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  1. The significance of this passage is extreme: God cannot and will not be for us unless we are first and foremost for God. He will step in and protect us without that relationship because He wants us to have a relationship with HIm, but we will not experience His full protection until we make the decision to follow HIm. In order for God to win, we must first surrender to HIs will and HIs power over our lives. What we ant will no longer matter, only what God wants will. Why did the commander say that he was for neither side? Simple. Neither side was fully God's yet, so God remained neutral. Once Joshua made the active decision to walk in the light, God stepped forward and gave him his heart desire. God still works miracles today, folks, in the same way. Once we make an active decision to follow Christ, God steps in and protects us from further harm. We may still experience the stings because of our own stupidity, but over all the protection is felt on a daily basis. Think of it this way: we go to conquer fear. Fear gets the best of us. We call upon the Lord, for peace, for strength, for guidance. All of a sudden, fear no longer gets the best of us, and we are confident in our steps. That's what it is to have the supreme Commander on our side. He gives us strength to face the challenges of an earthly life.
  2. After careful consideration o fhte scripture, I think it was a natural thing for Elisha's servant to feel fear. He was facing the unknown. Elisha, however,had time to develop a relationship with an awesome and powerful Father, and he knew the capability God had to protect those who walk in HIs light. Sometimes we need a God moment to redefine how we feel about our relationship with God, and I think this moment may have served the servant well as just that. I can only imagine his walk after seeing what the God of our universe can do. The passage in 1John serves to remind us all that God is greater than any adversary we will ever face, and it is a wonderful reminder of what God is capable of doing when we are in deepest times of stress.
  3. "Most High" means that there is nothing above, and everything and everyone below. What this means to me is that I serve a supreme God, and that He has my back. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He is all in all. In worship I find myself immersed in thought as I realize the awesomeness of that thought: apart from Him there is no God! WOW! All I want to do is worship Him, exalt Him, glorify Him. I want ot be patient and loving and kind, the attributes that God has with me. When others see me, this is what I want them to see, not the worldly, sin loving creature that walked away from God, but the beautiful soul that came back and asked forgiveness, and who now desires a much closer walk with Him than ever thoguht possible. Once we figure out why God woos us, and why He chooses us, the rest falls into place. If God be for us, who can be against us?
  4. Abraham and Melchizedek both seemed to believe that they were developing a relationship with the God of the Universe. God Most High is the creator of heaven and earth, the one who delivers us from our enemies by putting them in our hands. What that means to me is that the trials I go through set me at God's feet, and there He overcomes the trials for me. All I have to do is persevere, even though that is tough at times. I love the name "El Elyon" because it truly describes God as above all else, the power that we survive on, and the power by which we are saved for better things to come. How exciting to be in these times, and to know that MY GOD reigns! It makes all we go through worth it (at least I think so).
  5. HI, everyone. My name is Kathy. I live in Georgia, and am presently in college working on my Bachelor degree in Psychology. I love learning about our Lord, and am looking forward to learning new insights with this bible study. It's refreshing to find a bible study emerging in the Word and not in rules of denominational understanding. As Christians, we are to uphold each other regardless of where we attend church, and this meets that bill.
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