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Old Jerry

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Everything posted by Old Jerry

  1. If people are always promoting themselves and pointing to how God is using them, this says that they are self-absorbed. Their self-worth, maturity, realism and their humility is all about them and not about God. The spiritual gift and God has give me is that of being a servant and try to serve whenever I can.
  2. Non-Christians are always trying to get you to sin with them because they know that what they are doing is wrong but they want to justify themselves by getting you involved. We are tempted to do so because the devil has made it look so beautiful. We can resist temptation be running from it. Or just leave the situation.
  3. We know that Christ died on the cross and He didn
  4. A husband should relate to his wife with knowledge and wisdom because they are just as knowledgeable and as wise as they are. They way that this demonstrates love is that it shows that they respect them as a person and as a wife. This demonstrates self-interest because you know that you have a partner that you can trust to make the right decisions. I suppose that some men try to dominate their wives because they want to feel superior and the same is true with wives that they to dominate their husbands. The harm is that they don
  5. A person can cultivate inner beauty by being submissive to God. When we are doing what God wants us to us will be building up inner beauty. One gains character by being connected to the bible. It will always guide us in the right direction. Character is so important and precious to God because that is what is in us deep down and not what is at the surface. Character can help a Christian woman win and hang onto her husband because he knows that he can trust her. When he sees that she is doing something that is pleasing, he will probably also want to do something pleasing.
  6. I think that women should look their best because it shows that they care for themselves. It means they like how they are in Jesus. The ways that trying to look their best divert women from what is more important is that they won
  7. The reason that it is so difficult for us humans to submit is because we think that we have all the answers and we don
  8. The significance to me that Jesus bore my personal sins in his own body on the cross is that I now have an advocate in heaven watching out for me. It means that the sins that I do and don
  9. The way that Jesus suffered for me personally was to die on the cross so that I would have an example of to follow. But he also died for my sins.
  10. When we submit to our employers and respect them, we are doing it for God. If we keep this in mind then things are so bad and we can be productive because of our mind set. If we don
  11. The way that our good deeds we commit by living openly as Christians increase God
  12. Peter tells us to abstain against the sinful desires of this world which is at war with our soul. This reminder can help us know that it isn
  13. The actions and attitudes that are inspired in me that being a part of God
  14. The mindset of a priest toward God is that of one that is suppose to serve Him and to make sacrifices to Him. The mindset that this inspires in me is that I need to be serving Him by telling others about Him. I am here to worship Him and make offerings to Him.
  15. I think the reason that people in our culture are so upset when they sense they are being judged by someone else is because they are concerned that that person is watching them all the time. I reconcile final judgment with God
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