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Old Jerry

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Everything posted by Old Jerry

  1. The thorn that Jesus mentions that I think is the most dangerous is riches. That seems to be the one that always takes our mind off of Jesus. Most of the riches men the world do not believe in Jesus. Their God is their money.
  2. The reason that repentance is so central to the Kingdom of God is we acknowledge our sins. If we don
  3. The thing that happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins is that they will carry over with them their sins. They will only be Christians when they are in church and will convert back to their old selves when they leave. The reason people avoid repentance is that they want to keep doing the things that are sinful. It makes the feel good. I don
  4. The perils that the early Roman Christians likely were exposed to was the same things that the bible says that Jesus was persecuted with. The beating, stoning, harassment, and the cross. The kinds of perils that Christians are exposed with in the US today is the harassment, exclusion and mostly verbal abuse. This passage reassures us that it doesn
  5. The actual promise contained in verse 28 is that God works for the good of those who love him. This promise means that if we do the things that God has called us to do then what happens will be for the good of the Kingdom and things will work together to accomplish this. The two qualifications to the recipients of this promise is that you Love God and that they have been called for his purpose. Yes, verse 28 does give me hope knowing that even in bad times things will be worked out for the glory of the Kingdom.
  6. The characteristics of a person who has lost hope is one that is very sad. They see no need to go on with life. This person typically conducts his life like there is no tomorrow. He is always looking for something and not finding it. And then the final step is to commit suicide. This differs from a person who holds an eager expectation of a better time because they have a joy that you can see. They are always upbeat in all that they do. The
  7. The way that the Holy Spirit act as a Helper or Mediator or Intercessor is by praying for us even though we do not know what to pray. The similarities I see between the Holy Spirit
  8. That is all that the verses allude to. It is hard to count how many times when it is the theme of what is be said. The promises made to these sons and daughters is that we are going to inherit what Jesus I going to inherit. The thing that we learn about our future and our role in the future of all creation is that thing are going to get so much better then we ever thought.
  9. We are not compelled to sin but is you look at the Sermon on the Mount even driving down the street and somebody cuts you off and you curse them or condemn them in you mind then you have sinned. Even looking at someone of the opposite sex wearing sexy clothes and your thought wonder, then according to the Sermon on the Mount you have sinned. So if you look at the words in the Sermon on the Mount, I can see how Christians get such a defeatist attitude toward sin. But thanks to Jesus Christ my savior, I have been saved.
  10. According to Paul and I believe what Paul is saying and that is it is impossible to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit residing in us. I don
  11. To set our mind on the things of the Spirit means that we will be thinking about what God wants us to be doing. We should not be thinking of the things of this world. The way that you can recognize when the things you
  12. Obedience to the law canst save us because it is impossible to obey the law completely. The puts man on his own. It is up to us and our strength to obey the law. The weak link is man. Man with all the gadgets that we have can not obey the law. It takes the Spirit and our living Savior in us to save us.
  13. I think that Paul is referring to himself. He knew that without God nothing is good within him. Even though he knew the law he was unable to keep the law. Again he needed God to help him with that. He knew that he was falling short of the glory of God.
  14. The law does well to points to the sin we have in us. The law does poorly in keeping us from sinning. The law is powerless to save us because it does not deal with the real problem which is the heart. The problem is in us.
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