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In psalm 62, the psalmist declares that his soul finds rest in God and God alone. God is his refuge. He says that God is mighty and that brings him comfort. He describes a situation where man is attacked and is weakened from the attack like a leaning wall where the enemy is just waiting for the wall to fall over. But, he still finds rest in this mighty rock, the Lord.
The visual of the river and stream paints a picture of a reposing, refreshing flow of fresh water that will quiet the spirit. The knowledge of who God is affects our peace because I know that if God is handling a situation then I don't need to fear the outcome. God commands us to be still because he know that if we're anxious that we won't trust. But, if are still and listen then God will lead on the path of righteousness.
Though facing death we can rest in knowing that the one we love the most will guide into an eternal rest. That we will now be with the one who loves us the best. We are assured that there is never a season in our lives where God is not in complete control.
The psalmist describes how the Lord quiets his sheep through his divine presence. The psalmist describes how God (1)makes a place for his sheep (us) to rest in green pastures;(2)leads his sheep (us) beside still waters; (3)is with us even though we experience the darkness of troubled times; (4) still can give us a place of rest even when our enemies are watching and hoping for our demise; (5) always have goodness and mercy at our back regardless of what happens.
David says that he does not become enthralled with lofty matters of the world or concern himself with things that are beyond him. The elements mentioned are he did not have a haughty spirit, stilled and quieted his soul. He placed his trust in the Lord.
Psalm 116 is a reassuring Psalm that lets us know that God wants us to cry out to him.. The psalmist says that he will call on him as long as he lives. Even in the face of death, the psalmist he was able to call on the Lord and he was rescued. Many of us can attest to circumstances that could result in death; but our confidence in God and his protective power overrules anything that Satan has planned.
None of it makes sense without "faith". Somtimes we take our thoughts and eyes off God and we are caught unaware and other times situations occur and our faith is really activated and tested But the Psalm says that he will save us from a trap and even if you are going through through troubling situations, God can protect and sustain us as we go through. Sometimes we forget that Christians have troubling times so it may seem like some believers are not protected. But, all things work together for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes. We don't even realize how many things could have come upon us and that we are constantly protected from. God gives a reassurance and a peace that no matter what he will always have a way of escape for the believer.
I am reassured that God is the help of those who seek him. Psalm 121 makes me feel care for.
This psalm teaches us that God is always available to us in fact he has already determined how he will protect us if we would but trust him. As we advance through dangerous territory in our lifes God acts as our shield. Our authority lays with our trust in God. Our power to defeat the enemy lies in our remaining connected and shielded by God. God promises to we will not fear, that destruction will not overcome us, he will commission his angels to lift us up in his hands above the danger. This psalm makes me hopeful and grateful.
The psalmist evokes an image of God as his spiritual strong foundation. The first four verses affirm that we must keep God at the center of our focus at all times, no matter the circumstance even if it seems that all is lost. These verses remind me that trusting God represents our divine protection, a place of safety. He is our strong tower.
ACTS If I were to formulate a prayer for revival I would begin by acknowledging God as creator and sustainer of all things. Then i would need to confess my transgression and admit that I have not always done what thus saith the Lord. I'm a sinner saved by grace. Next, I would thank God for being the keeper of my soul and the forgiver of all my sins and for the redemption of my soul giving up his son to die on the cross for me. Lastly I would ask God to not take he hand from and to lead me into his way everlasting. I'd ask for guidance and direction. My prayer would be like 2 Chron in that going to God in prayer should always be our first action. role of taking all of our concerns in prayer, confession that we have not always made the right choices, repentence including the turning away from knowingly doing wrong then we can look toward God for forgiveness. This type of prayer honors God and leads the ways to revival and restoration from the God of "another chance".
For a split second I think that I'm not worthy; but then I immediately feel grateful and privileged and comforted to know that God cares enough to focus specifically on me in a particular. His focused love and care didn'. He knew all about the plans he had for me even in my mother's womb. I praise and thank him for his tender loving mercy and care.
The psalter knew how to touch the heart of God by desperately reaching out to him through praise and an attitude of expectation. The end of the lament represents hope that God will once again be his ultimate deliver and come to his rescue. Praise, even in the face of trouble let's God know the level and depth of our trust in him. Our praise demonstrates that we remain focused on the Creator and Sustainer of all things great and small.
David could approach God because he truly believed in God as a forgiving loving Father who is full of mercy. Plus, David was not unfamiliar to trouble. In this case, he is in "deep"; he knows that any sin is a sin against God. I has no other way out but to turn to God. But, David was a man after God's own heart. God is faithful to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Grace and mercy works on the basis of forgiveness. Once we admit our failure, repent and turn from our sins then God will forgive us. However, sin does have consequences, though.
When I meditated on Psalm 150 I'm reminded that God desires our best praise, He is worthy to be praised for all that he has done and we worship him for who he is in our lifes. He is the Creator and sustainer of all lives and surpasses all of our expectations. He deserves our highest praise. Our praise can be an encouragement to others when it comes from a place of deep consideration of his righteousness and mighty works.
The reason for praise in this psalm is because God has done such great and marvelous things for his people. He has shown his strength as God in his deliverance of his chosen people Israel. The psalmist is so passionate because he remembers the deliverance of the Lord. He directs us to sing a new song because he does such great acts in our on a daily basis we can speak praises anew to acknowledge all of his goodness. lifes each day My praise is not outwardly as exuberant as it should be. Don't want to appear showey. But my private praise time with God and one on one with others is passionate.
We should worship God because he created us. the earth and everything in it not we ourselves. He is our God and we are his people. He not only created us but he sustains us because he cares for us. The warning is included as a reminder of the circumstances that led to their forefathers not entering the promised land. Instead of being grateful and faithful, those delivered from Egypt complained and wanted to turn back. They forgot who God was to them and what he had done in their lifes. He was angry with that generation for 40 years and they did not make it to the place that God has set out for them. The earlier verses give instruction to express their thankfulness through song and praises and bowing down before the Lord because of his loving kindness and care. God has taken into account all of their needs, but he loves us deeply.
This psalm teaches us that we should freely praise God continuously. We must praise God in the sanctuary. Everything that has breath must praise the Lord. We should use the trumpet, the harp and lyre, the tambourine, dancing, strings and flute, the cymbals, in fact every instrument available to us can be used to praise the Lord. It makes me feel that I have been commissioned to praise God more freely.
Lesson 3. Exercises
Glo replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
In meditating on Psalm 1, it came to me that while we often express that we know God is ever present. We can easily be distracted by the evil perpetrated in the world. There are good things in store for the person who sees the wickedness all world but does not become consumed by it or participate in it. We are to be in the world but not of the world. Good things are ins tore for those who do not seek knowledge from the wicked. There is a way that seems right unto man but the gift of God is eternal life. To walk, stand or sit with the wicked implies a sense of comfort in their midst. Blessed is the man or woman who can devote their time to studying and seeking to understand how he is to live and reflect the character of Christ. God has a place for the wicked. -
This psalm is attractive because it helps us to visualize what a fellowship unified should look like. Unity is difficult because everyone desires their own way. When pride is put above reconciliation disharmony results. Each person must desire to put God first. Man's idea of purity can cause them to be judgemental which pushes others away; while unity seeks to share the love of Christ in a way that draws and forgives imperfections. Reconciliation and unity are significant values in Jesus' teaching because they represent the love that is Christ. Reconciliation and unity are about losing oneself and putting the needs of others ahead of yours. God forgives us and is always seeking to bring us into a right relationship with him and that's what we should do with each other. God showed his love for us by putting the needs of his creation (us) above the need to have his son with him. And Christ put our lives ahead of his when he fulfilled the desire of his father by sacrificing his life for us so that we might be saved.
I would use this psalm to encourage children in right living. I'd let them know that these are God's expectations of us no matter the age. While they may have friends that behave in an unbecoming way that would do well to not join in. I'd share that when you do the right things and make good choices you will not be pulled away from God. Doing wrong builds a wage between you and God. The topics covered in Psalm 15 that we should avoid are lying and and slandering others; treating our neighbors badly; gossiping about others in their absence. What we should do he abhor the evil dooer; keep your word even when it is difficult; lend money but not with the expectation of being paid back with interest; and instruction not to accept money to do harm to others.
Sometimes we lose sight of this because it seems that the wicked man continues in his wickedness virtually unchecked, even prospering. Verse 4 stands out to me and depicts the wicked as dried up chaff that the wind blows away. The righteous knows the source of their refreshing, their nourishment, Jesus our living water. We stay planted in him in his word and in his way,. But, the wicked don't seek to be connected to God for their nourishment. So, without being rooted and ground in Jesus (the living water) they simply dry up and get blown away. The wicked's end is always destruction.
I've meditated on Psalm 43. I always need to remember to speak encouragement to myself. While it my seem that God is afar of of course he isn't. Satan (the enemy) and those that he uses represents darkness but God is light and he is to be praised. So, I must continue to reflect on those things that represent his light and truth: his word and his son and his creation.
The psalmist was feeling that his spirit was in a dry and barren place and that he longed to experience a previous time. To combat this state of depression he acknowledged who God was and determined that he would return to what he knew and that was praising God. I also have to remember praise God in the midst of a sometimes downcast spirit. I have to exercise my faith and recall who has brought me this far. I have to push through the issue and be almost desparate to reconnect with the heart of God.