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Everything posted by MagsM
Spiritual warfare - If you stare into the pit of darkness too long, it can swallow you whole. One main problem with spiritual warfare is that people (even other Christians) tell us that the enemy doesn't even exist - even though this is quite contrary to the Gospel. It is one of his greatest lies because one of the main methods of regular warfare - heck, even a regular sports game - is to study the opposition. If we don't think he's real, we won't recognize the enemy when he does appear. We also have to distinguish the devil from our own flesh nature, as well as to be able to discern this in others. It is exhausting, because the enemy is quite tricky and creative in all his varying disguises. "More subtle and crafty than all the beasts in the field" - it can really mess with you before you even realize what the heck is happening. It can be terrifying to come face to face with evil - unless you are completely in Christ. Then it is just a weird observation. But if you are in pride and think you're the one who is going to command a demon to depart, he will devour you. However, if you are praying in Christ and it is Jesus who does the works, then there is authority and power. Of myself I am nothing. He is the Vine, I am the branch. Apart from Him I can do nothing. It is HIS power and authority, not mine. Why is it important enough for Paul to mention Jesus' authority and power? It's part of who God is. We mustn't get overwhelmed by the deceit of the enemy and lose hope or quit. The enemy will attack this every chance he gets, 24x7 - he never rests. Just when you think you recognize him, he varies the method of attack, then he departs for a while to regroup. Then we let down our guard and fall prey to our own flesh nature. He's tricky, so we must keep our Lord in mind and be one with Him - He in us, and us in Him. If we abide in Him, we can ask what we will and He will do it, but only if we abide in Him, and He in us. Pride is indeed the enemy. But bear in mind: He will let us have tribulation to perfect our faith and our patience, and to know what He has saved us from. It is part of knowing who God is.
Q11. Unmeasurable Power
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
There are congregations who do not believe in Jesus' power. They don't want miracles. They just want you to shut up, be THEIR sheep instead of being Jesus' sheep. You are viewed as crazy if you believe in the full Gospel. Too unpredictable I guess. Others - I don't know why - they focus on the good. That Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today. Jesus LIVES - and our Father is the God of the living, not the dead. There must be many more helpers in heaven than there used to be since we become as angels when we die. This is good news. Let's be together, in one accord in prayer. To pray as the scriptures taught us, not as man teaches. Let us ask of Him rightly, not in vain-glory to spend it on our fleshly natures - but to truly seek His glory. To truly in our hearts know Him and His Righteousness. Then we will see our prayers answered and miracles in front of our eyes. -
Q10. Christian Inheritance
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Well, If I knew I was to inherit such a some of money, I certainly wouldn't think too much of making money for the future - I'd work enough to pay the bills until I come into inheritance. (I would not think of climbing any corporate ladder or look for a promotion, that's for sure!) But, then I think - what of those who have none? How do I profit just because I am lucky, when they do not? Seeing as this is a free gift and there is enough for all (you getting the same does not mean less for me!), I would try to persuade those who are ignorant of the free treasure to come seek it too. But, then I'd also have to warn them of all the robbers, thieves, liars and ones who would murder you just to prevent them from attaining the promise. How does this affect my relationship with those who are also heirs? Well, there is no striving against them. There is a 'knowing' with each other. A belonging. There is Christ's tenderness and reality between us - that Holy Spirit. -
Q9. Christian Hope
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
In this life, we can look forward to fellowship with Christ's body - His church, and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. We can look forward to knowing God better. Who He is and just as importantly, who we are not. We can also look forward to persecutions from enemies of God and trials of every sort, but we should be encouraged because the afflictions of this life are working to produce patience and strengthen our faith. But we know His judgment is right, pure, and good. Pain is for a moment. He gives us such tender and consoling moments through the trials. He is precious. After this life, we'll all meet our Creator face to face. I look forward to it because I do want to know the One who is so utterly amazing, the One who made it all: the incredible Light and author of such Love and Purity and Holiness and Truth, not to mention how incredibly brilliant and super smart He is! I will finally know the Truth without all the distractions and lies of 'the enemy'. At the same time I cringe at the thought because I have not lived a great life and still make horrible mistakes and have not true discernment - but this is human pride and I pray that this does not prevent me from finishing the race. I pray that our God does wrap us in His embrace, and does hide us beneath His wings. This should affect my decisions and lifestyle by focusing on God's attributes and not my own - then I won't be prey - I believe St. Teresa of Avila terms it quite well: Pride (self-seeking and vain glory), Vanity (self-delusions, chasing after things that matter not) and Sensuality (how I feel). If I focus on HIM, I am in awe, if I focus on me - well - that doesn't lead to much good. As believers in Jesus Christ, our hope does differ from those who do not believe in Jesus as Savior and the Son of God. Let's just say thank you to our Father for Jesus. If I had to stand in front of Him for judgment on my own merit - my own actions in regard to His holy law - and counting those actions as righteousness - I would perish in hell. But because we believe in our Father's goodness, kindness, and promise He made to us in Jesus Christ, our belief is counted as righteousness. Righteousness gives us confidence before God in prayer. There is one way to the Father - that is through Jesus Christ. And this is a precious precious gift from our very Loving Father, who is all wise. Thank you Dear Father, and thank you, my Dear Savior. -
Q6. One Head
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
What is the significance that all things will be brought under one head -- Christ himself? That our loving Jesus Christ is in charge. How does this relate to the Creator? Well, He is in unison with the creator, and is co-creator. What does it say about unity? That being of one accord is paramount. How does this verse relate to 1 Corinthians 15:24-28? That Jesus is in charge - all power and authority is given to Him until He puts death under His feet. Then He resubmits to our heavenly Father. -
Q5. Redeemed from Slavery
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.2. God's Gracious Plan of Redemption (1:7-14)
oh dear...I already know what life is like without redemption. I was a slave to sin and all impurity before Jesus saved me. Alcohol, drugs, nicotine, sex, occult, "big" career woman, always seeking love and never finding it, utter selfishness - I had no clue how to love or be a mother. I was a slave to the flesh in a most literal sense of the word. I've been set free from these things - but the best thing is that I know the love of Jesus. He truly is my Lord, King, and husband, I am happily waiting for the wedding feast. He is most gracious and kind. I have mended the relationship with my son, and he is also slowly coming to Christ. Amen! Future life would probably be more of the same except you could add "and then it got worse". If I were not in Jesus Christ, I would probably die from some disease or kill myself or others driving drunk or be in jail. Just writing this makes me love Him all the more. Thank you dear Jesus, and loving Father. Thank you. -
Q4. Adoption
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Well, adoption is a good illustration because we are not begotten from God and thus have no legal right to be heirs. It is encouraging because God hates to see orphans and widows - and if we have no Father or Husband, God will provide. He does thru adoption as His children and marriage to His Son. -
Q3. Holy and Blameless
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
Holy means set apart for God's use. We are set apart IN Christ Jesus. The only way I can possibly stand blameless before God is through His mercy and Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. -
Q2. Predestination
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
First I suppose I should say that I don't believe that God chooses one individual person to the intentional exclusion of others. Makes me think of choosing sides in gym class - and that was never a fun time for those chosen last. I think of God in Gen 16:11 Ishmael="God Hears", Gen 16:13-14 Where Hagar names the well "God Sees", and Gen 21:9-21 where He cared for Hagar and gave Ishmael a different promise even though he was not the promised one like Isaac. In Gen 4:14-16 He protects Cain from death. God does not leave any one out. He always has compassion. However, God does carry through on His word whether for our pleasure or our pain. His word does not return void - so if He says they're going to the lake of fire, then that is what He will do. I consider predestination more that God knew He wanted to redeem the race of man; to make sons for Himself and a bride for His Son. But who chooses to follow and accept this offer in their own free will may do so. God is sweet and calls to us again and again. My understanding of predestination is scary because those who have not known this Jesus - so loving and compassionate - are not heirs of salvation: "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. -
Q1. In Christ
MagsM replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. 1 Spiritual Blessings in Christ (Ephesians 1:1-6)
It means I have a new home, new family, new rules.