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Old Jerry

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Everything posted by Old Jerry

  1. These titles First and Last and the Beginning and End teaches us that Jesus will always be there because He was there before the world was formed. So knowing that Jesus is always there all we have to do is learn about him because He is the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
  2. The way that Jesus showed the Father’s glory in his ministry was by healing the sick, casting out demons and teaching others the same. I think that Jesus allowed Peter, James, and John to see his Transfiguration was to have them believe that He was the one that they should be following. God came down and told them that Jesus is the one to follow. I sure that Jesus will appear as the bright morning star.
  3. The things that it takes to be presented to Christ as a pure virgin bride is to confess our sins to Him, continue learning about Him, and to know that He died on the cross for us and that He was resurrected. I try to be a faithful to Jesus as I can. But some of my problems is I do partake in this adulterous and sinful generation that Jesus decried and I confess my sins to Him. The marriage relationship says that we do love, communicate, and are intimate with Christ.
  4. I start every morning talking to Christ and doing a bible study and reading the bible. So I try to keep him in the center of my life. The only proof that I would have is my works. I also have my notes that I could offer as proof but my works is what really counts. It proves that I try to follow Jesus and that Jesus is in my heart. I guess the evidence that would contradict this would be somebody that I made mad. I am not good at apologizing.
  5. Jesus’ teachings on the Living Bread and the True Vine teaches us that we are to be living in Jesus and drawing our energy from him and staying in him at all times. When we rely on our vital Live we will wither and not be any good for Jesus. It hard for us humans to learn the lesson of dependence and trust because we want to be independent and want to do things on our own. We think that we can do it better then relying on God for our help.
  6. Jesus is the True Light because he makes us see the sins that we have in us. Jesus shines the light on the World and we can see what is sinful in the world. We are the light of the world when we are doing the things that Jesus wants us to be doing. The people resist Jesus’s light, his truth, his view of the Father, our world, and eternal life because they want to do what is pleasing to their evil spirit. I don’t think that the world has a “light”. It seems to be all darkness. Look at the mess that the world is in. Following the idols of the world will obstruct Jesus’ light. This is also true with us when we don’t follow Jesus.
  7. If we would all believe in Jesus then the whole world wouldn’t be broken. That is why Jesus is call the Great Physician. This means that anything that is broken spiritually we can always go to Jesus to heal those things.
  8. Jesus is the son of God and was sent to the world to save us. We have tried many ways to heaven but Jesus is the only way. He is the gateway to the Father. This offends the world because they don’t want to believe that they have to conform to anything except the world and its way. We can always tell them that we have a friend in Jesus and that he is with us always.
  9. The way that these rock images of Christ attractive to our world is it shows that we have a firm foundation and that there is nothing in this world that can destroy it. They may repel people because it does require us to follow Jesus and put our will to the aside our will and follow Jesus’ will. Jesus is a Rock, Stone, and a Foundation in my life because I can always count on him especially when things get really rough. But I can also count on him when things are really going great.
  10. Since Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” we should be wanting to do what the head wants us to be doing. I think that He is talking about both the universal Church and the local congregation. Our ministry should be to help others come to Jesus. That is what Jesus was sent on earth to do. Sometimes we follow this leadership with great confidence and other time we are not so good. We should be accepting all people but sometimes we have our preference of who we accept.
  11. The characteristic of a “Good Shepherd” is that he protects his sheep and prevents them from wandering off. The “hired hand” will not protect the sheep when danger approaches they will run away. We can demonstrate that we are “good shepherds” by being there for others in the group when they need help. The group will know that they can call you day or night and that you are will to help.
  12. Jesus paid the price for our sins when he died on the cross and was resurrected. He was our blood sacrifice and paid the price. The idea of needing a ransom implies that we sinners and that we have no way of getting into heaven except by the blood of Jesus Christ. The redemption-price that the Father paid for us was his one and only son.
  13. We are disciples and we are to assist Jesus’ mission to seek and save the lost by evangelizing them whenever we have a chance. We should talk to them about Jesus when the conversation could lead up talking about Jesus. They need to know that we are Christian and have their best interest in mind.
  14. The meaning to me that Jesus is the Friend of Sinners is that Jesus gave his life for my sins and that is the only way that I will be admitted to heaven. The affect that my relationship with people who are deep is sin is to pray for them and every time I get an opening to tell them about what has Jesus done for us.
  15. We are here to serve others with the special gifts that God has given us. But is hard to put our pride away and humbly serve others. There seems to be things that I want to do that doesn’t involve serving others. Serving other is always by greatest joy sometime I just don’t want to do it.
  16. The Lord’s Supper is to remind us what the Lord has done for us. We should partake of it often to remind us that we should always be in reverence to the Lord. It is easy to forget what Jesus has done for us on the cross because of our busy life style. We would like to think that we are in control when we are not.
  17. Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God because he was sent to this world to be a sacrifice for our sins. If we confess our sins to him, he takes them completely away. He is my advocate to the Father and is defending be for my sins as long as I confess them.
  18. Jesus’ holiness and righteousness demands that we must follow him. We must do what he wants us to do. In the parable of the Sheep and Goats, the primary characteristic of the sheep vs. the goats is that the sheep follow their leader and the goats are independent and don’t follow anybody.
  19. I think that the significance of Jesus’ “I am” statements is that he wants us to know that he is fully God and that he is fully man. I don’t look at each statement by themselves I look at them together therefore they all mean the most to me.
  20. We should obey Jesus immediately if he is our Lord. If we don’t follow his teachings we are treating him like anybody else in the world. We do need to surrender to his Lordship and follow him in all that we do.
  21. The title “Lord Jesus” is such an exalted one because it tells us who Jesus really is part of. He is fully God and fully man and he is God’s son.
  22. The title “Only Begotten God” signifies Jesus’ divinity be equating to God. It signifies that he is part of God. It differs from you and me as sons and daughters of God because he is part of God. He is fully God and fully human and we are only human. We have been adopted by God to be part of his family and Jesus was born into God’s family. Being “only-begotten” says that he the one and only and that He and the Father are one.
  23. The Father sent his son to die for us because He loves us. That doesn’t make sense that is why it is hard to understand. How can a father love the people of the world more than his son? God loves us all only his sent his son so we could be reconciled to him.
  24. The way that the title Son of God makes Jesus equal with the Father is that He is the Son of God. When I deal with the Son it is the same as dealing with the Father but we are to ask all things in the Son’s name. I do know Jesus the Son of God and I do love Him.
  25. We are to listen to Jesus and ignore everything that is not pointing to Jesus. God had two of the prophets at the transfiguration and God said that Jesus is the one we should be listening to. I hope that the things that I do and my attitude reflect listening to him. I am always need listening to Jesus more but I do let the earthly things get in my way.
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