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Old Jerry

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Everything posted by Old Jerry

  1. The water is flowing from the throne of God so that means that it is probably a spiritual healing and a physical healing. We are being healed from the sins that we have committed while in this earthly body. The way that “living waters” flowing through us that brings healing to others is by exercising the Spiritual gifts that God has given us.
  2. I think that sometimes we are afraid of being fully exposed by God’s searching light because we have still got somethings to hide. We know that we are sinners but we don’t want to be exposed. When we get to the New Jerusalem we will no longer be sinners and it is because of the Lamb that sin has been removed from us. So the Lamb is the light. I need the Lamb to bring his light so my dark places I will be exposed to the sinning I am doing.
  3. The way that the Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem created a barrier is that only certain people could go behind certain curtain. You had to be a priest in order to go in certain places. Now we can all call on God for the things that we need. There are certain things that we do during worship and its usually the same things. We don’t branch out and see other things. That is why I think that the “temple is the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb” is our temple because we will not be held back praising them.
  4. I think my example and testimony has been built into the foundations of the lives in my family and community by me going out on mission trips, helping people around me, delivering meals, and doing what I can in the church. I see myself as an Ambassador of the Lamb in the things that I do.
  5. I think the New Jerusalem is compared to a Bride adorned for her wedding because a bride goes all out for her wedding she has done everything to look as beautiful as she can. She is the one that stands out at the wedding and this new earth will be like that. The significance of the Bride descending down to earth might be us returning after the resurrection. God’s plan for this New Earth is going to be one of utopia. It will be so beautiful and perfect that we can’t even image what it will be like.
  6. The records that are opened before the throne of God on Judgment Day is the one that contains the deeds that we did when we were here on earth. But it is not our deeds that get us into heaven it is God grace that gets us there. So the Lamb’s Book of Life are those that God has given grace to enter into heaven. The only “fair” thing about our names being written the Book of Life is that Jesus died for my sins.
  7. At the present time we are “betrothed” to the Lamb but we are living physically with Him. Ween the “marriage” become possible we will be able to live with the Lamb. We will all be married to the Lamb and we will all be living with Him.
  8. I think that the change in our thinking in order for us to see the Lamb as a victorious warrior is to know that He will victorious when He decided to come here a second time. He concord Satan the first time and He will do it again. I think that the ways that I have been called to serve the Lamb in skirmishes is to try to correct evil when I see it.
  9. Both songs are celebrating being released from the oppression of being a slave and having freedom in God’s world. I think that the sound of voices accompanied by instruments is pleasing to God because it is those that have been saved and are praising Him. If all nations haven’t come to the Lamb after what has been happening they never will until the return of Jesus Christ.
  10. In the sense that the 144,000 are described as virgins is that they didn’t bow down to other idols and they tried to follow Jesus. To “follow the Lamb” wherever he goes means that when He puts something on our heart and we follow what He wants us to do. I hope that I have made the changes to follow Jesus.
  11. The significance of the Lamb standing on Mount Zion is that He has conquered the world and that He is in charge. The 144,000 people that are with him and those who believed in him and worshiped him during their lifetime. The significance of the Lamb’s and the Father’s names being written on our foreheads means that we belong to him.
  12. The significance that my name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life is that when I depart from this world I will be able to enter the New Jerusalem. My name was written before I was ever born. I wish I understood this but I don’t. All I care about is that assurance that I am in the Book.
  13. The blood of the Lamb enables us to conquer Satan because we know we have a leader that will not back down on anything even death. The word of our testimony shows victory over Satan by us telling others what we have been saved from and that they can also be saved. We have to “take us our cross daily” because we have an enemy that will attack us daily.
  14. The way that the Lamb seeks to guide me as a Shepherd is in my daily reading of the bible and this and other daily devotional. This requires me to give my time for doing those things and praying constantly. The “springs of living water” represents Jesus and the afterlife that I am going to enjoy.
  15. I think that this imaging is so jarring is because it is using the symbolism of blood. We see blood all the time in the action movies so to be washed in the blood makes us a little hesitant. We are to see that Jesus in this image because He did shed His blood for us and that we can be made pure in His blood.
  16. I think that the worship before the throne is such a theme of Revelation is because we have been brought through this world by the grace of God and that we have a Savior that has also been here on earth and was willing to sacrifice His life for us. The band of white-robed saints before the throne with all the people there means that even though we worshipped different we were all still the same.
  17. I think that the punishment that the Lamb meted out is one of rehabilitation and a deterrence. I have never thought of the Lamb exacting justice more troubling to me then the idea of Almighty God acting justly. I know that justice will come no matter who executes it. I think that I have always thought of Christ as being my Judge in the eternal life.
  18. I have not shouted out praise but I have praised the Lamb’s attributes and worthiness.
  19. Yes, I have been redeemed and Jesus made the payment. I have been rescued form the slavery of sin. It does make me sing to the Lord but maybe not a song but a praise what He has done for me. I don’t know why Jesus wants me to reign with him in the New Heavens and New Earth. It doesn’t make sense to me but I know that He does.
  20. It means that he loved me so much that I just don’t understand it. I sometimes don’t even think that I am that worthy. We should not be casual before the Lamb of God and humble ourselves before Him.
  21. If we are to humble ourselves to Jesus Christ then we can’t have anything but victory. The Lion is a terrifying beast and the Lamb is trusting so that we know that we have a powerful being that we can follow because we can trust Him. Jesus humbled himself by going to the cross for us. If we don’t humble ourselves before God then we will not see what God is doing for us and therefore we will not be exalted.
  22. The reason that everyone is around the throne worshipping is because Jesus is there which is the Lamb of God. They are grateful that He has returned to Heaven and they are celebrating this return. Maybe the reason that we get bored with worship is the we don’t really appreciate what God has done for us.
  23. The Lamb is described as a conquering, omnipotence and omniscience. He can always help me at any time and sometimes when I didn’t think I needed it He helps me. The wounds that I have experienced has made me more caucus and I think through and study the situation before I act.
  24. When a person “loses his first love” he just wanders around from here to there to find what is missing and they can’t find it. This did happen to me and I regained a personal intimacy with Christ because and I had somebody care about me and talked some sense into me.
  25. The way that our own righteousness and religious achievements get in the way of “knowing Christ” is that we think we know it all. After that there is no need to study the bible and work with bible lessons that keeps on informing us. I have gone through a spell that this happened but I quickly learned that I had better stick with learning more about Christ.
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