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  1. We must seriously remove the sources that causes us to lusṯ outside the context of marriage. Jesus used hyperbole in order to make His point on the gravity of this matter. Instead of lusṯ, agape love must be allowed to reign in our hearts. Without the love of Christ in our hearts and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, the battle over lusṯ cannot be won. Prayers without ceasing is very effective in keeping us from the deception of and entrapment by lusṯ.
  2. Counseling would start: First, with the biblical bases against pornographƴ. Lusṯ outside of the context of marriage is sin. Second, by identifying the sources of pornographƴ of the counselee and practical ways of removing and avoiding these. Third, regular monitoring of compliance. Since you are his counselor, he shall be accountable to you. If that is not possible, help him identify another person with whom he can be accountable to. Temptation over the internet can be warded off by: 1. Not using or avoid using the internet in private. Browse or use the internet only in public places. 2. Filtering off sites with sexual content using built-in filters in your computer. 3. Using a number of filters which you can avail of from the internet with guides on how these can be used. Temptation over the beach or poolside can be avoided by going to these places with friends and family if you have no other choice but to go to these places on social occasions. Temptations over the TV is also avoided by watching the programs with friends and family or by not subscribing to channels with sexually explicit contents.
  3. Pornographẙ and going with prostitutes would be considered as lusṯing outside the bounds of marriage as Jesus himself interprets the 10th commandment. Victims would be the one who succumbs to prosṯitution and his/her family or those who avails of the services of a prostitute and his/her family as well as the prostitute and his/her family.
  4. Good and natural sexual desire is characterized by love to a person of the opposite sex within the bounds of marriage. Forbidden Lus+ is indiscriminate in its sexual objects or desires and outside the context of marriage.
  5. Both are about sexual desire but adultery is sexual desire outside marriage. Lus+ breaks the 10th commandment if it is outside marriage.
  6. Factors that make a disciple especially good soil for growth are: (1) complete submission to God's will, waiting on Him for guidance and directions; (2) awareness of the gift of the Spirit, talents and resources entrusted to us, and making sure that we put these into optimal use in accordance with His leading; (3) humility, knowing that ultimately, it is God Himself by His grace who directs our path where to sow and find the good soil where to plant His Word, that it is by His grace that changes a person's life; (4) it is therefore with much prayers and supplication that we go through our task sowing the seeds of His Word.
  7. Repentance is an act of allegiance. When we repent, we turn away from the realm of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. Christ Himself plainly stated that there can be no double allegiance. Mt.6:24
  8. It would be riches. Jesus himself told in Lk 16:13 that one cannot serve both God and money. Even in a country like the Philippines where the mass of the populace are just within the subsistence level, money is a definite lure away from God.
  9. Adopting Christianity without repentance is like living in a foreign country and adopting the ways of the natives without taking steps to become a citizen. You're in yet still out.
  10. Hi, I am from the Philippines. I am very glad to have found this site for the study of God's Word.
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