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  1. Trials are not enjoyable. They can be very difficult as I have gone through them. Put through prayer and faith I have overcome many. When I think back on the trial and see how when I turned it over to God I was very thankful I did that. I felt releif and a release.
  2. God has promised us wisdom if we ask and not doubt. During a period of trials patience, taking a step back before going forward, taking a time of pause and thinking what God would desire has helped me approach and deal with these trials. I have learned a great deal about God, myself and more compassion for others. I still have trials, I still wrestle but right now I'm waiting for the next step to be shown to me.
  3. I enjoy reading walking, biking, being oudoors. I have 3 dogs.

  4. When I go through trials and/or temptations I think and try to clear my mind. How does this compare to my understanding of God and Christ teachings? I have gone and reacted poorly and then had to ask for forgiveness. But now at work when I'm confronted with people's negativity I try to be a voice of reason or I don't say anything in return trying to stop heated arguements. For me my doubts that I continue to wrestle with because I'm not getting my way help me to devolpe patience and perseverance. I'm able to study all sides of the situation giving God my view point and how I should have or be a certain way. He hasn't said that I was right yet. I haven't gotten a clear sense that he has changed his mind on anything. So I wait and pray for strength. My trials have mmade me more understanding and caring toward other people.
  5. I thank God for free will. It would be easier if we didn't have a choice in matters. But like going to a grocery store and seeing all the different cereal boxes available. Some are very nutrious and some are not at all. We know what our body requires for good health and choose accordingly. We know which ones are just for fun and choose accordingly. I think God gave us a free will that we would choose Him and his ways freely. A child who chooses to love the parent freely will always have a great personal relationship. A child who is forced to keep family obligations does not have a close personal relationship. It's in freely choosing God or self that I learn patience and self controll. It's not always fun but it's always worth it.
  6. I have been tested and failed which came at a great cost but when I came to myself asked for forgiveness and truly felt forgiveness. I continue to be tempted but I remain firm. It's very hard. I wrestle with questions and doubts daily but stay firm if the faith that God'sstandards are different from society's. It's very difficult. That's why I've joined to have someone else in my life that desires to follow God's path through daily Bible study.
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