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Everything posted by RLL
Q32. Filled with the Spirit
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
It means you have accepted Christ as your savior and invited Him into your life. When you make that comittment His spirit dwells in us changing us continually wiping away our old self. This should be a continual reality because once we invite Him into our hearts it is a continual process with Christ leading the way. The only way to be filled with His spirit is to repent of our sins and ask Christ to be a part of our lives also to stay in fellowship with Him and our church family of other believers. Yes it is the same as being filled with the spirit. -
Q31. Far Reaches of Love
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.3. Paul's Prayer and Doxology (3:14-21)
Not putting Christ first and focusing on Him is the main thing. I think we will never fully understand the love of Christ while we are here on earth but there are times when Christ gives us a little gift of it and boy when He does it gives me a recharger and refocuses things to help me realize that He is the King and to do my best to honor and glorify Him after all He has done for me! -
I think they relate. Because the only way we can be strenthened by the spirit in our inner being is through Christ dwelling in our hearts. When we receive Him as our Lord and Savior He strengthens us in our inner being and changes our heart and way of thinking to become a new person. Praise God!!!!
Q29. Approaching God
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.2. The Mystery, Mission, and Ministry of the Church (3:1-13)
It tells us to pray with boldness and faith which is showing that we know God hears our prayers. If we try to pray without these qualities it is like we dont have any faith in our Father Jesus Christ and that means we dont know for sure He hears us. He has given us that boldness in Him and we can go to Him boldly knowing He will hear us. Not always will He answer our prayer like we want but He will answer it to what will be best. -
Q28. Humble Apostle
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.2. The Mystery, Mission, and Ministry of the Church (3:1-13)
Because being humble glorifies God. Paul was a great apostle and touched many lives and still is touching lives through his word for Gods glory and that pleases Christ so we should want to do the same as Christians. -
Q27. The Mystery
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.2. The Mystery, Mission, and Ministry of the Church (3:1-13)
The mystery is that jews are not the only ones who can receive salvation so can the gentiles. Back then if you were not a jew you were considered unclean by worldly standards but by the grace of God all have a chance to be part of Gods family. -
Q25. Dwelling Place for God
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.1. Fellow Citizens with the People of God (2:11-22)
When we are gathered together in fellowship with our church family we are worshiping God in spirit and truth. While we are at Church we are there to feel Gods presence and for me I get a great feeling from my church family because we treat one another with love and frienliness is shown. That is what God wants to be in the midst of. He is love and that is what church is to be like. What hinders that is disputations and non fellowship in the church. Fellowship and getting to know the other believers in your church is very important. We are all sinners and reconciled by the grace of our Lord and savior so why not share with each other what He has done in our life and develope fienships with others. -
Q24. Access to the Father
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.1. Fellow Citizens with the People of God (2:11-22)
Whereas in the days before Christ sacrificed Himself only the high priest had direct access to God and now we have that direct access to the Father through Jesus. The Holy spirit is a part of Jesus inside of us to help us and direct us in the right direction. Jesus is that access!!!!!!!!!!! -
Q23. Fulfilling the Law
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.1. Fellow Citizens with the People of God (2:11-22)
He was the ultimate sacrifice abolishing the sacrifice of animals. He lived a sinless life to be a pure sacrifice for us. He being the ultimate sacrifice completed the ceremonial law and gave the gentiles salvation through Christ. -
Q22. Lostness
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3.1. Fellow Citizens with the People of God (2:11-22)
To me realizing what Christ brought me out of is a key in getting through every day. If we forget that opens up the door even wider for satan to step in and tempt us. Anyone who doesnt knoe Christ is spiritually dead. -
Faith is believing and trusting in the unseen. We cannot take credit for it because it is the Holy spirit inside us and that is not possible without Christ. We can be condemned for it because we are given many signs and choices from God to trust and follow Him. Faith is believing in something you have not seen. Like its your b day you know you are getting presents even though you havent seen them you kno there coming.
We were created to do good works and for the purpose of glorifying God. We are to let our light that the saving grace of Christ has givin us shine so others may see the wonderful power and mercy of our God. When we do good works and humble ourselves knowing it is Christ in us doing this it glorifies God but when we boast it glorifies self and we do nothing of ouselves!
Saved means understanding who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and accepting Him as Lord of our life.
It is hard for us to understand grace because usually the only time we get anything is if we work for it or for our b day, x mas, etc. So it demolishes the life principle of you only get what you deserve. Grace is you getting something even when you know you dont deserve it cause they know!
Q17. Seated with Christ
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
As Christians through God's mercy, grace, and love we have been blessed to be a adopted into His Kingdom as His children and have inherited authority and eternal life with him after our pilgrmage here. God's grace is so great and He is a God of forgiveness and love. He has given us the same spiritual authority as he has just like he told the disciples and knowing this we can go to Christ in prayer boldly knowin He wants the best for us and will answer our prayers. -
Q16. God at Work
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
I think it is love because His love for us is His motivation and character.We have been chosen before the foundation of the world and He predestined us to adoption as His children. -
Q15. Following Satan
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
people can follow satan by following the ways of this world. Now that we are saved and have the Holy spirit inside us there is no excuse because with every temptation God will give us a way out and we do have the power through Christ to overcome as long as we stay in touch with Him and in close fellowship with the body of Christ. We have free will and a conscience! -
Q14. Spiritual Deadness
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
They live acording to this world and do not know Christ as there savior and what He has done for them. We have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and it shpuld be our willingness to show them God's love and share with them what Christ has done for us and let His light shine through us that they may see it. To be the salt of the earth!!! -
Q14. Spiritual Deadness
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2.1. From Deadness in Sin to Coming Alive in Christ (2:1-7)
They live acording to this world and do not know Christ as there savior and what He has done for them. We have eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and it shpuld be our willingness to show them God's love and share with them what Christ has done for us and let His light shine through us that they may see it. To be the salt of the earth!!! -
I think its mostly fear which stems from lack of faith. His seperiorness to all spiritual powers and Paul mentionong this to us is to let us know that through Christ we can also defeat or fend off those spiritual powers. Spiritual enemies can disguise thereself and when we do recognize them it is our forgetfulness of the victory we have through and in our Savior Jesus Christ and that is what Paul was reassuring them of that victory. This should encourage us to not back down from spiritual warfare and know that the battle is already won!
Q11. Unmeasurable Power
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
We are powerless sometimes because of lack of faith and it has nothing to do with the source Jesus Christ it has to do with us and our lack of staying in touch with Him every day. I can not say why other churches produce more disciples but by my experience with some churches and the one i'm involved in now my first guess would be lack of fellowship. Fellowship with Christ is first and then fellowship with other members of the body of Christ I believe is essential, so staying in tune/fellowship with Christ and with the Church family I have now has really helped me to keep my faith and I am very thankful for that and the wonderful God fearing wife that Christ has given me!!!!!!!!! -
Q10. Christian Inheritance
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Why Im sure it would! Knowing that we have this inheritance in Christ and we know that others have the same chance to get this inheritance but dont quite know or understand how,that is where God in some situations uses us and right now fellowship with other Christians is very important because for me being around other brothers and sisters in Christ I get a recharge and in some ways the happiness and joy I feel around them is I know is only a small portion of whats to come so we should fellowship regurlarly with them. -
Q9. Christian Hope
RLL replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Being a Christian means we have an eternal life with Jesus Christ after our journey here. And knowing that we have always got something to look forward to so there is no need to let things trouble us even though we will. But in order to have this hope and eternal life we still should live a life that glorifies God and one that shows example so God can work through us to bring others into this wonderful glory land cause if the non believers dont accept Gods free gift they do not have the same hop to look forward to. All they have is death and eternal nothingness.