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  1. Christ gave His life so I am free to come to God through Christ and be set free from the thing that holds me captive in sin. If Christ did not give His life I would still be in bondage of sin with no way out. Without redemption there is no remission of sin.
  2. Because we were nothing unto ourselves and he brought us in to his inheritance. He is showing that by what we understand in our minds. To adopt with not birthing and to give that same type of love unconditionally is encouraging. To love me without a condition. i.e. I birthed you.
  3. I belong to him, I am set apart -Holy.
  4. I do not find predesination scary, it tells me I belong to him, I am set apart -Holy. Its comforting to know He has a divine plan for me. Paul brings this up to let them know God knew they would be where they are at that appointed time.
  5. To be in Christ to me it tells me I move in Him, I live in Him. Because his spirit lives in me, who I am is because of him. And the implications of that means I am held at a higher account for my actions.
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