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Everything posted by tammie7
Q5. Only Begotten God
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
I use to have a hard time with this but i learn that it is three persons into one each person have a personality and a special job to do but they are one -
Q4. Becoming Flesh
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
God becoming flesh is so important, because he come into this sinful world to become one of us to go through some of the same thing thaat we as human went through. he don't have to go through some of the things that he went through he did it all for you and me. I have personal experience his grace by him let me feel his glory his presence without this grace we couldn't He went on the cross to make us worthy. By having his spirit he let me know the truth form a lie when I heard it this have help me so much. Thank you Jesus for let me come to your throne. -
Q3. Receiving and Believing Children
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
To recieve jesus means to have him as your savior to believe that he came to forgive us of our sin. The ones that take hold of this salvation that jesus give us it free cost nothing you just have to recieve and believe in him. The one that does not believe or recieve most of them can't believe in something that they can't see. Jesus is a spirit. You have to have faith and most of them can't recleve this. -
Q3. Receiving and Believing Children
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
To recieve Jesus means to have him as your savior to believe that he came to for give us of our sins. The ones that take holf of this salvation that Jesus give us free it cost nothing you just have to receive and believe in him.The one that does not believe or recieve most of them can not get this because you can't see him you have to have faith. And you can't see faith. -
Q2. Testifying to the Light
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Word Became Flesh (John 1:1-18)
John the baptist was send to be a witness,or a forerunner for Jesus which is the light.So of us are call from our mother womb like john the baptist was to be a light for jesus.I am doing good, but i can do better John the baptist was beheaded.More people will get saved and we will be persecued for witness for the light (JESUS). -
Yes Jesus is fully God. It's God the father, God the son and God the Holy spirit It means that without Jesus there word be not word because he is the word.It says that He was there at the beginning. He had to come to earth for our sins and to be a example for his followers on how to go through different tests.
Special speaker are important because sometimes they can see what the pastor cannot see.And they can lift the people up in his special calling or aniont that he have.Sometime special people say what the pastor have said so God sometime send a witness to help the pastor out.They go where no word of God have been taught.
Persecution discourage christain becuse they are africa of want some people say, and some people can be every mean just to get to not be active in servicing God.It mmature them beccause when they get over that test and they know that God bought them throug they go some more and more testes because he is they for them.God let the devil tempt us to make us strong in our faith.
Timothy role is important because that is want the people in thessalional needed at that time was to be strengthen in their faith.It was a sentitve role because he could come in not being notice by the people at that time. It help timothy in his ministry as well and to know that Paul trust him to it.
I don't have to justifty it because it is in God word before I was born and God know what his people need and I just live for God and everything will come on that great day.Christ reward our cheerful giving,our faith and letting people know of his salvation and how easy it is to get it.It should bring us preasure because we are working for our father and he is please with our serves.
We need these qualities because we have to be gentle to the people that we want to talk to about the gospel, they don't want to heard someone that is not gentle, we also need to caring about the person that we are talking to and about the words that come out of our month, we also need to sharing our life with that person to let them know that we have been through some of the same thing too.A male can also have some of these ways also I have seem some men with these ways.
The greatest flaw is trickery and intentional deceit this is one of the things a lots of churches have and the reason why a lot of people are not in churches or have been hurt in churches because of this.I say because when you look at t.v.every one is looking for money or tell you how to get bless if you send them this amount of money all of our blessing is on God word we are the one that have to go by his word and not all of the deciet that we see on t.v.
Q1. Personal Courage
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. The Character of a Disciple-Maker (1 Thessalonians 2:1-16)
Christain courage is important because as disicipe of christ we must tell people how to come out of darkness it is not to be easy all the time and some time we may have to take risk to tell someone the true.Lack of courage prevent evanglist because you are too afraid to tell or say anything about the gospel of christ.The congregation is not help because everyone is afraid and they don't have the courage that is needed.God is calling me to to tell the true in season and out of season. -
Q4. Preparing for the Future
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
Daivid perpared the temple because so that solomon would have it when he began to build. He told his son and also wrte it down for him to follow, We are to follow the direction of God and our leaders. -
Q3. Costly Sacrifices
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
Daivid chose the plague because he belive in God mercy, The princple that drive this to build a altar if for he could build an altar for the lord that the plague may be remove from the people.We should give to the lord he love a cheerful giver. -
Q2. Righteous Government
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
Daivid was a prophet,isralite,appointed,anionted and sweet psalmist. The spirit of lord spirit through him. God is looking at the rightous and the unrightous. The fear of the lord. -
Q1. David's Song of Praise
tammie7 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
The different way that Daivid call on God That when we call he is there. The different name to call on him is lord,rock,refuge,perfect,light, stronghold, shield,salvation,worthy. -
The holy spirit is working to feeective ministry because without the Holy Spirit when is God and there is no true ministry.When the power be- hind our minisrtry is will power we cannot do any thing is our will it have to be God will.Some will belive in the miracle and some will not because they think that miracles are not in this age.