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Everything posted by tammie7

  1. I think that their was strong oppostion,because for thing Paul was telling the truth and even today people don't like hearing the true.Because Paul knew taht he was preaching what God told him to preach and he was in his well.No, we are to keep going even strong than we was going because most of the time you arehelping someone.
  2. Daivid had strong faith,and character Joah was a loyal he look out for his own interst,He believe he was loyal he look out for his self,Joah belived in his own logic and ability. we must have friend we have know own friend as well. Yes his self come first than daivid.
  3. He loved his son,Because his kingdom (daivid) will never he safe. He love his son and was not showing his warrior no respect. They was loyal to Daivid. Daivid had a lot of faith.Hi weakness was his son.
  4. Because Daivid thought God may have told him to cursehim. and Daivid Don"t want to put his self in the place of opposing God a plootcal decision thathe still had faith in God
  5. Daivid flee because he know that he need a strategic, you also needs months of food and supplies and military was weak.His emtions was a repent mode,He don't take the Art because if the lord wanted him to see the Art again he wuld let him go back to the town.It show how he had faith the the God that he worship would get him back to be king.
  6. In this I see that they went through the same thing that people today do to get everything that they think is important to sucess in the world and this is one of the bad thing that I see in this lesson. It is also aeye open to thing that we as christain have to stay away from.
  7. He use the bay-kissing ploiticans,He won the men heart over.Daivid was unable to put his family in line ane this was one of his problems.
  8. I think it was because he wanted to stop the fighting and also prevent bolld of his son,I think it was because of quilt and confusion.
  9. Because, he was his firstborn the king's son, he was heir to the throne.Daivid lost his moral authority.
  10. Death of this son and strife for his upcoming sons, His lin will be rule with the rod of God,If we sin it show people that we are not who we say we are and it look bad when we try to tell someone about God.
  11. He could have Nathan killed,By telling him a story, He had to acknowledge his wrong doing.
  12. This can be very easiest when you take your eyes off of God, when you stop praying,reading his word,sending praises up to him,it can be very easiest to get side track by different thing thing that is not of God. we are always being tempted by satan that is his jod,Daivid took his eyes off of God,and sin got in his heart.He have to ask God for forgivness.
  13. Daivd honor him because of the covenant that he made with his father.This teaches us that daivid does not forget his promise that he make and he was a honorable man of God.
  15. By family problem and suffering from a coup by his son Absolom.
  16. a great name a secure homeland for his people peace dynasty a son who will build the temple an everlasting kingdom yes, It is condtional because if you are living for God. To me being in a everlasting kingdom
  17. Because nathan was aware of the anionting that was on daivid life. He should went on pray and ask God first and waited to hear form God,when leader do thing without God most of the time thing go wrong,
  18. She misunderstood daivid dancing before the lord, no,because it would hindred your spirtual walk, He would had mess up his blessing.
  19. It tell us that God is daivid all.that dancing is alright before God, jis psalms is to be sun out loud,It don't matters want other think only what God think,I us to worry about praise God in front of people now I am praising God for all the blessing he have bought to me so I don't worry about people looking at me praising God.
  20. The Levita, because they don't read the law of transporting the art That we are to know the whole will for our lifes and not part of it.and we have to do it God way
  21. God strike uizza because he touch the art of God.Because God was angry and judgement.He don't like God doinf the judgement in front of people.
  22. That it was the right thing to do.He would be defeated. That it take to long.He was fair and just.Impatience
  23. It was 15 year before daivd set up his throne. because God had to get every bad thing out of the way. Daivid had good patience.My patience is good but it can always get better.
  24. Joab slayed Ab ner because he wanted to revenge for his brother. It hurt the king plan because there was no war at that time. he was blind because of hate and angry. it can get in the way because we see only hate and hate is in our hearts and God cannot work in that kind of heart.
  25. He remember Saul by writing a psalms about him. I think they remember Saul is all of the bad things that he did for some reason people remeber the bad that a person do and not the good.yes,I learned that we are to alway look to God for our help even when we feel he is not there. He is there waiting gor the right time to come and answer our pray.
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