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Everything posted by RLL
Q56. Employees
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
To be obedient, loyal, devoted, and to do your job without griping and work as you were working for Christ. Just helps us realize we are working for the greater good which is Christ glorified! -
Q56. Employees
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
To be obedient, loyal, devoted, and to do your job without griping and work as you were working for Christ. Just helps us realize we are working for the greater good which is Christ glorified! -
Q55. Fathers
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.2. Children and Parents, Employers and Employees (Ephesians 6:1-9)
Being mistreated, talked down to, getting abused. Alot of prayer, guidance from Christ, help from fellow Christians, and staying in the word of God. ALOT OF PATIENCE! -
Q53. Christ Our Husband
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
He laid down His life for us and is comitted to us as Christians. There is one body and one church but many members and as christians making the comittment to Christ we ar unified as one. How we live and our faith. That He is totally comitted to us and He has laid down His life for our sakes so that we can be free and have eternal life through Him. -
Q52. One Flesh
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
When man and woman marry in holy matrimony they become one. Just like we have needs so does the other partner in the marriage so for the circle to be whole we as men should want and should also want the wife to have her needs met like we want ours met. The principle is that we shall cleave unto our wife and become "one". -
Q51. Husbands
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Not in that sense! Being head of the wife means that you are the leader and you are to make all the Godly and right decisions for your family. That Christ love the church and gave Himself for her so we also are supposed to do the same for our wives! -
Q50. Wives
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Because that is what God has stated in the Bible but man is also supposed to submit to the wife. Just as the church is subject to Christ. No it does not as long as it is done in a respectful way and that also goes for the husband to. If it does not go along with what Christ has stated in His word she does not have to submit to it. -
Q49. Singing
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
One of gratitude. Corporate singing is designed to help us be unified and working as one. It shows our submition to Him. It helps me to realize that He is with me and is going to stay with me! -
Q48. Intoxication
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
With me being a former attic you'd think this would be an easy one! The temptation involved with drugs is that it is a quick fix to helping you forget your problems when really all its doing is prolonging it. True while you are high that problem is forgotten but when you come down that problem is worse than it was before you got high and people think that more drugs or different drugs will make it better. Wrong!!!! Drugs or alchohol can not substitute for the natural high of the spirit in any way! Well when you are filled with the spirit you more than likely are surrounding yourself with a Christian crowd in turn who will also be filled with the spirit or at least have Christ on their mind, as when you are high or getting high you are around people who do not have their minds on Christ at all. So when we are filled with the spirit Christ is leading us so He is not going to lead us astray! -
Q47. Opportunity
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
So we can leave a Christ like example for the next person to pass on. We resist because we are so caught up and focused on ourselves. We must pray constantly and allow Christ to lead, stay filled with His word therefore His spirit will dwell in us. Now its easy to say these things but hard to do it which is hard to understand sometimes! -
Q47. Sexuality
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
I think cause it takes our focus away from God and puts our focus and thought pattern in the ways of the world. In a way our sexuality makes us distinct and unique and that is how we learn about Gods greatness so I would say it should be one and the same. -
Q45. Forgiveness
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Cause we usually put our trust in the people that do it and feel if they do it once they will do it again.Thats where a forgiving spirit comes in cause man will always fail where Christ won't but still forgive em.Christ does us daily! Christ is our example. Kindness, Tenderhearted, and a forgiving spirit. -
Q44. Unwholesome Talk
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Talking about other people. o be kind to one another, understanding, and forgiving. Slander is trying to or making someone look bad by talking about them in a defamely way. This is very common among Christians and the reason some nonbelievers shun Christianity. By speaking out against it and praying! -
In a sense i think to set boundaries. Anger can be dangerous if it is not dealt with so it will not build up and be dwelt on. Pray! No anger is not a sin its what we do or think with that anger that is a sin.
Q42. Darkened Culture
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Q41. Equipping for Ministry
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
Q40. Pastors and Teachers
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
First it is the Christ who gives these gifts to us. He is the one who works in and through people with the Holy spirit that He has given us. I believe anyone who allows Christ to work through them by letting Christs light shine is a teacher and there are many people in my church like this but we are gifted with a wonderful pastor who God uses that is very dedicated and puts the church first. God uses people who are in tune with Him and focused on His word whether they are a pastor "officially" or not. -
Q39. Gift of Evangelism
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
I believe we can encourage them but as far as that goes Christ is the only one who can stir and stimulate evangelism and the spirit gifted. An earmark for a person with the gift is compassion for the lost. -
Q38. Modern Apostles
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.2. Preparation, Ministry, and Maturity (4:11-16)
I believe it would be allowing God to use them to plant more churches. Strong leadership. Any one who does not live by the word of God and live a life that glorifys God. -
Q36. Christian Unity
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
As much as it takes to get along with one another and to live in love. To get along with, to love, and to forgive one another. We don't do anything apart from Christ so we pray and let Him lead us. -
Q35. Humility, Gentleness, Patience
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
Because it keeps arguments down and allows God to work. It makes us seem to others as if we know everything and perceive to be better than they are. Be gentle and just stand for Christ no matter what and you can do that without fighting! -
Q34. Our Calling
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4.1. One Body -- Unity and Diversity (4:1-10)
To imitate Christ. God has called us to follow Him and to love one another with brotherly love so that the light of Christ will shine in and through us for others to see to glorify Him. -
Q33. Glory in the Church
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
To the first question my church's main priority is bringing glory to God so no answr. this is a hard one! As we all know it is a daily battle to fight temptation but as Christians we will fail from time to time but we must get up dust off and learn from our mistakes. But if that was our most important job I can only imagine how blessed we would be.