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Everything posted by tweety
Q2. A Disciplined Devotional Life
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
Q2. (2 Peter 1:6) Why is a disciplined devotional life important to you? What happens when you forget or don't have time? What Christian disciplines do you employ to help you open your spirit to God's Spirit? As previously mentioned in question 1, I'm not disciplined when it comes to devotions and studying the word (I'm craving your prayers to help me to be more disciplined and devoted to this),inspite of this, I believe this aspect of a christian's life is of extreme importance,as this is where we will find our guidelines for living, this is where we will prepare ourselves to hear from God, this is where will will develop our relationship with Him. When I do have quiet time, i often feel revitalised, I shared with members of my choir recently, some people believed, some didn't, and a few said that they have experienced it before, I told them that sometimes when i'm really tuned in to God, I can literally feel His presence, and I can feel Him holding me. Sometimes I may be talking to Him and I feel a tingle running through my body, It feels great, i can't really explain it, than say it feels good, at other times, i may say "Lord please hug me" and I would then hug myself and I would feel that tingle again, as if He's really hugging me, it's great. After moments like that with God, it's as if I'm on cloud 9, my spirit is really lifted and i feel closer, i feel real intimate with Him, and i would like to feel that evryday, but I'm just not disciplined enough. When i don't make time for God or I forget, then I don't know, it's just not the same, I feel different. Yes, I still feel close to Him, but not as close, I may still talk to Him at varying points throughtout the day, it's just not the same,as really tunning in, singing praises, reading and just conversing with Him. God is wonderful and i take comfort sometimes in the fact, that even when i forget God, he never forgets about me and He's always with me. The disciplines I employ, is singing, praying and just opening up to God, I perpare myself to recieve a blessing. I ask God for what I want, He said, ask and we shall recieve. I cry, and ask Him to take over. When I'm really tuned in, the tears just flow naturally , and that's when feel really close to God. -
Q1. Christian Virtues in Your Life
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Add to your Faith Goodness (2 Peter 1:5-11)
Q1. (2 Peter 1:5-6) Which of these virtues so far has been the easiest for you to move into. Which has been the hardest for you? Why? Perseverance seems to be the easiest virtue, so far that I move into. I see perserverance as a means of making me stronger, and also a means of allowing me to cling closer or tighter to God. I don't believe that a believer can exist without experiencing persecitions,as "the devil is moving like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour" and once you are living according to the will of God, then the devil will try to place things in your life, which will require perservance, and it's up to you to let him win and feel in charge or for you to persevere to the end, relying constantly on God, and declare him defeated. A combination of self control and knowledge is the hardest for me. I find that I am not disciplined enough to take time out daily to search the scriptures, and spend quiet time with the Lord, so I'll find myself doing this on and off... which just isn't good enough. Becasue i don't spend time in the word, then it limits my knowledge of him, and that's one ofthe reasons why I'm so grateful for this study, as it helps me to set aside time to feast on the word of the Lord. -
Hi, My name s Keyon and I'm from Jamaica. I am on a spiritual quest, as i just wan to know more and more about my saviour. I know this interactive Bible stidy will be of great inspiration and assistance to me. It's nice for you all to be in this, and i look forward to sharing in this.
Q2. Everything We Need
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
Q2. (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What are the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? The scope and the extent will be as wide as we allow it, there are no boundaries, we'll receice all we should, once it is the will of God, it's just that sometimes we may ask for things that is not his will for us so we won't get it, noteverything that we think we need is good for us, or is desired by God for us. So we really need to understand that. God is our provider, as he provides for the plants, the animals, and he's always providing for us, sometimes because of our selfish desires we rob ourselves of his provision. I strongly believe God provides all we need for life and godliness. What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise? Knowledge or knowing God is the premis eofthis promise, if we don't know the type of God that we serve, then it will be almost impossible to believe this verse. Once we are knowledgeable, then we would have known the vastness of God and of His power and then we would know that he is faithful to all His promises. The more we know, the more we'll be able to accept,acknowlegde, apply and understand. -
Q1. Equal Faith
tweety replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Great and Precious Promises (2 Peter 1:1-4)
Q1. (2 Peter 1:1) What does "received a faith as precious as ours" mean in this verse? Faith is something that cannot be bought, it's not man made, it can only be developed through a relationship with God, it's a gift from that God, and that alone makes it 'precious'. Precious in the sense, that if we just believe then we can acuire this gift, which is able to transend borders and move mountains. Faith will see us through the hard times that we may face, and it is only available through our heavenly Father. Faith is one ofthe major ingredient in our relationship with God, the more faith we have, the closer we will feel to Him. How does our faith compare to St. Peter's faith? Our faith can be compared to Peter, in that it is available to both of us, the difference between us or rather, me and Peter is that he may have exercised his faith more then I do. Peter was very faithful, and so were many other Bible characters in those times. Is our faith equal to his? Our faith is equall to His, in that we got the same gift from our Father, He didn'tget more or less, as it is not something that can be apportioned but, in terms of utilization, I don't belive it is equal. Why or why not? Our faith is not equal to Peter's in that we don't practice our faith, or use our faith when the time arises, we as mortals, many times tend to try to solve our own problems before we consult God, because we believe we can do it, but we all know that there is nothing we can do on our own, we can't even wake up by ourselves, or bathe, or tie our shoe lace... I believe in essence Peter was more observant of the commandments, and he had a greater dependence on God than we do, and hence, his faith was exercised more and hence it was greatly developed. How do you explain the discrepancy? Peter was more committed and reverent and he was living in an age and time when the miracles of Jesus were seen and believed, he got frontrow seats to some ofthe things that happened when people believed that God can do it for them. He saw where Jesus was able to raise a dead her and bring her back to life, he saw where just a touch of Jesus's robe healed a sick woman, all these things happend because they believed in God and his powers. Because of this Peter knew with God, all things are possible, and he believed with all his heart, he didn't try o help God, he allowed God to do what He had to do. Many times we try to help God, we think we should be doing things to try and solve our problems, so as to quicken the process, but we need to rely on God and let Him do what he has to do, we tend to want to see results right away, Peter knew what it meant to,'wait on the Lord'. http -
Q4. (2 Peter 1:10) Why is Christian character an essential indicator of being saved or rescued by Christ? Our Christian character is an essentail indicator of being saved or rescued by Christ as this "our life" is being observed daily by onlookers, both saved and non saved, and many times, it is through our livestyles that others are drawn to God, there is this quote that sums this all up, "Your life may be the only bible that someone else may read", this is something that we need to be conscious of, and we MUST exhibit Christ likeness in all aspects of our Christian life, especially when things are on the down low in our lives and we are experiencingthe persecutions, others are looking on, to see how we deal with, do we give in and forgot, or do we give Thanks in every situation?. Te christian charcter in essence is powerful, it commands respect and reverence from the unsaved. think about it, doesn't your non christian friend act different around you, than their other unsaved frinds?. They tend to respect your Christianity, your relationship with the Lord. What Biblical assurance of salvation can you offer the fruitless, barren "believer"? For the barren believer, I would say, don't be discouraged, do a self evaluation, see if you are really giving yourself fully to the Lord, search His word and try to get to know him, "personally", remember that God always has His arms outstrectched and ready to receive us, and our desire for him will take us to where we ought to be with him. Also, it takes some people years to really know and understand who God is, some will learn faster than others, some willl disern their gifts before others, some will seem to be more spiritual than others, but its for you to ask God, "what is my purpose, let it be known to me?" and also for you to avail yourself to Him and His service. It makes no sense you just sit back,and say. i'm not growing, you have to earnestly seek to know him through His word in order for Him to manifest Himself in your life and for yoy to grow.