord can't work with us. **** is as serious as murder, and needs to treated right away.
  4. I would say stay away from TV, computer, any place people wear to little clothes. Clothes that may cover everything that needs to be covered. Don't look at the other sex with **** in your heart. If you do pray to God and ask for forgiveness. I HOPE AND PRAY I could do the same. GOD ALWAYS WILL HELP IF YOU PRAY AND ASK. He is always there.
  5. EVERYTHING is wrong with street sex. A. It's adultery B. It's abusive C. You're hurted for life D. Aids E. A baby may be made EVERYBOODY is a victim.
  6. Only a marry man and woman is a God's given gift. Everything else is ****.
  7. Adulteryis when unmarry people make love. **** is when someone looks at someone with adultery in their hearts. In God's eyes they're the same. PAID BY HIS DEATH ON THE CROSS.
  8. LOVE and love alone. A child of God can not hate anybody. We must have and show God's love at at all times and to everybody.
  9. If we don't have good relationships here and forgive people here we have a hardren heart towards everything and everybody. If we have a hardren heart God can't deal with us, work though us or help us grow in spirit. We need to ask for forgiveness and not let the world stand in the way. Most of all repent. We need to try to work on it until Christ says ok you don't need to work on it any longer. Not everything can be work out. Yes, usally one is to wrap up in themselves or in the world.
  10. In the Lord's eyes ALL SIN is equally bad. ALL people are equal in his eyes. There might not be as much hate if we realize hate is equal to killing someone.
  11. Sadly, today MOST churches don't teach the REAL TRUE wor of our LORD. The music now is more gear the teenager, the message isn't there. Legalism "means" everything is done the same way everytime. Their salvation is "earned" this way, the Holy Spirit can't work in hearts very well. This church would look like a wild fire, gone wild.
  12. God's light almost always get persecuted in this dark and dirty world. This world is not GOD'S, it's the devil's and people think by going to church every so often they are saved or they think God loves me I will work my way in, he don't need to live in my heart. By us showing his light shine in us, this dark and dirty world will ask what's in our hearts Without the cross, we would have to pay for our very own SINS. There is no way on this earth we could pay for our own sins, The devil hates us the give our hearts to Jesus, so Jesus isn't why we suffer after we trust him. The devil will do anything to get us away from Jesus Christ. We need not to care about the world, we need to have our eyes on Jesus Christ.
  13. We need to be Christ's bright light in a dark world. If we're like the worldly people why did Christ died on the cross, we are here to be his arms and feet, we need to go out and teach Christ's saving love.
  14. We loose our salt when we don't read or study God's word. The systoms of this is not caring for people, not showing God's love, your moods or your behavior. Yes, we are able to tell when we loose our salt hopefully we can get back our salt before it's to late
  15. When we are persecuted, while duing God's work that the world doesn't know or want to know Jesus and his good news. WE need to be both happy and sad when this happens. Happy because we know God's work is truely being done. Sad because most people are goig o hell, without Jesus.
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