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Everything posted by Denlee

  1. Q3. (Philemon 18-19) Paul vouches for Onesimus and puts up his money (at least in theory) to cover Onesimus
  2. Q2. (Philemon 14) Why doesn
  3. Q1. (Philemon 12) Why does Paul send Onesimus back to Philemon where he can lose his freedom again? Why is it necessary for Paul to do this? Why is it necessary for Onesimus to do this? Paul knows that Onesimus needs to go back so he is not convicted of being a runaway slave which could mean death. He may lose his freedom again where he cannot go where he wishes but what freedom does he really have if he is on the run. Paul loves Onesimus and loves Philemon and knows that their relationship needs repaired. Also Paul is in his old age and does not know how much longer he will be alive. I think Paul is worried about Onesimus and wants to make sure he taken care of. Onesimus needs to go back and make amends with Philemon and to be able to live his life in peace and not be on the run. Also he has found Christ and that changes everything in life from what we use to believe in.
  4. Q1. (Colossians 4:2) What guidelines does Paul give us to form our praying habits? To stay in prayer daily and keep it simple, to the point. Talk to God like you would talk to your friend. You can be conversational If you put these into practice fully, how would they affect your prayer life? I think we would wake up saying good morning to God and start our day off with Him. We would be more effective in our prayer life What problems would they help correct? It would correct ineffective prayer, pray without ceasing so we can help others thru prayer as a prayer warrior
  5. has not set their status

  6. Q1. (Colossians 2:8) Philosophy refers to a prevailing belief system. How can a belief system be empty and false? Have you ever personally experienced being captivated by a belief system only to find it deceptive and hollow? During the hippie era of the sixties ther was allot of philosophies that was untrue but never less people lived by them. Many young adults were trying to find themselves thru drugs and sex and thought it would take them to a deeper understanding of life. In reality and sadly it took many of them to their death because of satan's deceptive philosophies. When we are young we have no fear and life is forever and we had different ideals than a mature adult has. I only wish I had found God before I went thru those foolish philosophies because satan uses them on me from time to time
  7. Thank you for your comments, I do believe you can lose your salvation and at a later date I will give you scripture to what I believe backs this up. I understand fully where you are coming from but God does tell us that it would be better if you never knew Me than to know Me and turn away. I came across a Pastor on the job site that you would never know was a Pastor by his actions and words. But this man realized that I was a Christian and we started up a conversation and he told me how his congregation turned aginst him and how he walked away from God because of it. If this man does not ask God to forgive him before he dies will he go to heaven
  8. Q3. (Colossians 1:28-2:1) What is the purpose of Paul
  9. Our Salvation is a gift Our faith has to continue to keep our gift If we don't we lose our salvation because we are in a back slidden condition To me the security is like a baby in his/hers Mothers arms if we stay in the arms of God we will have eternal security
  10. The only way I know to say it is this, thru the blood of Christ.
  11. To put it simple Jesus gave His life for us so we can be also the sons of God and join His family
  12. Jesus was the same yesterday and today and forever, in 1 Tim 2:5 he stands in our place before God. Jesus is the transcendent deity who created us and then died for us. He is God in the flesh He is the heir of all things Heb:1:2 His resurrection tells us that we will be resurrected, what a glorious day that will be.
  13. When we are a child we need specfic instructions to teach us, Paul is telling the Colossians that they have been given salvation and now they need to grow in the Lord. To grow in the Lord is to please the Lord. When we start out in life we feed on milk and then we start eating solid food. The Colossians as Christians needed to do the same, they needed to learn the deity of Christ
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