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Q2. Children and Fathers
spring replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Christian Households (3:18-4:1)
Q2. (Colossians 3:20-21) In what ways does obedience prepare a child for every day life in the future? Children become prepared because they view the world with a sense of order. Children realize the rules set forth by their parents enables them to become productive citizens. If parents taught the commandment "Thou shalt not steal", this will prevent the child's need to steal from family members, neighbors, co-workers on the job. A child sent to school every day(regardless of how they feel) will go to work each day (regardless of how they feel). They will not find an excuse to stay home from work. For spiritual life in the future? Children will state to their parents that they prefer not to attend church services. However, a wise parent makes it mandatory for them to go. Later on, the child becomes an adult and decides that church is not a necessity for him/her. However, when trials and tribulations come, they remember how the Lord assisted various family members and decide to return to the Lord. What can fathers do to keep from discouraging their children? Fathers have to learn how to discipline each child because one size does not fit all. Some children can be given a stern glance with the eye to straighten them out - - - some have to receive an actual punishment to end their rebellious nature. However, father nor mother should ever show favortism to any one child in the family. This causes fights and fiction among siblings. Look what happened to Joseph in the Bible! -
Q1. (Colossians 3:18-19) Why do you think Paul chose these directions to give to wives and husbands - considering all the things he could have said? I believe Paul's objective was to instill harmony and unity among family members. Why is true sumbmission difficult for wives? I feel this is particularly difficult because some view submission as a form of dictatorship rather than a form to promote a harmonious relationship among two equal human beings. If the husband supports and treats the wife with respect, she lovingly and voluntarily will follow his lead. Why is unselfish love difficult for husbands? Some men view it as a threat to their masculinity. I believe that some men feel uneasy about demonstrating unselfish love because of the view it could be perceived as a form of weakness. What prompts harshness in a husband? Is the cause inner or outer? Unfortunately there are husbands who have not been exposed to role models to show them how to treat a woman. If their fathers were abusive and harsh towards their mother, they in turn can replicate the same animosity towards their wives. This causes a vicious cycle.
Q2. Sexual Temptation
spring replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Guidelines for Holy Living (3:1-17)
Q2. Why is sexual **** so difficult for people, especially males? I believe that **** is so difficult for individuals because we are surrounded day and night with sexual pictures that promotes unrealistic fantasy from the media. The media such as television, movies, magazines, etc., never warns about the serious implications that can come about through illicit sexual behavior such as aids, and other diseases. Sin seems pleasurable but it only lasts for a short season. Satan deceives anyone who involves themselves in this activity and makes it appear that they will never suffer any consequences for their actions. We know that this is a lie and there is never any truth in the god of this world. Men are easily stimulated because of their biological make-up. It would help if women would watch how they dress in order to keep down sexual temptation among the male species. Though we cannot deny that we are sexual beings, how can we keep sexual desire from controlling us and causing us to sin? We must take care to guard our eyes and our ears from the media which promotes this type of filth to the public. The media does not care that this type of behavior lends itself to a degenerate society. If we are not careful, we will tend to believe that it's o.k. to practice sex outside of marriage, etc. Our greatest safety factor is to renew our minds on a daily basis with the word of God. If we neglect the word of God, we will fall in line with the world's way of thinking. -
Q1. (Colossians 3:1-2) What does it mean to "set your heart/mind" on the things above? Does this mean that we're "too heavenly minded to be any earthly good"? This means that our thoughts tends to move in the direction of following God. The heavenly traits which come from above consist of joy, love, peace, patience, long-suffering, etc. These heavenly traits make us become more Christ-like and the world should notice a positive difference in our lives. The world will somestimes ask a Christian, "why are you so calm" over a stressful matter. A positive explantion is given by the Christian who can take this opportunity to lead the individual to Christ. Does this mean that we're too heavenly minded to be any earthly good? We must display BALANCE in our Christian walk to non-believers. In other words, the world should see a difference in us as a Christian, but at the same time, when trouble arises in their lives, we want non-believers to feel comfortable enough to approach us to inquire about prayer or to repent of their sins. Look at Jesus. He did not follow the world system, yet those who needed a change in their lives (e.g., prayer, healing, etc.) felt comfortable enough to approach him. Jesus always had an answer for their situation. In fact Jesus angered the religious leaders during his time because they accused him of hanging around with sinners. Jesus reply to them was that the sick needed him more than those who were healthy. Jesus mission on earth was to save the lost and to reach the lost he went among them without compromising his principles. He knew how to mingle among sinners and yet distance himself from the world system. He identified with the down trodden and showed enormous compassion to those who sought after him. Like Jesus, we have to learn how to balance mingling among non-believers without compromising our beliefs. For example, in the work place, many of our co-workers are non-believers, but do they know that we're Christians? And if so, would they feel comfortable enough to approach us concerning the things of God? Do we show ourselves friendly on the job? We don't have to join clicks and gossip about fellow co-workers to show ourselves friendly. Again, we must learn how to balance our treatment towards non-believers without a spirit of arrogance. I do realize that at times trying to balance our actions so that we are not pulled into the world can be difficult. What happens when we don't take control and direct our thinking and meditating? Our human nature is that if we do not take control of our thinking, we will perform fleshly deeds in the body that is not Christ-like. Traits such as anger, bitterness, unbelief, unforgivenss, etc., can show up in our lives.
Q2. Firstborn over All Creation
spring replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
Q. 2 (Colossians 1:15b - 17) What does "firstborn of all creation/every creature mean? This means that Christ always existed before anything was created. Is Jesus a created being? If not, what does "firstborn" mean here? He is not a created being because Jesus is God. God was never created. What do verses 16-17 teach about Jesus pre-existence? We are taught that Jesus made things that man can and can not see. Jesus created kingdoms, thrones, rulers, and authorities in a world unseen. What does verse 16b teach about the purpose of creation? The purpose of creation is to serve and worship the Lord. According to verse 17, what is Jesus past role in creation? He created all creation. What is his present role in creation? Now Jesus sustains all creation and holds all creation together. -
Q1. Image of the Invisible God
spring replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Supremacy of Christ (1:15-19)
(Colossians 1:15-19) The great understanding of Judaism was that God is spirit, not physical. That he is invisible. Any idol that tries to depict him is blasphemous. So what is the significance of the statement that Jesus is the image of the invisible God? If you see Christ, you see God also. Both are the same. Christ has the same power and authority over the earth as God. According to verse 19, to what degree does this image accurately represent God? God was pleased with Christ in that they both had the identical attributes of wielding power and exerting power over the earth in a just manner. Is Jesus actually God in the flesh, or only a manifestation of God, a kind of holograph? Jesus is fully man and fully divine. The only man who could accomplish living on earth without any flaws would have to be both God and man. Jesus had to live a life without sin in order to redeem us from the curse. -
(Colossians 1:9-12) What are the elements of Paul's prayer for the Colossian believers? The elements consist of obtaining knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. What are the seven or eight specific results that he prays will be produced in their lives? Paul prays that these areas will be produced in their lives: to walk worthy of the Lord, to be fruitful in their good work, to increase in the knowledge of God, to be strengthened in all might, to obtain patience, to achieve joy, and to endure long suffering. Which of these are most important in a Christian disciple? It is without a doubt to be filled with the knowledge of God's will. As Christians when we form a deep relationship to the Lord, we will acquire wisdom, understanding, love, joy, peace, and all of the other attributes listed in these verses. Which you think are least important? All of them are important. You can not eliminate any as the least important. What happens when some are missing? We tend to become self-centered. We only think about our needs and not the needs of others. After all, we have been placed on this earth to serve others as Jesus served others when he lived on this earth.
(Colossians 1:12-13) Why does Paul use the terms darkness and light to portray his readers past and present? Paul wanted to convey a message that prior to one's salvation, we served and were under the guidance of Satan. Through Christ's death on the cross, we immediately become followers of Jesus Christ and receive special privileges that are bestowed upon Born Again Believers. Why does he remind them where they come from? At times it is easy for individuals to forget about their past sinful life. Particulary when they acquire a great amount of wealth. It was important for them to remember how they engaged in ungodly activity that was not pleasing to God. If anything, they needed to be reminded of their previous past to keep them from making ungodly mistakes that would pull them back into Satan's kingdom. What is the inheritance of the saints in light that he mentions? As children in the light, we possess such benefits as eternal life with God, rescued from spending eternity with Satan, all of our sins are forgiven, promised healing, etc. In verse 13, we find two terms used of governing bodies? The two terms were "Power of Darkness" and the "Kingdom of his Dear Son". How are they contrasted in verse 13? There are two (2) Kingdoms mankind can serve: Kingdom of God which represents love, joy, peace, humility, deliverance or the Kingdom of Darkness which represents hatred, strife, backbiting, etc. In what sense are subjects governed in each? Either a person will serve God or they will serve Satan.
(Colossians 1:13-14) What are the two qualities mentioned in verse 14 that characterize the kingdom of this beloved son? Redemption and forgiveness What did the idea of redemption mean in the greek? It means paying a price to free an individual from bondage. In what way did Christ redeem us? He freed individuals from the bondage of sin through his death on the cross. What is the significance of the fact that our sins are forgiven? The significance of forgiven sins means that we can spend an eternity with God in Heaven.
Q1. The Active Gospel
spring replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. A Prayer for the Colossian Believers (Colossians 1:1-14)
Paul glorifies the gospel, the good news. Waht words does he use to describe the action of the gospel in verses 5& 6? The gospel brings forth fruit. Given the temptation the recipients have to adopt another religious philosophy, why do you think he reminds them of the gospel's influence? I feel it is because he wants to let them know that they are also following in the footsteps of Jesus and they are not to feel out-of-place. What happens in our day when a church becomes embarrassed or unimpressed with the gospel message? People begin to live unholylives. How does this affect the church? The plan of salvation for members of the church ceases to be the top priority in the church. -
1. What are the three or four actions verbs in verses 12 and 13 that paint a picture of salvation? a. Partakers of the inheritance of the Saints b. Deliverance from darkness c. Translated into the kingdom (of light) 2. Who performs the action? Jesus performs the action. 3. Who is it performed on? It is performed on humans. 4. In what way were we qualified? This redemption process only occurs through God's grace. 5. In what way were we rescued or delivered? Jesus blood rescued all sinners from the Kingdom of Darkness.
Hello. I live in the United States and I would like to become more motivated to take the time to read and study the word of God. Perhaps with input from others it will spark a fuse within me to build a more solid relationship with the Lord.