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Q4. Circumcision vs. Faith
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21)
My post appears below, for some reason my post appeared twice (probably as a result of a mistake I made while editing), so I tried delete one, I was unable to do so. -
At the root of the gospel is the saving Grace of Jesus.. Why He went to the cross, what it means to be a Christian, how He died for our sins. How we must as Christians forgive as Jesus forgave on the cross. The cross He bore was far greater than anything anyone could do to us, yet He forgave those who tortured, humiliated and ultimately killed him! He followed the will of his Father to go to the cross. He willfully and dutifully accepted what His Father wanted. We are sanctified through love and grace not through law or by anything we can do. If we don't recognize grace and love hanging on the cross then I don't think we can call ourselves Christians. It's because of God's Love for us, that He sent His only Son to bring us into reconciliation with Him, and make a new covenant with His people through the blood of His only Son. Through that blood, we are unified, ( regardless of culture, creed or race) we are all brother and sisters in Christ. It is hard to take the gospel into different cultures because we all have cultural religious beliefs ingrained in us since our birth, it's inevitable. Every country in the world has it's own culture, and wrapped in cultural mores are usually some kind of religious views. We must separate culture from those 'religious' views and teach the TRUE, unabashed, gospel of Jesus Christ., pure and simple, no politics, no culture. I have a friend in Pakistan who has had to battle against all kinds of cultural beliefs to bring the gospel to the Pakistani people. A country racked with cultural beliefs, and religious stigma .But, his ministry is very, successful.Through scripture, He preaches Love, and Salvation, when one preaches the gospel as pure and simple Truth, Love and Grace, there are no cultural lines. The clash between the Protestants and Catholics would be a good example in history where culture and religious views clashed. There are many, many others. Wars through centuries have been based on cultural and religious beliefs systems. As Christian our duty to God is to preach the truth of the gospel,according to GOD'S WORD. Without discrimination based on race, nationality, color, or culture. We must seek to cross all barriers! God's love is all consuming, it is everywhere, on every crevice of the earth and that has nothing to do with CULTURE! God's love crosses all barriers!
Q2. Public Confrontation
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21)
Well, it certainly wasn't because he was trying to be difficult. NO,NO!! His main purpose was to save and preserve the message of the gospel. Yes, Paul was the kind of man whom would have spoken to Peter privately at first, to reason with him. His intent was not to embarrass Peter publicly. By calling Peter 'out' publicly, Paul is bringing to light Peter's character, to both gentile and Jewish Christians. Peter's position on the subject of circumcision is wishy-washy. He floats whichever way the wind blows. This is a very gutsy move on Paul's part. But he feels it is very important to publicly point out and REVEAL Peters hypocrisy which is so blatant it cannot be ignored either by Jew or gentile,. Coming out publicly and revealing Peter's hypocrisy must have been very difficult for Paul because he was a newcomer while Peter was already and integral part of the established group of Christians in Antioch. He risk being ostracized, or even worst persecuted. Aside from that, being a loyal friend, he did not want to embarrass Peter. But, his faith was strong and he knew he must do what God commanded of him. Paul was being a faithful disciple. He was willing to risk anything and everything for God. His only objective was to preserve the message of the gospel, saved by faith not by works! -
Q1. Peter's Hypocrisy
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Justified by Faith in Christ (Galatians 2:11-21)
Peter was one of the pillars of the Jerusalem church. He had once defended to the church in Jerusalem his action to baptize gentiles on the grounds that the Holy Spirit had led him to do it. But, Peter was easily swayed and often afraid. His need to feel safe and 'fit in' was stronger than his convictions. His faith in Christ Jesus was often called into question. Jesus himself called Peter's faith into question. Peter was the apostle who had denied Christ 3 times at Calvary. He was also the apostle who was afraid of drowning when Jesus ask him to walk out on the sea. Peter's was governed by a lot of fear. He desired accepted by those whom he held in high authority, the Jewish Christian leaders (his colleagues) ! His priorities were not with Christ but with pleasing those who were held in a high (political) position. The fear of not being accepted, caused to vacillate. His faith was weak. Barnabas on the other hand was strong in love and faith and oftentimes it was his nature to look for 'common ground' among the Jews and gentiles. His action were governed more by the need to keep peace among the gentiles and Jews. What this situation tells us, is that the politics of that day must have been much like those of today. When the Jewish leaders came from Jerusalem to visit, it must have been much like it would be if the American President came to our town.( or any leader from any country came to your town). Many would be impressed and enthralled to be in his presence. Because he is considered a leader by his people, He is held in high esteem. It must have been the same political atmosphere in those days. Yes, I have acted like a hypocrite to please others. I think anyone who denies he/she hasn't is in denial. It is only human nature to want to fit in. However as our faith grows and matures, our priorities change. Jesus becomes the center point, the cornerstone. The only one we want to please is our Lord. Whenever we are tempted to be hypocritical and do so,then we need to first reexamine our priorities, turn to the word for guidance and instruction, and ask God for forgiveness. -
Paul distances himself from Jewish leadership in order further his claim that revelation of the gospel came to him directly from Christ, and CHRIST ALONE, and not from the Jewish leadership.This being said it is very important for them to believe that the Jewish leadership approves of Paul's teaching concerning the law of circumcision. This is important because it is the Judeizers who are disconnecting and confusing the gentles over the issue if circumcision.
Paul’s point is that the leadership in Jerusalem accepted Titus, a Gentile convert, even though he was not circumcised in accord with the Mosaic law. This shows that the Jerusalem leadership accepted Paul’s gospel of grace. Paul did not condemn circumcision as if it were a sin to receive it. But he insisted, and the conference upheld him, that circumcision had no bearing upon salvation and was therefore not to be forced upon the Gentiles.” (Luther)
Q2. (Galatians 1:13-16) What factors in Paul's background made him an ideal apostle to the Gentiles? Paul was a Jew, born and rasied in Jewish culture. A Jewish Rabbi who was intent on keeping the law and persecuted those who did not before his conversion on the way to Danascus. This made him an ideal candidate to witness to the gentiles..The gentiles believed Paul's teachings came directly from Jesus, not from any religious leader of the time. Plus, Paul had already established churches among the Galatians. The gentiles trusted Paul. However, in his absence they were confused about circumcision and being 'swayed' by Jewish leaders whom were still defending the law as the only way to righteousness. This made it extremely important for Paul to write to them,to further witness to the gentiles about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Saved by grace, not by law. How has your unique background fitted you for ministry? I wouldn't say I've had a unique background for the times. I had gone through a rough stretch for some years. I was really at my wits end. I had attempted suicide and in my late 30's, struggled with depression, drug abuse, and abusive relationships. Had all the baggage that comes with ruined relationships, and the quilt of hurting others for years. Jesus came to me and sat on my bed. He didn't say a word, He didn't have to, but He was truly there in the flesh. Yet at the time it wasn't enough for me to turn my life around. But, it was enough to save my life that day! Years later, in my 50's when I truly hit rock bottom for the second time, that experience of seeing Jesus and truly knowing He was my Savior was once again revealed to me. This time not through seeing the Lord, but by Him sending me a Church (which I had been praying for) in which I could fit in, and become a part of, He sent me a church family ( fellowship). I was baptized in 2005, and truly came home for the first time in my life to a Wonderful Loving Father who was waiting for me with open arms. Christ has made me unique, He has molded, chiseled, and sculpted through the years to bring me to the point where I am today in my relationship with Him. It hadn't been an easy thing for Him to do ( you might say, I was a 'hard case) but He is Faithful Father and never gave up on me!If I were to guess, I would say it is my testimony that has 'fitted me to minister to others about the truth of Jesus Christ. What uniqueness God has given you? He has given me the ability to communicate with others about God online ( fellowship ), and through many Christian relationships around the world I have experienced fellowship and the love of God with many others ethnic groups and cultures. God is everywhere. On every Continent of the World. What will it take to see that uniqueness as a God-given strength rather than as an embarrassment? Because He has brought me to His love (which was always there) I just didn't see it, I will never feel embarrassed to spread the Word of His Love to others! I only pray that God's will be done and that He uses me as His vessel. I am truly His creation and I want Him to use me to fulfill His will.
Q1. (Galatians 1:11-12) What is the source of Paul’s gospel? How do we know that it is a true revelation? How does it conform to our other foundational sources of Christian teaching? What is the danger of taking the teaching of contemporary leaders as our doctrinal basis without checking it with the Scripture? The source of Paul's gospel comes directly from Jesus who is sent to us by God. Jesus taught through his 11 disciples, so they could go out and tell the world the good news, fulfill the great commission. Jesus also at times taught each one of his disciples independently. Paul is teaching the message God brought to him through Christ. We know that is true revelation through our FAITH! I'm independent of a church right now because the church I was attending,in my opinion, was losing sight of the fundamental truth of Jesus Christ and seeking more and more to become a "mega church". When they cut service down to one hour to accommodate a 3rd Sunday service, it didn't strike a good cord with me. I felt a third service is great, but why cut services to an hour from and hour and a half? The Pastors and staff and worship team I felt could accommodate both, but didn't want to put the effort in. I didn't see the need to cut service. It left me feeling a spiritual void. It felt like it was becoming less and less about Jesus and more and more about growth and money. Everything which is taught to us from any leader of any congregation must be cross referenced with the Bible.iThe ONLY TRUTH is found in the Bible.It is important that we read scripture and discern for ourselves if what we are being taught is true revelation form God!
Q2. Another Gospel
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
Because it jeopardizes their salvation. There is only one way to be saved and that is through Jesus Christ, not the law. If we are saved by the law ( in this case the Galatians believed they must be circumcised to be saved) than Jesus' sacrifice would be in vein. We are saved and justified through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross not through law of Moses. How do twisted gospels(or an unbalanced interpretation of the gospel) affect Christians in our day? The same way as it affected the Galatians, we become confused with what true salvation really is. When we begin to question other doctrine it can seriously put our salvation in jeopardy. BECAUSE, There is only one way to salvation and that is through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ died to save us and give us eternal life.To wipe away our sins, to cast them down, to give us new life through Him. He came to us as a gift from our Father, there is no other truth. Jesus is the Truth and The Way. The only light of the world and the ONLY way to salvation. To believe there is any other way than to accept the teaching of Jesus Christ will seriously put our salvation in jeopardy. The law of Moses changed when a new covenant was made by God the Father to His children. The LAW cannot save us but the blood of God's only Son can! Jesus saves, not the LAW! -
Q1. The Rescuer
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. No Other Gospel (Galatians 1:1-10)
Q1. (Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? How does Jesus rescue people today? How does He keep people from falling back into their old ways? According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? Jesus was sent to us according to the WILL of the Father ( Jesus was sent to us as a gift from God to atone for our sins and show us The Way). To rescue us from evil. How does Jesus rescue people today? The same as ever. We are atoned and justified only through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are rescued. How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? Through the workings of the Holy Spirit, oftentimes through the workings of the church and discipleship. Through strong faith, and by getting to know Jesus on a personal basis we can avoid falling back into our old ways. It is important to open our hearts to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are many ( the Holy Spirit is literally the breath of GOD)! It is equally important to stay in the word. Read your Bible and pray often, Talk with the Lord. He is your best friend! He is our Redeemer, our Rescuer, our Savior. only through His sacrifice do we begin to realize the meaning of true love. -
Q4. Forgiving as Spiritual Warfare
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God? By holding resentment towards others, it gives Satan a foothold into our lives. Hate and resentment are NOT Godly virtues. They are from Satan, when one does not forgive others, Satan enters the heart and can continue to fill us with all kinds of other evilness.Bitterness, hatred. Unforgivness is an entrance point for Satan a beginning to the destruction that can lead to so many other ungodly virtues.it can seperate us from God. thus giving Satan an advantage over our lives! One requirement of God to His Children is that we forgive one another. As Christ forgave on the cross when He brutally suffered and died for us. He forgave His captors and took all of our sins to the grave with Him. Rose anew, our sins buried forever . In each new day we must do the same. Ask for forgiveness, GIVE forgiveness, and start a fresh. Seek to emulate the virtues of Christ. I personally have struggled throughout the years and still do with resentment,forgiveness and bitterness, leading to guilt, hatred and self-hatred. I can personally attest that it will destroy you. Leading to depression, bad health, and most importantly disobedience to God, and a spiritual death. I pray for God to help me release all of it, and give it to Him. I feel I can only accomplish this by becoming closer to Jesus Christ through prayer, and my personal relationship with Him. God conquers all things.He can conquers anger and fill the heart with forgiveness, but, as Christians we must be open to the power of The Holy Spirit to receive His wonderful gifts.We can only accomplish this by truly knowing Jesus Christ. -
Q1. Sealed with the Spirit
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:21b-22) According to this verse, what does the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives signify? How does the Spirit unite us with God? What is the promise of future blessing inherent in the Spirit’s presence? The Holy Spirit establishes us as belonging to God. Connecting us to Christ, united to God through His Son. The Holy Spirit is a seal of ownership. A seal that God OWNS US! The Holy Spirit blesses us through God and establishes that we are firmly founded in Christ. We are HIS! We are SEALED ( it is established-it is done),we are marked as belonging to HIM! The Holy Spirit is also a down payment for our eternal salvation!! Through Him we establish a firm connection to Christ, we are established as His children and we are saved and guaranteed eternal life with Him in His Kingdom. -
Q3. Intercessory Prayer
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11) Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? How do the prayers of others have an effect? What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? We are all, who have accepted Christ as our savior joint heirs to the Kingdom of God. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul ask other Christians to intercede for him, as brothers and sisters it is important that we lift one another up to God. To pray for one another's provisions. Matthew 18:20(KJV) For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Christ promises to be in the midst of those praying for one another. Through Faith, believing that Christ will hear all prayers ,Paul ask for prayers from his brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul is beaten down so badly that death would be welcomed. As we suffered with Christ, we are also comforted by Christ. Paul wants his brothers and sisters to experience the comfort and hope found in Christ through prayer and supplication. There have been many things in my life that have caused me to ask for intercessory prayer. The latest being an undiagnosed health issue. I have many people praying for me, including our prayer team at our church. Please pray for me also. God Bless, Thank You! -
Q2. Growing through Crisis
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:9-10) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? What does this do to our pride? How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? When one is finally brought down to the depths of despair ( an it will happen-all of us will experience defeat at some point in life, some more than others) that is when if we are non-believers we reach for something and it is not there. This is the time for most of us, if we are smart, that we begin to realize there is something more, and that something more is GOD! Sometimes God drives us to our knees to help us realize that He is our ONLY salvation. A salvation that cannot be found through any earthly thing. He does this because He loves us and wants to draw us, His children,near to Him. He wants us to learn to live righteously to honor Him because He knows the alternative ( living the devils way) will ultimately destroy us. He wants only good for His children. So, even when we are very down, feel rejected, and alone, He is there and we need to remember that All things work together for the greater good, even if we can't see it now. 1 Corinthians 13:12 Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. Learning that we cannot always rely on ourselves, and must turn to a higher power, GOD, is a very humbling experience. It was and still is for me. Relinquishing 'control' ( control we never really had in the first place, as GOD is in control)humbles us, it make us realize that we don't KNOW everything! And that we really are but a grain of sand, we are that small in the presence of our Lord.Yes, that small, and if anyone is really 'puffed' up realizing that, is humbling!! Very humbling!There is so much God can teach us, everything! Living life God's way is a daily learning experience and will always be a learning experience. Knowing and trusting in God's awesome power and living our lives in a Godly manner is the best way we can be ambassadors for God, it is the only way we can become good servants. For me, the turning point was realizing it is not all about "me" but it is all about God. I began asking what I could do for God instead of what He could do for me. I began to realize what it meant to Love God because He first loved me. I used to think this was a selfish statement, something a kid might say well..okay..you love me so I'll love you. But than I began to realize a much deeper implication of this love. I began to realize that I love God because He created me, because of all the sacrifices He made, because of His faithfulness, because of His grace when He sent His son to die for us so we may be forgiven!, Because of his "oneness", His sovereignty, because of His LOVE, His greatness,His power, His omnipresence and that is when I became God's servant!. He is ALL in ALL, the Alpha and the Omega! Knowing ALL of these things, truly knowing God, makes me a good servant! -
Q1. Comfort and Comforting
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7) What kind of comfort do you receive from your faith in God? From your personal daily relationship with God? How might you share the blessing of this kind of comfort with a friend or relative who is currently suffering? What words of comfort can you bring to others? The comfort I receive from God is knowing that no matter what my circumstances ( illness,family problems,debt,etc,etc.) that He is always there for me. No one nor anything can ever separate us! All I have to do is reach for Him, talk to Him, meditate on and read His word and I know and can feel His nearness! I feel Him all around me! Knowing that the problems of this earth are only temporary and that I will soon be in the presence of our Lord in His Kingdom gives me great comfort. Knowing the promise of eternal life with Jesus Christ which Christ secured for us when He died on the cross, gives me something wonderful to look forward to, I know life begins when I cross the great divide into the heavenly realm!! The best and only way I know to share this comfort to others is to tell them about God's wonderful comfort and saving grace! Spread The Word, tell them about "THE WAY" To pray for them, and with them, and to get as many people praying for them as I can!The best words of comfort is that GOD IS Good and that He is a FAITHFUL GOD and if one seeks Him with all his heart he will find comfort, joy and love! Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given. Never, ever run AWAY from God or blame God in times of trouble, but run TO him!! He is there for us! -
Q4. Fear and Courage
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? I think the reason I am so afraid is for the same reason Moses was afraid.We don't TOTALLY trust God's promises, we don't trust in his power. In the face of fear our total commitment and the depth of our faith comes into question. My way of dealing with fear is to pray to the Holy Spirit to give me strength,courage,understanding, and a deeper faith to forge ahead in spite of my fear. Fear comes from the devil and courage comes from God. 2 Timothy 1:6-9 Wherefore, I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; Who hath saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. Courage is required and has been required of God's disciples down through the ages.Because many will reject God's word and God's sovereignty, and God's power. As disciples we must be courageous enough to stand up to rejection and fearless enough to forge ahead in the teaching and spreading God's mighty, powerful word! -
Q3. God is Angry with Moses
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q3. (Exodus 4:13-14a) Why is God angry with Moses? What is Moses’ basic sin? Unbelief, fear, or disobedience? Has the Lord ever been angry with you, do you think? How did Moses appease God’s anger God is angry at Moses for a number of reason.I think Moses offends God in all three ways,He is angry because Moses is reluctant to TRUST GOD! Moses has faith, or he wouldn't be listening to God's word at all, he would have run away from the burning bush in fear! But it is not a strong faith - he knows God exist, but doesn't trust in His sovereignty and His Power!! Moses doesn't trust his own ability to lead God's people. He ask God, why me, I'm a man who does not even have elegant speech? The Lord promises Moses that He will provide all the words and everything else he needs to take His people out of bondage. Moses is still reluctant. His reluctance stems from fear and lack of strong faith. So,I would say unbelief and fear. At this point I don't think God is angered by his disobedience, because Moses though reluctant and full of excuses, eventually accepts God's command to lead His people out of Egypt.Later after Moses accepts God's challenge ,and starts his journey to lead God's People to the promised land. God becomes very angry, angry enough to want to KILL Moses because he has been disobedient by not respecting God's Covenant of circumcision made with Abraham. One of Moses sons has not been circumcised and God is angered to the point of want to kill Moses. * "And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him,( Moses ) and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast [it] at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband [art] thou to me. So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband [thou art], because of the circumcision. " (Exodus 4:18-26) Yes, I'm certain there have been many times in my life when God has been both disappointed in me, and angry with me.I was born to sin. There is only one perfect one who never sinned, and that is Jesus( God himself come to earth in the image of man)I believe when we sin God is disappointed, and angry UNLESS we seek redemption through the blood of His only begotten son Jesus Christ! Moses appeases God by eventually obeying all of that God commands of him! -
Q2. Moses Responds to God's Call
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q2. (Exodus 3:10-12) Does Moses’ response to God’s call reflect a low self image, true humility, or lack of faith? How does God reassure him? How does God reassure us when we are called to impossible situations? Moses' response reflects a great sense of all three of these traits.Low self image and humility, since he went from royality to living as a lowly shepard for 40 years, he may feel a sense of brokeness. He went from riches to rags. His lack of faith stems from the fact that he thinks God will not be with him on this journey and he will have to do it himself. He doesn't realize he will not being doing it alone, that God will be with him, and is with him, all the time.He needs assurance from God. God reassures me through my Faith and through my personal relationship with Him. Ever knowing that no matter what the circumstance, He is there and He alone is the potter, and He has me right where He wants me to be. Maybe I don't always understand why, but I trust God. -
Q1. Moses the Murderer
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q1. (Exodus 2:11-15a) What do we learn about Moses motivations, character, and leadership ability from the incident of him killing the cruel Egyptian taskmaster? What positive things do you see in his character? What negative things do you discern We learn that he identifies himself with his people, as a Hebrew. We also learn that he has a feeling of apathy toward the Hebrew people and wants justice for them. By Killing the Egyptian who is beating the Hebrew, Moses feels he is getting instant justice. He does not take it before the Court. Here we learn that Moses may be a quick tempered man,and a man who would not tolerate anymore injustice to HIS people.He is decisive, a man of action and decides to kill the Egyptian in a fit of rage..And he is physically strong enough to do it.he is acting on his own will,he does not know yet that his life is being directed by God. negative- he is not a natural leader when ask by the Hebrews who are you? He fails to answer, and turns and (cowardly) runs away. -
Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was promised to be a great nation, God fulfilled that promise in the nation of Israel and to all of God's people who descended from Israel and later the rest of the world. God promised him personal blessing - Abraham was a man of great wealth and he was blessed with an heir at a very old age (99).Through Ishmael, one of his his other sons he was the father of the Arab people. He also had 6 sons with Katurah, which undoubtedly grew into other nations. Abraham has been a blessing to millions of people who blessed him. Abraham through his own life-through his descendant Jesus Christ has conveyed salvation to ALL the people of the Earth. Abraham continues to bless people through my life as I'm a Christ follower who rededicated my life to Jesus in 2005. Jesus blesses and sustains my very excistance..so it is through Jesus I continue to be blessed by Abraham.
Q1. Beginning Again
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.) This is a hard question for me to answer.I have been sitting here contemplating and praying for the Holy Spirit to give me the answers. I know there have been many things in my life started and left unfinished.But what I don't know is whether or not they came from God or from self.As I mature in Christ, I find his calling to become more clear. Recently he has called me to reunite with a son whom because of circumstances beyond my control and to involved to get into here. I was separated from at age 13 months and have not seen since. For years I was afraid to even think or let my heart feel the pain of the separation from my son,out of hurt and fear, shame and quilt. Recently God has showed me that I'm not to feel quilt, that I'm not to feel shame and that I'm to ready myself to seek reconciliation. I have tried unsuccessfully to find him and in the process found out that my other two daughters have talked with him as recently as two years ago. At that time he made it abundantly clear that he wanted nothing to do with me and felt a great deal of resentment towards me. He does not know the whole story, only lies fed to him by his father who raised him. My daughters claim they do not know where he is now.. Recently in the last year God has called me to pursue this relationship which I have ran away from dealing with for many years..26 years. I haven't stopped on God's command but I DO find it difficult and become easily overwhelmed and frustrated.Because I don't know how to find my son. No one in the family will tell me where he is, or even if they know where he is, for fear of me getting hurt. I feel God is urging me to do this but that he is not giving me a 'time line'. Just to keep it in my heart and in my prayers that someday a reconciliation will take place.I pray everyday for God to open my son's heart so he may someday WANT to know his mother. I want to KNOW HIM! So, I don't feel I have stopped on God's command, just that perhaps I'm moving slowly. That being said, I feel I am right where God wants me to be at this time concerning this issue. I do seek God wisdom and DILIGENTLY pray for HIM to intervene and help move things along a little faster.But I am content,I hope not complacent, but merely content to feel that God has me right where he wants me to be at this time concerning this reconciliation. and that all good works takes patience and perserverance.. This story is confusing, I'm sure to some.I hope I made sense of this question..life has dealt a lot of difficult circumstances to me, as is with everyone's life. Nothing is perfect. None of us are perfect. Only God is supreme and perfect! I did not rededicate myself to God until 2005 at the ripe age of 54. A lot had transpired in my life in prior to this, and I have experienced much growth since my rededication..stil learning and growing and hopefully will grow for the rest of my life in the Wisdom of God and his will for me. -
Q2. (Matthew 2:11a) What do we learn from seeing the Magi prostrating themselves before the child Jesus? What was the significance of this for them? How can we emulate this kind of worship? From the Magi, we see strong faith that the child is the Messiah. We see reverence, strong faith, humility,thankfulness,respect,servitude and love for the child Jesus from the Magi!They KNOW without doubt this child is the Messiah and they want to serve and honor Him in every way!They Love their Messiah, Jesus Christ. His birth is significant to them because their Saviour has arrived! We can emulate this by having the same deep faith,reverence,humility,thankfulness,servitude,respect and love for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Q2. (Ephesians 1:18c) If you knew that in a few years you would inherit $10 million, would it affect your life now? How should our expectation of an inheritance in God's presence temper our present-day concerns? Since this inheritance will be shared with "the saints" -- our Christian family -- how should that affect our fellowship with them? Yes,knowing I would inherit 10 Million dollars would affect my life now. As I'm basically, economically, a poor person. Living on a meager fixed income. So, yes it would give me great FINANCIAL security! But I know even on my meager allotment that I have even greater security with Jesus Christ.It may not be financial security, but it is so much more!It is GLORIOUS inheritance in his Kingdom, it is eternal life spent in the midst of His Glory!! I know that no matter what happens to me here on Earth that I can get thought it with the help of our loving Lord. I know that this place here on Earth is temporary,like a BLINK of an eye it is gone! What we have waiting for us so much better! I have more security in God then I could ever have with 10 million dollars and if ask to choose. There would be NO DECISION TO MAKE,BECAUSE I HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN GOD AS MY absolute sovereign provider forever and ever! Fellowship is an area, in which I'm praying hard daily for God to help me with! I have always been a loner. A shy person. I have just recently started stepping up and having some fellowship within our church,and made many Christian friends this year both offline and online. I realize how very important it is to God that we fellowship with our brothers and sister, whom we will live together forever with in his Kingdom! And I want to please our Father! I have made great strides with God's help in this area of my life in 2010, and hope to make even bigger ones in 2011, God willing!
Q9. Christian Hope
Highohfaith replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1.3. The Greatness of Our Christian Inheritance (1:15-23)
Q1. (Ephesians 1:18b) What do we Christians have to look forward to? How should this hope be a major motivation in our present-day lives? How should this hope affect our decisions and our lifestyle? How does our great hope differ from the hope of the average non-believer? We are adopted by God and we look forward to living forever in His glorious Kingdom, eternal life.This hope is given to us only through the blood of Gods only Son Jesus Christ, who suffered on the cross, died, and rose again and will return again to claim the Kingdom of God and riegh forever and ever. Our hope resides in HIM now , and in His return! This is a major motivation for me because sometimes I become discouraged with what goes on here on Earth and I have to remind myself that this is all temporary, that our life is eternal and we will be renewed and saved with the second coming of Christ. My hope is in Jesus as my future, not what goes on here on earth. Non believers don't have any hope. The only HOPE to be had is the HOPE of Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom! -
Q1. (Matthew 2:1-2; Numbers 24:17) What is the significance of the Star of Bethlehem that the Magi saw? Why do you think the Magi came to find the Christ-child when they saw the star? In what way was does prophecy prefigure this event? The star signifies that prophecy has been fulfilled in the Birth of the Messiah! The star leads them to the place where Jesus is born. Without the star present in the sky they would not know where the Messiah was born! The Magi were educated men who were well read and heard the prophecy of the coming Messiah and wanted to go to the place of His birth to worship Him! This event is prophesied many time in the Old Testament. “I will establish his throne for ever. I will be his Father, and he shall be my Son” (1 Chron. 17:12-13).