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Everything posted by rosegarden
1. a.) No, not because of unbelief, he just wanted to be assured with a confirmation that he was hearing from God. b.) Gideon's request is in order to establish his faith so that he might lead God's people. Gideon's request is not an unbelieving testing to get God to do miracles or demands for him to meet Gideon's selfish needs. c.)It is okay for us to ask God for a confirmation if we are not absolutely sure,. But we are not to test God or command a confirmation, but we should definitely know by the Holy Spirit living inside us. d.) When we are asking for confirmation in unbelief, demanding God to prove Himself.
Q4. Pride Corrupts
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
a.) We need to be in the Word and know what God's Word says. We need to check our motives, are we really hearing from God or just think we are hearing from God. Are we doing it for recognition or to win people? b.) Does it line up with the Word of God? Check in our hearts. When we really hear from God there is a humility and a boldness that we know it is from God and not ourselves. Is the word just for you, or others? -
Q3. Willing to Obey
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
a.) We don't need to know, we just need to obey. Trusting God that He knows what is best for us, and watches over us. When we don't obey, nothing happens. b.) When we obey, we can see a miracle and also know that we have obeyed God and not feel condemned. After the obedience, we can see God was in it all along. -
Q2. To Know God
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
a.) Because you can only hear His voice from first cultivating a relationship with Him. b.) It builds the relationship as we hear and obey. c.) Because if you just go by an experience you had long ago you dry up and die. If you continue in His Word and meditate on it you are pressing in to know the Lord because Jesus is "The Word" and by that you can know Him more and more building a strong relationship with Him. Planting the seed of the Word in your heart that your roots will grow down deep and strong in Him. d.) Yes, it inspires me because of his passion, love, boldness, total surrender and relationship with the Lord, as being unshakeable and unmovable in the Lord. -
Q1. Listening Servant
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Heart Preparation for Listening to God
a.) Go back and lie down and if you hear the call again say, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening. b.) Yes it was. c.) He was at first afraid to tell Eli what the Lord told him to say because it was about carrying out the threats for Eli and his family, but hearing from God he humbled himself and obeyed. It was a confirmation to Eli about what the Lord had already spoken to him about. -
a.) Because we don't take the time to spend with Him, or be in His Word. b.) Sometimes, it is our receiver. c.) Be in the Word more and spend time in His presence, talk to Him and wait to hear from Him.
a.) God gives you nudges like seeing the situation of your neighbors and know the need the Lord. But if they are sick they may be open for prayer. You can ask God for a word for them, that heir hearts would be open, that you can plant a seed and keep praying for them. b.) Yes, Last summer I was at my computer with the window open and heard a neighbor (probably in her 90's) on her porch coughing continuously. I felt the nudge to go out and help. I went out with a bottle of water, she was sitting there with her husband and said no to the water, and that she was ok. One week later I looked out my window and this couple who could hardly walk or even get up the step coming to my door.I ran out to see what they wanted and she had made some crepes for me and wanted me to have them for trying to come to her aide. c.) God is gracious and you can't out give God!
a.) They are both direction from God. Today we have the promptings of the Holy Spirit received by the Word of God, by hearing the Word, or by inspiration that we can really know it is God speaking to us. b.) When David needed more than a yes or no, he received it through either Abiathar the priest or a clear word to David himself, who had prophetic gifts abundantly displayed in the Psalms.
a.) I have to learn to be more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's promptings. I usually hear from God giving me revelation through the Word and through hearing the Word. As far as direction is concerned, I still need work on that and that is why I wanted to take this course. I need to spend more time in His presence. b.) Because they are both to be in obedience to God. c. & d.) Yes, when I felt promptings, in the middle of the night, that He wanted me to quit smoking. I heard a voice in my spirit saying I don't want my child to be a slave to anything. My response was, okay Lord, if you want me to quit smoking I need your help and the next day, every time I felt like a cigarette I marked a mark on my desk calendar and each day the marks got less and less. I was delivered from smoking. Praise God!
a. First he saw the vision of the animals he believed were unclean on a sheet taken up to heaven. Peter kept thinking on the vision. The Spirit gave him exact direction telling him about the three visitors coming to see him and that the Spirit had sent them and that he was to go to Cornelius’ home to bring God’s message of salvation to the Gentiles. b. If it was not so clear he might not have gone. c. The circumcised believers criticized Peter for eating with uncircumcised men, but Peter explained to them about the vision and how God led him to go to Cornelius’ house to bring the message of salvation to the Gentiles. d. Strong, unshakeable faith and really knowing that the Holy Spirit spoke to you. e. No, you obey knowing that the God of the Universe spoke to you and then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
a.)The reason Paul was able to go on preaching the Word after all he went through with the Jews and Pagans, the persecution, beatings, fears, torments, imprisonment, the thorn in the flesh., being attacked and threatened with being killed was the encouragement of the Lord that he should pursue and speak the word with boldness and do not be silent because I am with you. My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness and to take courage He feels elated as He senses the Lord's presence, he knows that he is not alone, that God has this all in hand, and that God has a plan he is working out for the future. Paul's wounds may still be aching, but his heart is lifted up. He has heard from God. Finally, just before a shipwreck on his voyage to Rome, an angel brings him a word of assurance that he subsequently shares with the ship's crew:"Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you." (Acts 27:24) b.) That God is an encourager, He is faithful and His will and purposes will be accomplished.
a.) Paul was compelled by the Holy Spirit to go to Jerusalem. If he was not obedient and lnstead, moved by his flesh, fears and others he would not have gone and God’s will would not have been done. b.) Maybe I would have dissuaded him, if I had not heard the Word of God in my spirit as Paul had. c.) A maturity level that talks and hears from God. Knowing in my spirit that God had talked with me and given me instructions and knowing that I should not be fearful because He is with me. d.) When we choose the easy way, nothing happens, no miracles, no victory. We must do it God’s way.
a.) Because he wanted you to know the differences. God can certainly talk to us in the way for power, for He is all power. But he chooses to speak to us personally in the "still small voice" because he is a personal God, loves us and we are more able to listen to this still small voice, because it is gentle and loving. b.) He listens to him, does not rebuke him for his self pity, he speaks to him gently and personally with love, gives him a new assignment and gently rebukes him in telling him that he is not the only one left faithful to God but that He has 7000 followers that are still faithful to Him. c.) Too often we aren't listening, or there is too much noise (tv, music, distractions) and not enough quiet our life that God's gentle voice gets lost in the noise.
Q4. Mind of Christ
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
a.) The mind of Christ is available to us by the Spirit of God. b.)We have to be dependent upon the Holy Spirit because we need the mind of Christ to make right decisions and to get direction for our lives. c.) Because we can listen to God's voice in our quiet time because God's Spirit is in us and speaks to our spirit, guides us and shows us things to come. -
Q3. The Holy Spirit
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
a.) He will comfort us, abide with us forever, will be in us, will teach us, bring all things to remembrance, will guide us into all truth, speak what He hears, show us things to come. He is the Spirit of Truth. b.) By being in us he will guide us into all truth, and teach us. c.) To hearing from God, He will speak what He hears and show us things to come. -
Q2. Seeing the Father
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
a.) Because he was dependent on the Father to do the works of God. b.) Jesus in His divine nature as the Son of God was submitted to the Father and did only what he saw the Father do. c.) To spend time in prayer with God in the Secret Place as Jesus did and hear from God as to what He would have us do and be a doer of that Word. d.) Jesus would see and hear the Father in His quiet time by the Holy Spirit. -
Q1. Jesus' Prayer Pattern
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Listening for God as a Bible Pattern
a.) Faithfulness in spending quiet time in prayer with the Father every day. b.) Knowing he could do nothing of Himself, He depended on the Father for direction and instruction. Seeking God for answers and direction first thing in the morning as there can be many distractions during the day. I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. John 5:30 c.) Getting direction and instruction from the Father. In His ministry He did nothing of Himself but what He saw the Father do. d.) The disciples kept looking for Him to say he was needed here and there for healing the people. Jesus felt impelled to go from town to town to preach The message of the Kingdom. e.) Jesus did it because He was obedient to what the Father told him to do. f.) Yes, but it is not regular, sporadic. g.) Just sit myself down at a specified time and not be distracted and just do it. I am so bless when I do. -
I know my parents loved me and did their best and I thank God for them. My marriage was not the best and I did no feel loved and I had low self-worth. It was at this time that someone witnessed to me about Jesus' love and that he died for me. I surrendered my life to Christ and he revealed His love for me and he counts my life as precious and I gives me my self worth. No use building up treasures here on earth. Money goes faster than it comes and we can't take it with us when we die. The scriptures says in Matt. 6:19Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: 20But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. My true long term investments are living a life that is pleasing to God, spending time in His presence in prayer and worship, telling others about Jesus, looking forward to His coming.
Q3. Judgment and Gospel
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
People get upset when judged by someone else, because they think they are right, don't want to hear it and don't want to be told how to live. They think life is a big party and sin doesn't even enter the picture. God loves them and has made a way of escape by sending His Son. John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 18He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. When final judgement is left out, the Gospel is watered down there is no fear of God in them and people live however they want. -
Holiness is living a life pleasing to God after he has redeemed me. I am holy now because of the blood of Jesus applied to my life. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. As the Holy Spirit leads and guides me in what is a no and what is a yes, what to watch, what to say, where to go, etc and I am obedient to His leading. In the beginning there were some shows I wanted to watch but as I asked the Lord to renew my mind, things changed and I did not desire to watch those shows anymore. I do have struggles at times but believe it is an ongoing work in our lives by the Holy Spirit.
Q1. Christ's coming
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2 Living Holy Lives (1 Pet 1:13-2:3)
Being ready, living a life of holiness and looking forward to His coming. It inspires hope that according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. It inspires self-control and soberness in that we need to be ready at his coming and living a godly life When we don't expect Christ's coming we live sloppy, things creep in and we start living our lives for ourselves -
- The basis of Christian joy that is inexpressible and glorious is believing and having faith in Jesus and what He has done for us. When trusting in Jesus and giving my life to Him he responded with His presence and a knowing and a joy which He imparted to me. He turned my mourning into dancing. A pursuit of happiness is just a pursuit but with no real rewards as in what Jesus gives. You can tell the genuine article of joy from the counterfeit because you have the witness of the Holy Spirit inside you. The Holy Spirit witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. (Romans 8:16)
Q4. Refining Faith
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
Yes, the one that stands out to me is a time after my Mom died and I was the only child left, but my niece was arguing that she was due 1/2 of my Mom's insurance policy even though her name was not on the policy and that she should get my sister's part of my Mom's estate and it was not good, and everyone was telling me that I was her daughter and it was due me (it was not a lot) but that I deserved it....there was unforgiveness and bitterness and God was dealing with me....I kept hearing the song on the radio..."Seven times Seven". I then broke down and said "OK Lord"...called my niece and asked her to come over and said I was sorry, broke into tears and we embraced. God, in His wonderful grace, released me and our relationship is great, she got her half, I got freedom and I never heard that song again. Believing that God was right, hearing from Him and responding to His Word in forgiveness to others brings glory to Jesus. We are to forgive others as He has forgiven us. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
God's part: He protects my salvation by His Power. My part: Believe, have faith in God that He will do what He says. -
Q3. Secure by Faith
rosegarden replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1 Rejoicing in Our Salvation (1 Pet 1:1-12)
I Peter 1:5 who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. a.) God's part, He keeps us...For I am confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6 Our part...Believe that God will do it, have faith in Him, hope, patience...look for His coming.