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  1. The significance of the statement that Jesus is
  2. Redemption and the forgives of sins are the two qualities that characterizes "the kingdom of his beloved Son" in verse 14. The idea of redemption for the Greek meant "buying back" a slave or captive, that is, "making free" by payment of a ransom. Christ redeemed us by making the payment of ransom with his life for ours. The significance is that this is God's kingdom yet he paid the price so that we could enter into His kingdom. The fact that our sins are forgiven so that we can enter into God's kingdom shows the magnitude of God's love for us. It's His kingdom and yet He paid the price for us to enter His kingdom. How awesome is He!
  3. The action verbs in verses 12 and 13 that paint a picture of salvation are: Qualifying Rescuing Redeeming Forgiving These actions are performed by God on those who are believes. A union with Jesus Christ is what qualifies us to share in the inheritance. It is offered to us because of God's favor, mercy, and grace. God rescues us from Satan's dominion of darkness. We are delivered from eternal damnation.
  4. Paul uses the terms darkness and light to portray his readers past and future because we wants them to know that even though they lived in darkness there is a hope for life in the light. This is why he gives God praises, "giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light." The "inheritance of the saints in light" is salvation and eternal life in God's kingdom. Dominion of darkness and kingdom of the Son are the two terms used for governing bodies. Dominion is described as "darkness" whereas the kingdom of the Son is where we have redemption and forgiveness of sins. Subjects are governed in both in the sense that they rule over you. Either you will be ruled by Satan's darkness which focuses on the sinner's action or you will be ruled by God's kingdom which focuses on the sinner's heart.
  5. The element of Paul's prayer for the Colossian believers is that God would fill them with the knowledge of his will so that they would gain spiritual wisdom and understanding. The results that Paul prays will be produced are: 1. Living a life worthy of the Lord 2. Pleasing him in every way 3. Bearing fruit in every good work 4. Growing in the knowledge of God 5. Being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might 6. Having great endurance and patience 7. Joyfully giving thanks to the Father I think the most important for a Christian disciples is the first one which is to live a life worthy of the Lord and the second one which is to please him in every way. Who or what are you living for? If you are living for the Lord then the choices you make should be pleasing to him in every way. The others (#'s 3 thru 7) will be a result of 1 and 2. If 1 and 2 are missing you cannot produce 3 thru 7 because everything starts with who you live for.
  6. Q1. (Colossians 1:5-6) Paul glorifies the gospel, the good news. What words does he use to describe the action of the gospel in verses 5 and 6? Words Paul uses to describe action of the gospel in verses 5 and 6 are faith, love, hope, bearing and growing. Given the temptation the recipients have to adopt another religious philosophy, why do you think he reminds them of the world scope of the gospel's influence? Paul reminds the recipients of the results that have already taken place because of the gospel
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