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Old Jerry

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Everything posted by Old Jerry

  1. I think that the title of “Lamb of God” tells us that Jesus is going to have to be sacrificed for our sins. He came to take away the sins of the world. Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 53 prophecy in every detail.
  2. John the Baptist showed humility by the way that he answered the Pharisees questions. He told them that he would even be worthy of untying the sandal of the one to come. I think the reason that John knew that he was fulfilling a passage from Isaiah and still be humble is because he knew it wasn’t all about him but it was about the one to come. John saw himself as just a servant to the one that was to come. The way that a person can be such a strong revivalist preacher and still remain humble is to know you are not talking about what you can do but what the person that you are teaching about can do. I think that humility and powerful, confident speech can co-exist. Just look at one of the modern day preaches like Billy Graham. He knows that it isn’t about him but it is about the one we are going to be meeting if we repent.
  3. John was baptizing to help may the way for Jesus. This is way that he had asked the people to repent from their sins and if they did then he would baptize them. They probably though that God had accepted them.
  4. John the Baptist was being hassled by the religious leaders from Jerusalem because he was calling them out. He was pointing out how they were not following God but they were following their own ways. Therefore that made them afraid of losing the power that they thought that they had. John understood that his mission was to introduce Jesus to the known world. There was a lot of conflict because the leaders wanted to continue to be the one that the people adored.
  5. The meaning that Jesus is the “Only God” or the “Only Begotten God” is that He was fully Man and fully God. John even makes the distinction between God the Father and God the Son. So our understanding of the Trinity is that God is in three persons God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  6. I think that the idea of God “becoming flesh” is important to the basis of the Christian faith because we now know that God really and truly loves us. He gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins. His resurrection is very important because we now have an adversary. If he was only pretending to “become flesh” then we don’t have anything to base our hope on in entering the Kingdom of Heaven. I can look back over my life and see that if it weren’t for Jesus intervening and saving me I probably would be dead by now. Not only once but a whole bunch of times.
  7. These saying are meant to believe in Jesus and to turn our lives over to him. We are to walk in the light. We are sons and daughters of God if we receive and believe in Jesus. For those who do not believe in Jesus they will not be received by God because that is the only way to heaven. So they will be condemned to eternal hell.
  8. The meaning of John was sent to “testify” to the light is that will tell the people about Jesus and the great things that He will do. The sense that I am put here to “testify” to the light is that I am supposed to tell those to know Jesus and if they believe in him they can get into heaven. As for how I am doing in that regard is some days are good and other are bad. John the Baptist was beheaded because he was telling the truth. The thing that could happen to me in this country is that some way or another he government will try to silence me. They will tell me that I am not being politically correct to talk about my faith. The people that I testify to might just get the seed planted and somebody else may bring them to Jesus Christ or I might be the one that gets to do that great deed.
  9. According to the Apostle John Jesus is fully God. I think the meaning of “Jesus is the Word” is that Jesus was there in the beginning and that he is the one that spoke the world into being. This says that Jesus and His ministry is the only way to believe. He has all the answers and that He can do no wrong because He is the one that made everything.
  10. These Psalms brought to light that we should always be thanking God for all that He does for us. Sometimes we ask for things and He gives it to us and then we don’t thank him for it. These Psalms has shown us how much rely on God good grace.
  11. The encouragement that David gives to the brokenhearted is that not go give up because God is always with you. Since he gave his only begotten son for the forgiveness of our sins then we know that He will always be with us. God has “redeems” us because He gave His only son for the forgiveness of our sins. In order the avoid condemnation all we have to do is take refuge in Him.
  12. I think if we praise God continually we would try to be more like Him and we would not be thinking of evil things that we do. Continual praise helps our spirit to be looking to God for all the things that we do.
  13. “The stone the builders rejected” has to do with the Messiah because the Jewish leaders at that time did reject Jesus. Jesus is the foundation of the church and the capstone. The verses 25-27 and the words that the people were saying when Jesus was making his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
  14. The predominant emotion is that we should be praising God. We should shout for joy because we know that He is with us. We should be glad that we have a high king that we can always trust. The reasons for this praise is he made us and we are his and we are the sheep of his pasture. The Lord is good and his steadfast love endures forever and he is faithful to all generations.
  15. These Psalms have been great in teaching us how to ask for forgiveness when we have sinned. It has also reminded us that we should always be looking to God and Jesus and follow Jesus’ actions the best that we can.
  16. We can achieve a “broken or contrite heart” by recognizing our sins. Then we go to God and ask for forgiveness for those sins. Then we should never return to them. The earmarks of this condition is that we try to stay of the path that Jesus has laid out for us. A lot of time we don’t change because of our pride. But when we let humility come into our heart we will be able to see our sins and confess them.
  17. The only way that it possible to have a “pure heart” after great sin is to ask God for forgiveness. A “pure heart” consist of know God and the things that Jesus Christ did for us and to following those teachings. I think that the relationship between a “pure heart” and a “united” or “undivided heart” are saying about the same thing.
  18. I don’t think that David is minimizing his sin against Bathsheba and Uriah he is acknowledging that the sin was against God. It was God’s law that he broke and he wanted to confess this sin to God. When he mentions his sinfulness from birth he isn’t excusing himself or blaming the Original Sin he is just acknowledging that he is a sinful man and that he needs God forgiveness.
  19. The way that self-deceit operates with sin to enslave us is to keep reminding us of what we have done that was sin. So every time that we want to correct someone else, this will come up in our minds. By confessing those sins to enables us to get free of the sin because we know that God has forgiven us. It can no longer be used against us. We resist the truth about ourselves because we don’t want to think that we have sinned and that it was only a little sin and it shouldn’t bother God that we did it. Sometimes it takes another Christian to help us see what we had done and we will be able to see the truth.
  20. The way that self-deceit operates with sin to enslave us is to keep reminding us of what we have done that was sin. So every time that we want to correct someone else, this will come up in our minds. By confessing those sins to enables us to get free of the sin because we know that God has forgiven us. It can no longer be used against us. We resist the truth about ourselves because we don’t want to think that we have sinned and that it was only a little sin and it shouldn’t bother God that we did it. Sometimes it takes another Christian to help us see what we had done and we will be able to see the truth.
  21. I have read the Psalms many times and I didn’t see that Psalm 22 was speaking about Jesus. It has made be diligent to read the psalms no only as poetry but so see that some of them are prophesy.
  22. I think that the similarities between the words of Psalm 22 and the events of Jesus’ crucifixion were right on. I know that Jesus knew what Psalm 22 was saying and this is one of the reasons that he quoted verse 1. We will never know why the Spirit inspired David to pen these words but I think it was to warn the people at that time what was to come in the future. It was to know that it was from God.
  23. I think that the reason that Jesus spoke the words of Psalm 22:1 was to indicate that he was fulfilling the prophecy of the Psalm. He was seeking to show how much he wanted to be with the Father. Jesus was feeling very low at that point. God answered his plea by placing him at his right hand.
  24. I think that the reason that the Pharisees was asked “If then David calls him ‘Lord’ how can he be his son?” because they were all wrapped up in themselves that they though that Moses was the king of kings. They loved their laws and loved being worshiped on the streets that maybe they thought they were the king of kings. The point that Jesus was making was that He was above David. He was David’s Lord and he bowed down to him. Jesus combined the roles of Warrior-King and Priest to us by telling us to go forth and make disciples. The way I reconcile the violence suggested in verses 5-6 with Jesus as “Prince of Peace” is that you have to get rid of the bad elements if you want to have peace.
  25. The thing that Psalm 2 teaches us about Yahweh’s “anointed” king is that he has been set on the holy hill. They need to ask and the nations will be their heritage and the ends of the earth their possession. I think that the apostles saw this passage as referring to Jesus the Messiah is because God had done what he has said and made the nations his heritage and the ends of the earth his passion. The importance of submission to Jesus is that if we don’t we will perish but is we do we will be blessed.
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