Our salvation is a gift from God it is not something we do It is something God does, gives this wonderful gift of eternal life to us...we only have to recieve it into our hearts and believe with the faith of a child. We then receive God's nature and become new creatures in Christ. We all get there the same way, through Jesus Christ our savior. All having to have the faith to accept and believe the unseen. Now that we have become a new creature in Christ we're still housed in a body of flesh that is influenced by sin and world around us which can result in us be inconsistent at walking with God and living a pleasing Christlike existence. That's why it is vital to stay in God's word, seeking out His will for our life, learning scripture, study His word, fellowship with other likeminded brothers and sisters in Christ to grow and mature in our faith. Conforming to what God and His word show us, with our eyes focused on eternity not conforming with the world and living by their standards. Strong in the Lord helps us to have discernment regarding what God wants for and in our lives a strong faith and commitment to God and His promises help us to resist satan and turn from sin and temptation. Staying in the Word and seeking His will on a daily basis helps me to do this..stay focused on God and stay in a prayerful attitude throughout the day.