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Everything posted by peaches
Q3. Yesterday, Today, Forever
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Looking at verses 4 and 5, it struck me that the author emphasizes sexual purity and being careful not to love money. There are other societal ills that plague us today, but these two issues are prominent destroyers of relationships. They change people into something they never thought they would be, and cause them to do things they never thought they would do. But inspite of all of our inconsistencies, Jesus never changes. What's significant is that God knows there will be times when we don't choose to honor Him. He understands our plight as weak human beings, thus the reason Jesus died on the cross. God is not a man that He should lie; He will perfect the work He began in us; while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us; do not be deceived, God will not be mocked. When we are unfaithful, He is faithful. Though we may mess stuff up, God will still carry out His plan, as He will not allow someone or something else to get the glory only He deserves. -
"...because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." Heb. 12:6 God punishes us, but not every hardship is a punishment. Punishment is a consequence of wrong behavior. There's no real teaching about what the person did wrong and how to avoid it in the future. However, discipline is a process. As Pastor Wilson said, we don't develop personal holiness overnight. We make mistakes, we learn from them (hopefully) and try our best to keep from doing it again. I believe God brings situations back into our lives repeatedly, and at times in different form or fashion, to test our faith. He wants us to develop character and to get stronger each time it comes our way.
Q2. Discipline and Training
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Let Us Endure: Perseverance of Faith (12:3-29)
As I pondered this question, I thought about the souls of the Christians who were killed because of their faith as mentioned in Revelation 6:10-11: "...How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?" Then each of them was given a white robe and told to wait a little longer..." Also Romans 8:36: "...For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered." But we are encouraged in 1 Corinthians 15:57-58: "But thanks be God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." Understanding that Jesus knows what we're going through (our great High Priest); we are not alone in our christian walk; our struggles are not only for us but to encourage others, and to bring glory and honor to God. -
I can recall times of being overcome by Satan due to weariness. It seemed like no matter what I do, I couldn't get a breakthrough or to a place of peace. Living for God, for me at times, had become a burden and I wanted to give up. The flip side of it is that God would not let me. It's as if He threw out a spiritual fish hook with the right bait and reeled me back in. The point is that we sometimes feel we are alone in our struggles, or we are the only ones going through this or that situation. I believe this is why we become weary - we don't cast our cares on God as He commands; nor do we tell someone in the body that we trust to help us deal with our challenges.
Q3. The Vision of Faith
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Moses was able to look beyond his present state into a future filled with the promises of God. He did not settle into what he saw. He did not give in to his emotions or the culture of the day. Even though this is old testament, it brings to mind Romans 8:18 - "I consider that our present suffereings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Moses understood his position, his duty and the purpose God has for his life. I believe he wanted to do what was right in sight of God in order to receive his true inheritance and future glory. Same idea for us. -
Q4. Abraham's Confidence in God
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Let Us Believe: Nature of Faith (11:1-6, 11)
I believe our faith is based upon how we see God and how He sees us. Whether we are babes in Christ, or have been walking with Him for years, sometimes we can have a distorted view of God (and ourselves) based on our problems and circumstances. The Word teaches us about the character of God, His promises, and His intentions toward us. Taking time to study what the Word says about these things, remembering what God has done in the past, whether in our own lives or someone else's, or even those in biblical times, helps to build our faith and confidence in God. My definition of faith: The ability to lift our eyes and minds up to the one who knows about our problems and fears. Believing God inspite of what we see or don't see. -
Q2. Seeking God Expectantly
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Let Us Believe: Nature of Faith (11:1-6, 11)
To seek God means to seek His will. When we seek the will of God, we are essentially finding out what pleases Him (Ephesians 5:10). When we show God that we are looking for and desire to do the things that please Him, we are exercising faith. God sees that, and in turn, he rewards us on the basis of our persistent, diligent search of what He wants. -
Two reasons I believe it is difficult to persevere: 1) Life throws us curve balls that we did not realize were coming our way. When the problems seem too great, we sometimes focus on the problem instead of God and become undone by the situation. 2) We can also mess things up. Not necessarily because we're bad people, but we're human. We also feel that God isn't moving fast enough and we must "do something" to get us out of the problem, only causing more harm. It seems like it's one thing after another. We say to ourselves, "I will never get out of this problem, this sin, this issue." And so we feel what's the point? That is why God did not design this christian walk to be done in isolation. We need each other. We need to encourage as well as be encouraged. If left out there on our own, that leaves room for the enemy to come in and wreak havoc on our lives. I think the best thing we can do is to be open and honest with one another about the problems and difficulties we have on this journey. Often our accountability partners have or are going through the same issues, and we can help one another. When we discuss what is going on with is, it frees us and allows God to come in and bring much needed change into our lives.
This does not really answer the question. But I would like to share a comment from my study bible that I believe sums up the entire reason that our "garden-variety sins" are covered. I hope this encourages all who read this. "Hebrews makes special mention that Christ "sat down" after finishing his priestly duties. Jewish priests never sat down; the tabernacle and the temple did not have seats. They did their work standing up as a symbol that it was never finished. Having finished the work of a priest once for all, Christ "sat down."
Q4. Christ, our High Priest
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Jesus, Our High Priest Forever (Hebrews 6:13-7:28)
This passage of scripture brings two words to mind: permanence and progression. Jesus' sacrifice "once for all" signifies something that can't ever be taken away - "it is finished." We may fall short of God's glory at times, but when we look back and remember what Jesus did, it helps us to move forward (the progression). Of course we must confess our sins and be careful not to take the work of the cross for granted. But we can find peace in knowing that when we are troubled, wronged, or are in sin, Jesus "offered himself," giving us a way out - the ONLY way out of any circumstance we find ourselves in. Lord Jesus, thank you for offering yourself and shedding your blood for us. Sometimes we fall short of your glory but thank you that you gave yourself up for the joy that was set before you. Help us to always remember the sacrifice you made and not to take it for granted. In Your precious name, Amen! -
Q4. Patient Endurance
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Warnings Against Apostasy (Hebrews 5:11-6:12)
I can remember a time when I became somewhat arrogant and self-righteous about an area of my life where I was actually doing well after years of struggling. I gave God His credit for helping me through, but I sort of bragged about it and it made my ego swell up a bit. Then suddenly, without warning, I fell really far...and HARD! For about a year, I had no peace, no joy, and I cried so much until I had no tears left. What God was showing me was that I cannot rely on my own endurance, strength or self-sufficiency to make it through this life. I MUST depend on Him for EVERYTHING. I believe God had to knock me down for several reasons: 1) To open my eyes to the pride I had developed 2) To show that He was God and I am not 3) To show his AWESOME, unconditional love for me, and to get me to a place of total dependency on Him I wanted to share this testimony as an illustration of the fact that it is possible to think that just because we're doing well in areas of our lives we tend to struggle with doesn't mean we have arrived. God will always keep that "thorn in our side" to make us remember just how human we are and to never forget that it is He that keeps us, saves us and gives us to grace to even have relationship with Him. -
Q2. Spirit-filled Christian
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Warnings Against Apostasy (Hebrews 5:11-6:12)
The only explanation I have is that it could be referring to christians that are deeply involved with the things of God but still have areas where they REFUSE to repent. I think of the believer who is habitually disobedient; which is different from the believer who has a genuine struggle with sin (Romans 7). I don't believe that anyone is beyond being saved by God. He will always accept sinful man as long as there is TRUE repentance. I don't know if this really answers it but I tried my best. -
Q4. Learning Obedience
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Jesus, Our Sympathetic High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-5:10)
What Jesus suffered was a result of who He was and who He was connected to. He was both God as well as the Son of God. He didn't learn obedience through punishment or judgment. He learned it through his dealings with people (his disciples, unbelievers, the public, the Pharisees/Sadduccees, etc). Being fully God, Jesus knew what He was getting into during his earthly ministry. He was aware of the weaknesses and wavering loyalty of man. Being fully human, he prayed frequently because He needed the help of the Father to endure the burdens of his ministry. Probably the best example of how Jesus learned obedience is through his death. Even though he was sinless, he carried the weight of the sins of the entire world: "But it was the Lord's good plan to crush him and fill him with grief. Yet when his life is made an offering for sin, he will have a multitude of children, many heirs." Isaiah 53:10 He did it because he knew it was the will of the Father, and Jesus was always willing to please Him: "He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward..." Hebrews 12:2 -
Jesus was tempted by Satan after his 40-day fast, and just before he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Because he was fully man, Jesus experienced emotional, mental, and physical pain. He cried, he got angry, experienced hunger, tiredness - all the things we deal with. I believe that Jesus' temptations were more difficult. Although he had his disciples, Jesus was somewhat alone in his ministry: 1) Peter denied him 2) the disciples fell asleep on him while he prayed 3) the disciples argued amongst themselves about who was better. So he often found himself tarrying alone and prayed frequently because he knew the challenges that were coming his way. The difficulty of his temptations, and moreso his ability to withstand them, shows us that we dont have to fall to our temptations, and the importance of relying on the Father to help us in those situations. The comfort in knowing that Jesus understands helps to keep us from condemning ourselves. Of course our sins greatly displease God, though it should not make us run away from him, but to him. We are "the joy that was set before him," the reason he laid down his life in the first place, the one who was sinless took our sins away, making it possible for us to have peace, freedom, and hope of a life spent with him.
Our confession is a testament to the fact that we believe in the ministry, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a confession of faith, as we were not present when these events occurred. We believe in our hearts, not just in minds, which is key in living a life that lines up with that confession.
Our confession is a testament to the fact that we believe in the ministry, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is a confession of faith, as we were not present when these events occurred. We believe in our hearts, not just in minds, which is key in living a life that lines up with that confession.
Q4. The Living, Active Word of God
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
Our obedience or disobedience is tied to where our hearts are. If we want the heart and mind of God, we read and study the word. When we neglect to spend time in the word, we become more absorbed with what we want, rather than what God wants, setting us up for failure. The thought I had when I read this scripture was that the word is live, it breathes, and it shows us ourselves. Sometimes that's the very reason that we don't read it - we're afraid that it will show us just how bad we are! But that's what God wants. To show us our weaknesses through his word so that we can depend on Him to help us obey Him. God knows that we will fall sometimes, and we will have to answer for that. But what he is really looking at is the condition of our hearts, and the word does a great job of making that diagnosis. -
Q3. The Promise of Eternal Rest
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
The first thought I had about rest was eternal life. One of the definitions of rest is to "cease." When Jesus returns for us, and takes us up to heaven with him, we will finally cease striving, struggling, stumbling, falling and fighting every human flaw that plagues us on earth. The way we get there is through trust, belief and obeying God. Apostasy is a blatant turning away from all that is God, his will and his way. There's no remorse and one has fallen prey to a reprobate mind. The type of sin that occurs every so often are ones that we don't mean to commit. Maybe we're conscious of it but probably not as strong in that particular area. In this case, there is remorse, which leads us to repent and get back on track with God. -
Q2. Hardened by Sin
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
God does not judge us by our works, but by our faith in Him and to do what He says He will do. Sin, at first glance, looks appealing and pleasurable. Just like when Eve saw the fruit "and that it was appealing to the eye," the deception crept in to make her believe she would better if she tried it. The more we give in to sin, the more we began to lie to ourselves that we can get out of it any time we want. Soon we will find ourselves believing something that is the total opposite of that which is godly. We need the fellowship of our brothers and sisters to encourage us, relate to each other and make us accountable for our thoughts and behaviors. -
Q1. Holding On to Faith
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Jesus, the Giver of Rest (Hebrews 3:1-4:13)
The tendency for us to turn away usually is on the heels of unanswered prayers that we've been offering up for what seems like an eternity. Or when we fall short and we say "what's the point, since I can't seem to get a handle on this habit, that sin, or this flaw." So I'd like to leave with you an excerpt from a poem entitled "I Will Bring the Victory" by Frances J. Roberts. I believe this puts in perspective what the author in Hebrews is emphasizing as we go through this christian walk. "...My will shall be done regardless of the flaws in thy life, if ye count upon the power of My righteousness. I do not work only in cases where there are no obstacles; but I glory in over-ruling prevailing circumstances, and I take pleasure in bringing victories in those places where no victory is anywhere in sight..." "Reckon upon My coming. Know whenever faith brings Me on the scene, everything is changed. Darkness is turned to light. Grief is turned to joy. Sickness to health. Poverty to My sufficient supply. Doubt to faith. Anxiety to trust..." "...Ask for the victory. I will come and bring it. Don't look for the victory - LOOK FOR ME, and ye shall see the victory that I shall bring with Me..." AMEN -
Jesus had to come in human form, experiencing the same trials, tribulations, and the challenges of life, just as we do. This was his way of relating to us, and conquering all human weaknesses, death and the devil himself. The result is the promise of eternal life, for those who believe in his death, burial, and resurrection. The final completion: destruction of the devil, the world in its current state, Jesus coming in all his glory, taking his people with him to a life free of sickness, pain, suffering and death.
Q3. Bringing to Glory
peaches replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Jesus, Who Tastes Death for Everyone (Hebrews 2:5-18)
Jesus is already perfect. So his suffering was not for himself - it was for us, "the joy set before Him" as stated in Hebrews 12. In so doing, he has opened the door for us to have relationship with God, and we look forward to receiving the "glorified bodies" at His coming. BUT we have to go through this life, a course (so to speak), putting in the work, suffering through the trials of life (just as Jesus did) in order to get to the place where we can receive the "glory."