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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Greta Hyland

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Everything posted by Greta Hyland

  1. This story has always bothered me. I can't help being sickened by Rebekah. I am a mother of three sons and cannot fathom choosing one over another and I am also the oldest child, and while I am not a boy, I can understand the heartbreak of having something stolen that rightfully belonged to me. I do not understand why God did not bring this about without Rebekah and Jacob's deceit. It appears to me that Rebekah took matters into her own hands, even if it was due to prophesy, and it does not seem honorable. Are they spiritual? Yes, I think that all of them were, and all of them were human.
  2. I believe it was because it was short-sighted. Esau chose something base over something valuable. In the New Testament I believe it is call to choose eternal life and to keep the bigger perspective (delayed gratification) over our day-to-day wants and desires. This transaction revealed a lot about the character of both men. The main difference being that Jacob saw the value in the birthright while Esau did not (until later that is). I think that instant gratification is very common and is said to be the greatest hindrance to success. It is unfortunate that we cannot always delay our gratification for something better.
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