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  1. Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow? A "prevailing" belief system is one that is currently in fashion but changes with the times. God and His Word do not change and therefore are the solid foundation we can rely on for the life we live and the death we will someday face. A spiritual belief system that is based upon whatever man has mentally conjured up will lack the whole truth of God and thus is unable to sustain us and have a good end result in our lives. There are many belief systems we buy into that may not even be "religious" but once we take them in, they will ultimately affect us on a spiritual level. Whatever we put in our minds will eventually be evidenced in our speech and actions. These will either conform to the principles in God's Word or they won't. I was captivated in a belief system in that I grew up in a very religious (albeit dysfunctional) home and I tried to follow the rules of the church but they led me to see God in a negative light...a God Who demanded perfection from me, Who could never be pleased w/ me, Who would weigh the good against the bad deeds in my life when I died and would send me to hell (most likely). This religious philosophy gave me no peace, no joy, and no understanding that I could have a relationship w/ a loving God who is full of mercy and grace. It was empty and unsatisfying. Praise God that He put the desire to seek after Him in my heart and have discernment regarding the falseness of other "philosophies" that I was introduced to. In college, I prayed for God ("if you're really out there") to show me if He was real. Immediately after that, He brought various people (that didn't know each other) in my life who shared the gospel w/ me. I knew in my heart that God was answering my prayer and that the God/Gospel of the Bible was true, and I was saved.
  2. The sufferings Paul refers to could include distresses of the mind as well as the body. He was obviously very concerned about the Colossians or he wouldn't have written his letter nor wrestled in prayer for them. Maybe his sufferings on their behalf were more mental, emotional and spiritual than physical even though he was in prison at the time of his writing this letter. My sufferings mature me in my faith (if I will surrender to God) and a result is my life becoming more of a testimony for the Lord. For those whose lives I touch, hopefully my life will encourage them to grow and mature...with this ripple effect continuing on thru the church and making an even greater impact for God in the world.
  3. By what means did Jesus accomplish this reconciliation? Thru His blood that was shed on the cross What does "the blood of his cross" have to do with it? God required a pure and blameless blood sacrifice to forgive sin. Heb 9:22
  4. What does "reconcile" mean? To change from being enemies to being friends. God accomplishes reconciliation thru His grace by Christ's sacrifice on the cross and invites man to accept this provision so our sins can be forgiven and we can be justified in His sight. Until we do this, we are hostile toward God and are under His condemnation. 2 Cor 5:20 "Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God." What was our state before reconciliation? (verse 21) We were enemies of God, condemned to judgment to pay for our own sins. It was our attitude toward God that needed to change, not God's toward us. He loves us even in our sinful state. John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believers in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
  5. How should the assertion that Jesus is the
  6. Is Jesus a created being? No If not, what does "firstborn" mean here? Jesus has preeminence over all creation, meaning He stands out above all things because of superiority What do verses 16-17 teach about Jesus' pre-existence? Jesus created what is visible and invisible (to us). Though there is much debate, the visible creation (earth et al) is thousands to millions of years old and the invisible creation predates the visible. Therefore, Jesus as Creator existed before all things. What does verse 16b teach about the purpose of creation? All things have been created for Him According to verse 17, what is Jesus' past role in creation? Creator of all things What is his present role in creation? Sustainer of all things
  7. The great understanding of Judaism was that God is spirit, not physical. That he is invisible. Any idol that tries to depict him is blasphemous. So what is the significance of the statement that Jesus is "the image of the invisible God"? As seen in Exodus, the Hebrews blasphemed in that they initiated the creation of a manmade, visible idol (golden calf) to represent (actually replace) the true invisible God (whom they did not really know) and they worshiped it, giving it glory for God
  8. What are the two qualities mentioned in verse 14 that characterize the
  9. What are the three or four action verbs in verses 12 and 13 that paint a picture of salvation? purchased, forgiven, rescued, Who performs the action? The Father Who is it performed on? Us...who are now His people In what way were we
  10. 1. Why does Paul use the terms darkness and light to portray his readers past and future? These words can help the readers envision the stark contrast between what their lives were like before and after believing the gospel. Kind of like when we say there's a "night and day" difference between things. These words can also stir emotions. Thinking about being in darkness can elicit a feeling of fear whereas being in light would bring a sense of peace. 2. Why does he remind them where they came from? I think it's because Paul wants to continue to build a case of evidence for the truth of the gospel and its power, of which God is the source. As a result of this gospel, their lives have changed (v6) and they can attest to what their lives were like when they lived in darkness and what they are like now (filled w/ love for others) as they are living in the light. 3. What is
  11. Q2. (Colossians 1:9-12a) 1. What are the elements of Paul
  12. 2. Given the temptation the recipients have to adopt another religious philosophy, why do you think he reminds them of the world scope of the gospel
  13. This my first online Bible study as well. Wasn't sure what to expect but as I completed Q1 and then read the posts, I was impressed by the depth yet simplicity of other members' answers. If I will stick w/ it, I'm sure this study will lead me to a greater appreciation of God and His Word. The Lord made Himself known to me when I was in college, coming up on 30 yrs ago next month. I live in Colorado Springs, CO, am a mother of three teenage daughters and a realtor by profession. At this point in my life, I am seeking to know God's purposes for me.
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