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  1. First, we must recognize our transgressions. God reveals them to us if we ask -- some sins are obvious and others take more searching. Each layer revealed and repented lets God further into our hearts. If we do not repent, then no change can take place and God cannot dwell within us. As Dietrich Bohnhoeffer pointed out, although grace is freely given from God, it is not "cheap." Following Jesus is not easy, it requires that we repent our former sinful ways and emulate Christ. We are human and will continue to fall down -- just like the apostles and John the Baptist. We follow, repent, sacrifice worldly things and follow Jesus. Baptism with water is a ritual cleansing that celebrates our entry into a new life as a Christian. Christ cannot reign fully in an unrepentant heart but over time he certainly can show us our sins and what separates us from him. If we continue to seek his guidance, to repent and amend our behavior we will grow in his spirit.
  2. Dear Lion of Grace, thanks for your answer. It really touched me.
  3. The parable can be read on so many levels: It is about each of us as Christians to help us be aware of the challenges of leading a Christian life. So many things tempt us and draw us away from Christ. As a child, I remember falling asleep in a rowboat tied to a dock. I woke up abruptly and thought the boat was in the same place as when I fell asleep. I opened my eyes and was startled to find that I had drifted in a different direction and felt disoriented. I have felt the same thing spiritually. At times, my faith falls asleep and I am unaware of it -- caught up in all the distractions of my life. Suddenly, I look up and am surprised at where I am. Jesus awakens me, forgives me and guides me back on track; Sometimes it is through a sermon, a Bible study or verse or someone just saying "aren't you going to be late for Church?" Let us pray that we can be the gentle wake-me-up for people close to us who are getting caught in the thorns or are hardening their hearts because of the difficulties they face. How can we judge? We can sow the seed but God provides the plow,the rain and sun.
  4. Fertile soil still requires preparation and maintenance for crops to thrive: Water, fertilizer, weeding...As a Christian, I must pray, read and study the Bible and stay awake to what God is trying to tell me. It is easy to become distracted by work, household duties, relationships and just the busyness of life. Prayer, reflection and taking a daily inventory of what happened in my day -- did I bear the fruit of the spirit -- or did I miss an opportunity to be kind, generous and loving. Am I truly seeking to do God's will? Where do I fall down -- am I carrying resentment, blame or my personal favorite -- pride? Have I truly repented? If I am mindful, prayerful and loving, the fruits of the spirit will be evident.
  5. We each have different personalities, gifts, backgrounds and will be drawn away from God by different things. If we are frightened, anxious and worry about things out of our control, we can try and feel safe by seeking approval from people, trying to be something we are not or try and control everyone associated with us: spouses, children, relatives and friends. We will look to everything but God. Wealth can provide security -- especially to people who have been very poor. They have no trust or faith that tomorrow there will be sufficient food, water or clothing so they grab what they can today. These feelings can continue even after we feel materially secure -- "I never want to be poor or hungry again." Others equate wealth with power -- politicians here in Africa and in other countries grasp as much as they can while they are in power and then use the wealth to stay in power and seem willing to do anything to keep it including letting their own people go without food, education, health care. Pleasures and hedonism cover up fear and anxiety as well -- hedonism keeps the focus on oneself -- our own egos, desirability or escape from pain -- which is why 12-step recovery programs are spiritual programs that require turning our lives over to God or a higher power. Only through God can we place our faith and trust where it really belongs. Also, we must be careful not to judge others and where they are on their spiritual journeys. Who knows what is really in someone's heart and what God has planned for them. We are to love them as they are and help them find their way back to God's Kingdom if they have lost their ways.
  6. Sometimes the fast-pace of our lives makes it easy to gloss over our sins -- especially the more subtle, habitual sins so commonplace in our world -- envy, pride, selfishness, greed. As Christians, we may acknowledge and repent some sins but let ourselves off the hook for ones that are painful to acknowledge and difficult change. We may feel remorse yet continue to sin. Honestly, to stay awake to our transgressions requires prayer, meditation and mindfulness so we hear and feel the holy spirit in our hearts. It is easy to skate on the surface and tell ourselves that we are fine, good, Christians and in doing so, fail to hear, see and feel God's presence and guidance. Instead of doing God's will, we do our own wills. Repentance requires introspection, humility and letting go of the behaviors we think we need prop up our egos. Very few of us, if any, repent all of our sins and each of us needs to prepare our hearts continually. Lord, open the eyes of our hearts so we may understand your will and help us grow in wisdom so we truly repent the sins that separate us from your love.
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