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Q1. Faithful Witnesses
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Christ in the Midst of the Lampstands (Rev 1)
Q1. Revelation is written to encourage and strengthen a church facing intense persecution. Why is the theme of testimony and witness so important to that purpose? Testimony and witness is extremely important to the purpose of encouraging and strengthening the Church, as through these avenues others are uplifted and motivated in Christ, each time a testimony is heard or a witness done, then it makes God appear 'more' real, and present. He is real, but someone just hearing something that he has done for someone will pull you to him, it brings to light the fact that he will never leave you or forsake you, and that he will never give you more than you can bear, it also shows us that once we believe in him and cast our cares on him , he will deliver. These avenues tells us that JESUS is there in the midst of the storms, it reminds us that the Holy Spirit is here to comfort us. How is Jesus as the "faithful witness" (1:5) supposed to encourage us? Jesus is perfect, and we should strive for perfection, he has come in the flesh, died for our sins, was raised and is now interceding on our behalf. Jesus, unlike us , did not succumb to the temptations that faced him, he overcame them all, but he encourages us by being so forgiving and understanding and allowing us to rely and depend on him for guidance and strength. He has left for us a legacy and guidelines to live by, which corrects us and encourages by letting us know the promises that has been made, and how to deal with certain situations and also that Jesus is with is always, even in the deepest depths. Why are we afraid to be clear witnesses in a culture where we aren't persecuted? I think we are afraid because we have not been studying the word and as such we are not fully equipt to deal with the questions that might be thrown out to us, in other words , we are afraid to be "backed up" , the other thing is that we are afraid to be seen in public working for the Lord, but we should remember that if we are ashamed of him then he will not be pleased. We need to keep in mind that it's not about us, it never is, we are nothing, It's all about God. -
Hey, I'm Kay, looking forward to yet another wonderful Bible study. Happy to be sharing with you all.
Hi, I'm Kay, I have lapsed in some of previous studis, as I was out of a connection, I'm back now and looking forward to sharing and learning about our Saviour and his 'word' for us.
What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. The spirit of god ispired Gideon to blow teh horn. Gideon was so obedient to God,and God was so pleased with him that He was able to dwell in his temple (body). The spirit of the Lord came upon him. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel They had strong faith in God, and trusted God, and in return God empowered them through His spirit. He directed their actions.
What kind of leader has Gideon's father Joash been up to this point? (6:25b) Joash has been a compromising leader up to this point. He compromised by first disobeying God and by allow the people to disobey God by worshipping false gods. How does Gideon's action affect his father? (6:30- 31) It affects in a positive way. It allowed not only to stand up for Gideon but for the Lord, through Gideon's action he now realised that he should be worshipping Yaweh and not false gods. Shouldn't Gideon have considered the impact on his father? Yes, to some extent he should have. But, at the same time when God requests something we should know to do it no matter what the consequences. Once we have a discerning spirit and know that it is the Lord asking something of us, then all we should think of is carrying out his will. How should this have affected Gideon's action? The impact on his earthly father should not have affected his actions. His heavenly Father would have had it all worked out according to His plan. In what sense is Joash a follower of Yahweh now? He has not only declared it, and will now start to live for God again. `
Disobedient Disciple?
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord Is With You, Mighty Warrior (Judges 6:1-32)
Q3. Can a person be a "disobedient disciple"? Doesn't that represent an oxymoron? Did Gideon have a choice here? Do we have choices? Yes an individual can be a'disobedient disciple', I am a prime example. There are times when i do things that i know the Lord wouldn't approve of, but as His word said, 'all have sinned and come short of the glory of God' It seemingly does represent an oxymoron. Yes, that's one thing with God, He always gives us the right to choose, He doesn't force things on us. Yes, we do. We are free to choose teh wrong of right, the devil or the Lord. -
Prioritizing Allegiances
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord Is With You, Mighty Warrior (Judges 6:1-32)
Q2. How are we to obey the commandment to "Honor your father and your mother" in the kind of situation Gideon finds himself? We are to honor our father and mother in accordance with teh will of God. If we know that our parents are doing something wrong, and they want us to do the same, then we shouldn't. Once our parents are working in accordance with the will of God, then this is when we should honor them. God is our heavenly father, our main parent, he has given us earthly parents to guide us along the way, but if they are leading us to the path of destruction, then we should not follow. that is why it is imperative that we as christians study teh bible to know the will of God. We should place no one before our God. What justification does Gideon have for his action? (Matthew 10:37 Gideon knew that God should be obeyed at all times. He knew that he was doing the right thing, and in teh end he would have helped them to come back to God. He knew that when they came back to God, they would be delivered. -
Q1. Why does God tell Gideon to tear down the Baal altar and Asherah pole? (6:25) Gideon was instructed to tear down the Baal Alter and Asherah pole, as these were false gods. It is God's command that we should have no other gods before Him, these gods were a distraction for the people of Israel. They were distracted from accepting the love that God had shown them in previous times, and distracted from accepting the point that they needed to repent. He wanted these distractions out the way, He wanted to bring His children to realise that He was the only True God, and have worship only Him as he is the only DELIVERER. What positive thing is he to do in their place? (6:26) Gideon was instructed by God to 'build a proper kind of altar to the Lord your God' this new alter would now be a place for true worship to the true God. What risks are involved in this action. Gideon was at the risk of being persecuted by his people, to the point of even death. Why does Gideon do this at night? Gideon believed God had sent Him, but just like the human part of all of us, we think about the things that might happen to us in the process of carrying out the will of God, and as such we are sometimes fearful of man. This happens when we don't totally excercise our faith. Is the night mission a sign of weakness or faith? (6:27) See Exposition. Yes and no. Gideon wasn't confident that God would have protected him come what may. (yes), we should remember that we should take precaution and if things can be avoided, we should. Even though God instructs us to do things, he doesn't want is to go blindly or walk in danger where we can avoid it. The fact of the matter, is that he did do what God asked of him, it mattered not the or day (n this instance) it was about getting the job done, and it was done.
What is God's answer to Gideon's self-image? (6:16) God told him that He would be with him, and he will have be victorious. God is saying to Him , "I have your back". God does not will bad things for us, but when we deveiate from the path He has chosen for us, then that's when we will be defeated. Does this spiritual principle apply to our lives as Christians? It should. We should seek God in ALL we do, and HE will see us through. He is always with us, but sometimes we put Him aside. Once we truly depend on Him and believe He will guide us, then He will. Can you recall any New Testament passages that teach the same principle? John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. God will always be with us. What is an appropriate prayer to pray in light of what God has taught you from this passage? Lord, I humble my heart before you now. I ask that you may give me the understanding I need to relise that in all things I should depend on you to see me through. Teach me to believe that 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and not only believe but put this in practice. Help me to realise that size or status doesn't matter when it comes to your work. Lord, help me to make myself available to you and your service. Give me a discerning spirit Father, that I may be able to acknowledge your instructions. Oh Lord, I pray that your people will have a penitent heart and all those who have been running, or has turned away from you will, through us, come back to a knowledghe and belief in you. Your awesomeness has no bounds. I thank you even now, Use me Lord. Amen.
How did God see Gideon? (6:12) How did Gideon see himself? (6:15). Whose self-perception is most accurate? How can our own self-perception prevent us from becoming what God has made us to be? God saw Gideon as a 'mighty warrior' a man of many potentials. A strong individual. Gideon on the other hand saw himself a sbeing weak, the lest in his family. God's perception of us is more accurate. He knows our capabilities, adn if we ask and rely on Him He will reveal it to us. Self perception can prevent us from what God made us to be, because it will cause to have a stereotype of ourselves and as such when things are presented to us, other than what we think w ecan manage, we will run away from it, we won't be confident enough to do what the LOrd has willed for us,and depending on the stance of our relationship with Him, we may not ask Him to assist us, we may just give up before even trying.
2. According to the prophet in 6:7-10, what is the reason for Israel's oppressed state? What commandment did they break? In what way hadn't they "listened"? How does this affect Christians today? The reason for the Isrealites oppresses state is thet they disobeyed the will of God. They borke the first commandment, "Thou shall have no other gods before me". They deciced to rely on other gods instead of God, thier creator. They began worshipping other gods. When we as Christains disobey God, we are robing ourselves of the many blessings that God has in store for us. Sinning has a swift effect on individuals and if we have realised that we have sinned, we have to nip it in the bud, We must e willing to acknowledge when we are wrong and sek fogiveness, if not we could easily be decieved into believing that God cannot deliver us.
In what way does Gideon blame God for his troubles in 6:13? Gideon blames God for the 'wilderness experience" that they were having. He blames God for 'allowing' them to be opressed. He feels that God has abandoned them. Is Gideon's assessment accurate? From the perspective of an individual with no faith, it is very accurate. For people who know and believe in God, then absolutely NO! Why or why not? God allows things to happen to us, things we don't understand in an effort for us to grow and mature in Him. Why do we blame God? We blame God because we can't see beyond ourselves and we fail to accept when we are wrong. We fail to accept that we have a merciful, kind and patient Father that loves us dearly, but He wants us to live by the guidelines He has laid down for us, and when we constantly disobey, we will have to face the consequences that will be meeted out to us. What's the danger and how can we stop short of this in the future? The danger of this is that, we will eventually allow ourselves to give up on God completely, as we will never learn to accept or acknowledge when we are wrong. WE can stop short of this, by dwelling in the word, learning to have faith in God and believe that He is our deliverer. We need to accept when we are wrong and be willing to ask for forgiveness. We need to take heed to the word of the Lord and serve Him faithfully.
Q5. (2 Peter 3:11-12, 14-16) What effect should a belief in Christ's return and coming judgment have on your life? Belief in Christ's return should allow me to make all efforts to meet Him when He comes. This belief should find us living each moment as though it was our last. We sholud seek to prepare ourselves for his coming, carrying out His mandate, doing His will, trusting Him, Building a stronger bond with Him, being faithful. No one wants to be left behind, no one wants to be punished, so measures will be taken to 'make it right with God". What effect does an underemphasis on Christ's return have on a Christian's life? Underemphasis, may result in a wayward way of life, just living every moment for that time only, It's evident in our society today, Christ's return is underemphasised and people live for themselves and human desires, there is no form of preparation.
Q4. Sin and Repentance
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Q4. (2 Peter 3:9) Why does our culture resist the ideas of sin and repentance? Our culture resists the ideas of sin and repentance because it seems insignificant in this time and era. We have become so accustomed to the ways of the world; we seem to think that God is in not returning so we have nothing to worry about. We have become a foolish people, becoming man fearing and not God fearing. Can there be salvation without repentance? There can be absolutely no salvation without repentance. Can you think of a time in your own life when repentance was difficult for you? Yes, I had deserted God, no devotions, no interest in bible study or the things of God, I was caught up in sin, and it was difficult for me to face the Lord, but eventually God -
Q3. (2 Peter 3:9) According to Peter, why has Christ's coming been delayed? The coming of the Lord has been delayed because God is a gracious and merciful God, He wants all of us to get the chance to repent and come to know, He is giving us time to come to an acceptance of him, He wants all to be saved, he is so loving that He doesn
Q2. What It Means to Perish
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? It's important to understand what it means to perish, so that we can be guided otherwise. When we know what the outcome of a particular thing then we may be able to change that. When we know the result of promiscuous sins, or non repentance, then we will know what to do differently, so as not to perish. Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? These truths are underemphasized today, because Christians, preachers, teachers, aim to please the people or congregation, whether for recognition or for acceptance, these issues are placed on the back burner, because of fear that people will stop coming church. As Christians, we have become lazy and conformed, we too are seeking acceptance from the world, and as such we are not carrying out the mandate totally, we do the parts that will suit us, and leave the other. What effect does that have on us? The effect it has on us, is that we become too comfortable, we adapt to our comfort zone, , and we rob ourselves and others of their blessings. How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? Through, fasting, studying the word, having discussions, PRACTISING THE WORD, being active instudies such as this, yielding to the will of the Lord,He will reveal a clear understanding to us. -
Q1. Reminders
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Not Willing that Any Should Perish (2 Peter 3:1-18)
Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? Reminders are important for Christians as, there are so many so things ofthe world that may appear to be 'good' or 'Christlike', and we may be enticed to indulge, but once we are constantly reminded of our Christian guidelines and principles, then it will help us to keep on track. We should always be reminded to test the spirits,as many fall prey to false teachings. How do you remind yourself of God's promises? Sometimes, God reminds me, whether through someone sharing something in person, or on television. or in some forum. But, back to question, how do I remind myself, through the bible and other Christian lierature. How do you remind others? Reminding others is done, through sharing a personal experience or one from the bible, which shows how God deleivered, and also just by having casual discussions. -
Q4. Warning about Sin
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much? Many preachers in these days are in it for the money, not so much for spreading the word and teaching the truth. Some may avoid talking about it for fear of losing memebership. But , only few are willing to really 'lay it on the table', for their congregation. What we need to realise, its not about numbers, its about learning whta Christ ordained for us,a dn building a relationship with Him. -
Q3. Enslaved by Sin
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q3. (2 Peter 2:19) In what way can flagrant, defiant sin enslave a person? Sin, can enslave a person, if that person fails to realise what is happening, and fails to accept it as being sinful, then they wil fail to repent and fail to let go of the act and henec it will eventually engolf them, and it will seem like the 'norm'. Is there any way out of these sins? If so, what is the path? The power of God is limitless, and he always has a way out for us, Yes, there is a way out, but it requires faith, acceptance and the willingness to let go. God is faithful an djust to forgive us of our sin, but sometimes we fail to approach Him. We can get out, through prayer, fasting, believing and seeking counselling. God is the path, if we truthfully seek Him, He will lead, guide, direct and deliver us from any sinful situation. How can we truly love the sinner and hate the sin? This is a really hard thing to do of self, but, when we reflect on our relationship with the Lord, it makes it so much easier. When we think of all the sinful acts that we have committed and that Christ still loves us, it makes it a little easier. Even in the midst of all teh sinful acts committed by man, Christ still died for us... "For God so world the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOSOEVER beliveth in him, should not perish ,but have everlasting life" How can we steer clear of a quick judgmental attitude toward those who sin? We can steer clear of a quick judgmental attitude toward those who sin, only if we allow the Holy Spirit to help us. The human nature is quick to judge, but with the Lord in our hearts, we will learn to be more like him, and we will seek to practice his ways. We can just reflect on how we think Jesus would handle the situation and patern it. -
Q2. Persistent Sexual Sin
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Beware of False Teachers (2 Peter 2:1-22; Jude 3-19)
Q2. (Jude 4) In what way does sexual sin deny Christ? Sexual sin denys Christ as it defiles his dwelling place within us, it defies his temple. It goes against His commands and it creates a void between us and God. If Paul is right in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, that persistent sexual sin is incompatible with salvation, why have we Christians become so complacent about it in our culture? I think we have become so complacent because, it seems like the norm, but as Christians we should remember that we are set apart, we are in the world but not of the world, so we shouldn't yield to the things of the world. Christians have started to tolerate a lot of things that we shouldn'y, this is because we are notfirmly grounded in the word and so we are asily led astray. It's no excuse, but its reality. -
Q1. (Jude 3) Why must we "contend for the faith"? We must 'contend for the faith', as it is a part of our mandate, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,...teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.(Matt.27&28) We must 'teach' or tell the nation of Christ, we must let our faith be known to others, we must challenge false prophets; "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world" 1 John 4:1-3. What is the danger in not challenging the doctrines of false teachers? The danger in not challenging false teachers is that, left to themeselves they may be led to actually beleive that what they are saying is true, and they may be able to lead others away from the truth, away from God. And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many...For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". In order for us to prevent this, they should be challenged. What is the danger inherent in challenging them? In challenging them, we may find ourselves becoming filled with anger and we may even become distraught and feel like giving up on them, because, sometimes its really difficult to get through to them. The whole denominational issue that was mentioned by Pastor Ralph, always seems to be drawn into play, with these false teachers, but I think its just a ploy to get us off their cases, as one respondent mentioned before, we sholud approach them with love, and make sure we ask for guidance and covering from the Lord. How can we keep the correct balance? There's is only way to keep the correct balance. That is... to be firmly grounded in the word, to follow the precepts of the Lord, and to rely on Him in all we do.
Q4. Scripture is God-Breathed
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q4. (2 Timothy 3:16) If Scripture is "breathed" by God, how can it help us draw close to God? Why do you think God's Spirit (pneuma, "breath, wind") is so important in helping us understand Scripture? The scripture is breathed by God, it was inspired by Him. Teh scripture is God speaking to us, just as the holy sipirit was left as a comfoter for us, so was the scripture left to guide, instruct, correct, teach, rebuke, and train us. It allows to understand the reqirements God has for us, it tells us about him, it reveals and represents truth, it gives us an insight into what happened in the early days and tells us of God's promises, miracles and power. Knowledge is power, so when we read the scripture and become more knowledgeable about what God requires of us, then we are drawn closer to him, and something else about he scripure, i am sue it has happened to many of us, once you start, you want to learn more, you want to understand, you just want to communicate with our Father more . Why do you think God's Spirit (pneuma, "breath, wind") is so important in helping us understand Scripture? God's spirit is extremely important in understanding the scripture, I can attest to this, Sometimes I find myself reading the word, but just understanding, and i've grown to realise that before reading the word i should invite the Holy Spirit to help me to understand and interpret what it is that God wants me to know from what i'm reading, and that's when i can really understand the scripture. Sometimes too, the Holy Siprit dirits you to certain scriptures, and when you realise, God directed there in order to give you the answers you have been looking for, or words of encouragement for someone in dire need of them. Of 'self', we would have our own interpretations of scripture, but of course, we are mortals and we can be wronb, but when we ask God to help us understand, then we can be fulfillied through his word and his love for us. -
Q3. Carried Along by the Spirit
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q3. (2 Peter 1:20-21) How can a person be speaking and God be speaking, too? A person and God can be speaking too, as God speaks to us through his Word (bible), through others, through us. He sometimes plants thoughts in our heads, it may through fulfilment of his Word or fulfilment of something we requested of Him, it may be through not granting a request . He may speak to us, by what He allows to happen to us and around us. If we have discerning hearts we will experience God actually speaking to us in a variety ways, while speaking to him. It may be through God rebuking or blessing us. There are many ways that we can be speaking to God, and Him speaking too God is all powerful, we need to always remember that we serve a God who is not limited. Once we rely on God, we will see things happening to us that we can't even fathom, God is just awesome. How does the image of a ship being moved by the wind help you understand this? (Greek pneuma means "spirit" and "wind.") The ship depends totally on the force of the wind on its sail in order for it to move forward. Without the wind, then the ship would be unable to move. So too, we depend on God to lead and guide us through life. In order for Him to do this he has to instructs us, he has to communicate with us and to us. Once we beleive, once we are faithful, once we dependent on God, He will speak to us, not always atthe same time, but then again, sometimes atthe same time. Sometime in the midst of just thinking about God, he speaks to our hearts. God is a spirit, and once we worship him in spirit and in truth, we will experience his awesomeness. -
Q2. Shining in a Dark Place
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q2. (2 Peter 1:19). In what ways do the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments act for you as "a light shining in a dark place"? What does the darkness represent? What does the light represent? The scriptures of the Old Testament gives an account of the things that happened before, this is where the story of Christ started, this is where we were first introduced to this awesome and wonderful God. We are made aware of the saviour and we are given accounts of the miraculous things he has done. The darkness represents sin, depression, lack of hope, both Old and New Testament is a true will and Testament of belivers, as it informs us and allows us to experience deliverance from sin and depression, it gives us hope in all situations, as we are being kept aware that God is alive and real, it shows us revelations od God's promises, and it gives a sense of closeness with the Lord, the "Written Word". The light shone forth through Jesus in human flesh, it epresents Christ, it represents the way we should conduct our daily lives, it represents all that we should be. -
Q1. The Tent of this Body
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. The Living Word of Scripture (2 Peter 1:12-21)
Q1. (2 Peter 1:13-15) Why does our culture avoid talking about death? How is describing your earthly body as a "tent" freeing and motivating? What is the significance of Peter referring to his death as a "departure" or "exodus"? Our culture aviods talking about death primarily because of fear. Describing your body as a "tent" is not really freeing and motivating to me, however when you think of your body as "a tent occupied by the Lord" then that's a totally different story. He makes you feel good to know that God dwells within you. It's freeing in this sense, as you longer think of your body a shell for your soul, but as a place where God can dwell. Tent is something that is temporary, and that represents our lives, we rae allowed this body, during our tenure on earth, but once our timeis up, then this tempory shell will be taken down. I think Peter means that death is just us losing our bodies, it doesn't necessarily mean the end of us, we are departing this earth to go somewhere else, to be with our creator.