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Everything posted by Travis63
What is the role of the Word of God in molding disciples' lives? It provides the known Will of God, it provides the guideline to follow /live. The Word as received is REALLY the teacher, when received it nourish and nurture, it provides spiritual growth. Does it have a power of its own? He is ALL Power How does that seem to operate? Majestically, by way of the Holy Spirit What are the implications for disciplers of this powerful action of the Word? It is implied that the discipler is in agreement with the Word of God, as he/she is in agreement with the Word he/she will then be the sowerer or the waterer and God will provide the increase. If the discipler is not in agreement with The Word of God they will present a disorted view of the Lord and all that extends from the Lord. The latter is not good the discipler need to reassess, and repent, our actions, our acts have implications (spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically). If we want to serve God, we are to do so that way that He wants us to. Anything outside of His Will is not His Will, it is a facet of our will, our spirit, and this could be adverse, a determent to potential disciples.
Why are "fatherly" roles so important to making disciples? They are important simply because they are needed. As someone is being developed there will always be opposition, obstacles and challenges, therefore encouraging, comforting and urging according to God's leading is needed so that the individual may earnestly live lives worthy of God, who calls you into His kingdom and glory. How effectively do you think women can adopt these traits? I think women can adopt these traits, not only can they but they have. There isn't a mention of Timothy's father, Pual speaks of his mother and grandmother. Regardless if his father was present or not the fact that the women are mentioned gives the impression that they were influential. The bottom line be it a woman or a man, either in the capacity of exhorting and encouraging and charging someone in Christ should adhere to the Holy Spirit's counsel.
Why are "motherly" nurturing qualities so important to growing disciples? Both fatherly and motherly qualities are extremely important, there are differences. Not that fatherly nurturing cannot not be compassionate, yet there is a difference, not that fatherly nurturing cannot be gentle yet there is a difference. Many versions render like a nursing mother, a nursing mother interest is not upon herself it is on the best interest of the child, she only looks to provide to the suckling. She cherishes the child it is of her and she wants the best for the child. How effectively can male disciplers adopt some of these traits? Paul express that he does, he's a male therefore a male can, and they can do so effectively. Paul willingly is submitting himself, as should the male discipler will have to if they are going to motherly nurture. The male must not have his own interest first, he must provide not only genuine concern but also tender concern. "Disciples are not best made through arms-length teaching, but by sharing life-to-life. That's how Jesus did it, and so did Paul." Dr. Ralph
Which of the character flaws mentioned in these verses is the greatest problem in the church? This is a difficult question to answer, I somewhat believe that if one of these heinous acts are present the others exist or they are lurking. They all are GREAT problems in the church house. All carry the connotation of works of the FLESH. Why do you say that? All of the actions mention focuses on "SELF", the actions facilitates the individuals will not God's and that's not only a GREAT problem but a sin especially doing so under the pretense of His Name, His Will. The Scriptures informs us that it is the Spirit that draws men, however overt works of the flesh has the capacity to turn people in directions contrary to God's Will. How can you prevent one of these character flaws from overtaking you? Adherence to the Holy Spirit, yielding to His leading, denying Self, not self denial, but denying Self through the grace of God. Repenting when I do not and when it is brought to my attention that I am slipping, remaining courageous in FAITH.
Why is personal courage such an important character trait for a disciple – and for a discipler? As persecution is constant it helps if you are courageous in faith. When what is thought would happen does not come to fruition, being courageous in faith helps. When opposition, and weapons are formed against a disciple being courageous in faith is helpful. How does lack of courage prevent evangelism? I would like to say lack of courage prevent effective evangelism as we perceive it should be. As we become weary we faint. I am reminded of a prophet who was used mightily on Mt. Carmel, as a weapon was formed against him he became weak, his vision became obscured, he lost sight of where his strength came from, yet that which was accomplished is remembered as well. We must remember that one may plant and never see the watering, one may water and never see the increase. He may use us and we may never see a miracle, yet miracles occurs. God simply wants us to reflect Him, we want to be like Him. Some want to evangelize just as Paul, Peter, Phillip or Stephen did, as if the ministry of others didn't exist. Each was used differently by God accordingly, He (God) will do what He wants thorough us as He desires. Believing in, of, and by Him is of utmost importance so that when He tell us to speak or act on His behalf we will have the courage to do so. We may evangelize without saying a word, we may do so with voice, through both when God is in it His purpose will manifest. How does lack of courage prevent a congregation from being healthy? Over time as the wrong view is being projected it can influence others. This influence has the propensity to allow something other than faith to be the catalyst. Without fait it is impossible to please God, without faith will The Holy Spirit endue with power. As the 120 moved from the upper room they walked in the strength given by God, they were healthy. A congregation without His Spirit, without adherence to His Spirit will be unhealthy. Whereby the message propagated will not align to the Spirit but unto our spirit. What is God calling you to do that will require courage on your part? Follow Him and not my flesh, to worship Him and not do as I want to do. Not becoming too B.U.S.Y. with service that I miss His whisper. Church house operations is fine, fasting and prayer is good, living, moving and having my being in Him as His light and salt is witnessing. It is possible to be so active in the service of Christ as to forget to love Him. P. T. Forsyth Loving Him is more than an activity.
What does verse 10 teach us about the Christian faith? It reemphasizes the foundational principle of the Christ and His purpose. The Christian faith is based upon Christ, the apostle also wrote 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 Which of these elements are most important? All are important, they all intertwine John 3:16 those that are his must believe (through belief they will wait); His resurrection 1 Corinthians 15:17-28 afford those whom are His to have the opportunity to enter in. I believe that all are intrinsically important, nevertheless through ignorance I'll say that belief that He is, that He was, and that He is to come is most important. Which are less important? I really cannot say, I believe each word of verse is important, so important that I cannot place a lesser value even thought I believe that believe is of the essence. Perhaps many believe that the wrath to come is less important. many believe that all will be spared because of grace, mercy and love. Which are underemphasized by the church in our day? Maybe the wrath to come. I agree with Dr. Ralph's assessment, " Our age has rejected the idea of accountability to God -- and even of the reality of sin"
How important is imitation in the formation of a new Christian's spiritual life? Extremely, Jesus is the best example that any of us can / should follow. After that new Christian, intermediate Christian, seasoned Christians should imitate examples that imitate Christ. The problem creeps in when doctrine(s) according to man is placed before the Word. A new Christians, a babe in Christ will naturally be inclined to imitate what they see, therefore it is important that those who are in the Walk present Christ. As mistakes come, if sin should beset we should do as the Word says, repent, and continue in the Walk. What kinds of ministry are most conducive to imitation? Ministries that imitate Christ's ministry, ministries that make God's priorities their priorities. When we act, think, and speak like God, we are manifesting His will in our presence. Why is the character of the mentor or leader so important to the health of the church? If the leader is perverted there lies the propensity for perversion. If the leader cannot see, there lies the propensity to lead blindly. If the mentor is of poor character their behavior can be infectious. More importantly when the mentor or leader is unhealthy there lies the propensity for people to miss God's voice, to not hear God's voice, to be out of the Will of God. How well do people grow in Christ who aren't part of a Christian community? Not well, varying dogma's foster, most are perverted and do not reflect Christ, In what way is your character important to your family and spiritual children? Extremely important, eyes are always upon me, 1 Peter 2:9, those close will look closer and will glean what they see that I view important. Often more is caught than what is taught, therefore my actions should be as close as possible to what I say. I fully realize that I do not draw anyone to Christ, it is the Spirit Himself that does. Nevertheless I understand the charge that I am to be light and salt. We I falter I make an effort to also show repentance and restoration through Christ.
Why is the Holy Spirit's working so necessary to effective ministry? The Holy Spirit is who draws, who strengthen, who educate / edifies, the entity that can heal and restore. What happens when the main power behind our ministry is will-power? The person would be placing their will before God's Will. Some seek to be seen of men more than striving to be obedient to God. The results that could be, would not come to fruition as pleasing unto God. As Self leads the Spirit doesn't, our ministry would then be just another religious belief. And those that continue in the ministry may fall into worshipping man instead of the True and Living God. It causes one's focus to change (mentally, emotionally and spiritually) It provide an invitation / foothold for Satan to enter. What is the role of miracles in Paul's evangelism? The same role as it were with Christ. Miracles ordained by God are a testimony unto Him. The miracles performed by Jesus identified that He was the Messiah who had been prophesied. The miracles by Paul attested to his following Christ, his being in the WIll of God and God appointing such a witness for such a time that was needed. What would happen if we saw miracles in evangelism in our day? Some people would be amazed, some would discount them, some would attempt to disprove them, some would accept them, some would attempt to duplicate them. What is hindering this? Being out of God's WIll, not being sensitive to His voice. FLESH I believe that miracles occurred after the New Testament, that they still occur daily. However every child of God needs to walk circumspectly, we are not to follow after miracles, they are to follow after the child of God. Satan too can perform wonders and miracles, those under his influence also have the ability (Revelations 13). Acts 13 and 18 provides two examples where men wanted to perform miracles outside of God's Will. Mark 13:22 - For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24, 2nd Thessalonians 2:9.
Why do you think there was so much strong opposition to Paul's ministry in Thessalonica? The opposition from the Jews was due to Paul's testimony of Jesus The Christ. It wasn't simply that Jesus was his lord, It was that Jesus is Lord. "This Jesus whom I am proclaiming to you is the Christ." Paul explained the prophecies and proved that the Messiah must suffer and rise from the dead. Paul would take the Scriptures and open up the truth to those in the synagogue concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ. The Jews (religious leaders) in ignorance did not believe likewise and considered those who promoted such as enemies and blasphemers. As the seed fell on good soil it had the potential to cause some who assembled in the synagogue to disassociate themselves. Paul was promoting Christ, the Gospel of Christ he was not promoting Judaism therefore he was a threat. Why do you think Paul keeps preaching the gospel, even though there is often a violent reaction against him? He believed, he had faith in, of, and through Christ. He received the strength that was given him even when he couldn't stand. He believed! Does a violent reaction to our ministry necessarily mean we should stop? No! Additionally we mustn't misinterpret when He lead with our own agenda. We mustn't attempt to use the Gospel at our own accord whereby we misrepresent the message of the Gospel. I could present countless example were passion was misplaced however there would not be room to write. Recently after a horrific and heinous act was carried out in Connecticut a group of said Christian traveled to the area to promote their own agenda. I cannot say they shed too much light or if they were too salty, in my opinion they were out of order, who was edified, who was lift up. Instead of people being drawn near, there were more onlooker filled with ill.
Q4. Preparing for the Future
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
Why do you think David prepares for the temple, even after the Lord refuses to let him build it? It was what he desired, the motivating factors could have been many, nonetheless the desire remained How did David cooperate with the Holy Spirit in designing the temple and its worship? He is careful not to over step the counsel of the Lord, however with the talents, gifts, wisdom, and available resources afforded to David he positions in regards and with honor towards the Lord. How did David's example in giving motivate others to give? David put God before man, he placed the cause for devotion above his agenda. David's speech, the way he spoke of his doings influenced / persuaded the people, his speech touched their heart, 1 Chronicles 29:6, 9. David focus on doing what he could , he did not focus on what he could not do. He didn't give all that he had but he gave with "all his might," he gave from his personal treasury in addition to that of the state. David also "set my affection (his compassion, his love) to the house of my God." Basically when the people saw not only the projected cause but also the motive behind the cause along with the example David provided they also saw the value of the project. So they were inspired to give! -
Q3. Costly Sacrifices
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
Why does David choose the punishment of a plague on the people rather than his other choices? "So Gad came to David, and told him, and said unto him, Shall seven years of famine come unto thee in thy land? or wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? or that there be three days' pestilence in thy land? now advise, and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me" Truthfully I don't know, however seven or three years of famine would be extremely hard on everyone. Due to Saul's sin the people had already endured three years of famine (2 Samuel 21:1) I imagine David didn't want this on his conscious for that period of time. he believes strongly in the mercy of his God. Perhaps David being a man of war calculated while being pursued by the enemy there not only would the people face combat but there would be turmoil, hurtful harms caused by war and being displaced, perhaps even the loss of lives. He knew men of war could be vicious and absent of grace and mercy. With the latter choice, perhaps not the easiest choice, however as the lesson conveys, David knew that the Lord was merciful he hoped that the Lord would extend mercy and protection during the three days. David insists on paying Araunah for the threshing floor and the sacrifices. What principle drives this decision? In the likeness of a Guilt offering (‘asham, trespass in KJV). This is hard to distinguish from the sin offering (Leviticus 4-5). Leviticus 5:6-7, the guilt offering is called the sin offering. or a burnt offering, David had sinned and there was punishment because of his sin. Although God is merciful there is a cost. How should this principle guide our own giving to God? I don't see this passage relating to a free will offering, I don't know if that was the intent of the question, nor do I intend to infer that it does. David mentions burnt offering in the verse. Although salvation to all who come to Christ is by faith through grace there was a cost. Although there is no way we can earn salvation it is not free. There is a cost when we chose to believe that He is and allow Him to be Lord, there is a cost when we chose not to place Self first, there is a cost with sacrifice. Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. Galatians 5:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. We should be repentant and not take His blood in vain. 2 Corinthians 6:1 you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. Galatians 2:21 Christ did not die in vain. -
Q2. Righteous Government
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
How does David describe himself in verse 1? "David the son of Jesse said, and the man who was raised up on high, the anointed of the God of Jacob, and the sweet psalmist of Israel" David describes himself as Jesse's son who was elevated / appointed / chosen, anointed and someone who worshipped, praised and lift God up before the people of Israel. In what sense was David a prophet? David's reign was not perfect, his life was not perfect yet he is a prophet in the sense that he spoke the Word of God and that he wrote the Word of God as God inspired him. He is not a prophet in the sense of a seer. Although there were times he spoke / wrote prophesied of things concerning Christ, perhaps without having complete understanding, yet being obedient to the Spirit's leading. What is the main message of verses 3-7? Although things happened, sin / flesh / carnality at times prevailed in within David's lineage God is Lord. The man that ruleth over men must be just ruling in the fear / reverence of God because God is wise and provides prudent counsel; God is the source if wisdom, inspiration, vitality life; God is yet faithful, God is yet sovereign, God is yet compassionate, God a loyal deliverer. How can this psalm guide government officials and elected leaders in our day? If adhered to the government official would govern as they were created to. Humanity was created in the image of God, therefore the rule would not reflect carnal precepts and hidden agenda, but the rule would reflect divine concepts and principles. -
Q1. David's Song of Praise
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
What do you find the most inspiring in the language of this psalm? Affirmation that God is WORTHY to be praise, that He is sovereign, that He's Almighty, that He is never distant humanity's view hold what He demonstrates in varying degrees based on where we are, based from the side of grace and mercy of the time present time. What encourages you the most? God is ALL at all times, unfortunately we may not see that He is until hindsight is keen. Write down all the various titles and metaphors used of God in this psalm. (an expansive list, yet not an exhaustive list) LORD!, Solid Rock, strength, perfect, light, deliverer, refuge {safe place / cover / protection}, stronghold, shield, salvation deliverance; worthy, vindicator, Love, faithful, All wise, Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotence / Almighty. -
Q4. Joab's Character
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
What does this passage teach us about David's character and faith? David's character, his temperament, his disposition, his spirit, his moral fiber, remains unchanged as it relates interactions with others. He exercises mercy, he extends grace, he exercise wisdom, kindness, and justice. It teaches us that David is a humble / meek man. Perhaps I am missing the question as it relates to his faith, however it could be interpreted that as he strive to be a just man, a man when the time arise to impose judgment whom exercises wisdom, mercy, and grace. Since he believes in God that these traits / characteristics conveys his faith as it relates to the Character of God. What does it reveal about Joab's character? In this instance one could say that jealous or insecurity was exposed as a facet of his character. He killed Amasa. Had Amasa' complete the task assigned he would have gain the favor of David, he justified David's removal of Joab. Joab kills Amasa', takes over the campaign and wins the hurt of the men on assignment. He is a leader, he can command men in / at war. Loyalty was another side of his character that was revealed, he did not seek to rebel, as he had did in past times all that he did, did as he deemed best for David. What kind of faith do you see in Joab? Joab's name means “The LORD is Father.” The Scriptures does not cover his entire life moment by moment, however it is ironic as the Scriptures reveal moments of his life we can see at times he failed to look to God for direction, fatherly guidance and wisdom. Joab knew of God, when he checked David as David mourned loudly he referenced God. He fought in many battles with David for the honor of God and His people, Joab knew of God. Many today are likewise, unfortunately there are some who say that they are of the Lord and that they KNOW Him, yet their actions, their behavior does not reflect that they do. Joab's faith, his belief, his trust in this instant was based on his wisdom, his ability, his strength alone. What does this passage teach us about the importance of friends? I do not get the connection as it relates to friendship, nevertheless I believe that friendship is a very necessary part of anyone's life. We were created to be relational beings, we need to have relationship both horizontal and vertical. Is Joab really David's friend? We know from the Scriptures that he was David's relative, we also know that he had leadership responsibilities while under David's charge. There isn't a mention of him being David's friend. having said that there are not many instances where a distinctions of who was or who wasn't David's friends are mentioned. In this life people have what is termed as good friends and there are some that are termed as bad friends. I don't know if Joab was a friend or not, what I can say is that he was someone that God and David allowed in David's life. What I can say is that Joab was at times a sounding board in David's life. -
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why does David command mercy for Absalom in the battle? Regardless of all the calamities caused by Absalom he was David's son, and David loved him. I'm sure he did not love the sin(s) that Absalom committed but he loved Absalom. Similarly God loves humanity, He hates the sins that humanity commits. Why does Joab kill him against David's orders? They were in combat and Joab was a man of war, he saw Absalom as an enemy even though they were related. He knew of the things Absalom had done and he also had an idea of what he was capable of his life was spared. How does David's loud mourning threaten his kingdom? He in essence was demonstrating a lack of concern for those around him, and also toward those who valiantly lost their lives to ensure his safety. What does this say about his followers' loyalty? They were loyal! They were faithful! What does it say about David's faith? I don't understand the placement of this question. David's faith in God remains in tack! About his weaknesses? Nor do I understand the placement of this question. Perhaps as it relates the Absalom I do not see a weakness, I see compassion. Had Absalom live I'm not sure if he would have been imprisoned, if not David would have an enormous a GREAT problem at hand. God allowing Joab to do what he did prevented this probably dilemma. As it relates to Joab, sometimes a gut check is needed, I think Joab's counsel was timely. I think his killing Absalom was a reasonable act of war, I don't know his true motives. I don't agree with Joab killing him while he was in such a defensless state. This act could be seen as muder also, true people die in combat intentionally and accidentally nevertheless none of the deaths should be through acts of out right viciousness. Unfortunately killing is a part of war, killing Absalom was justifiable. However David didn't, his desire to place (2 Samuel 19:11 - 14) Amasa, as his captain of the host instead of Joab was a political move, however I do not believe it was politically motivated. -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why doesn't David silence Shimei son of Gera from cursing him? "It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day. " David's did not allow what Shimei said provoke him to make an irrational decision, nor did he vindicate himself. As he was on this pilgrimage he acknowledges that God is in control regardless if the circumstance presented themselves due to His ordained Will or His permissive Will. David by way of actions and word was basically saying he would not revenge himself, and that God would do what is best regarding himself and Shimei. David believed that God's hand was on the future as well as the present. Is this a political decision or a spiritual decision? Perhaps both, I believe more so spiritual What does it tell us about David's faith? He is yet faithful -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why does David flee Jerusalem rather than stay and fight? There are many answers that could be fitting, I believe that one of them based upon David's belief that Absalom would "bring evil upon us, and smite the city with the edge of the sword. " He knew what Absolom had done on the night that his first borne was killed. If Absolom was capable of carrying out such a heinous crime, in his blindness he had the potential to do greater. David didn't want the city of Jerusalem to become a killing ground nor did he want to kill his son. What are David's emotions during this retreat? There could be many emotions experienced, the text says that he and those with him wept as they went up. They were weeping as they went up as they went up to mount Olivet. David "wept as he went up, and had his head covered, and he went barefoot) He was covered his being covered could be an outward expression of repentance, nonetheless he was going through some radical changes whereby he nor the others could not be absent from feelings. Some of those feeling / emotions could have been disappointed, shocked, sadden, confused, maybe even disappointed, depressed, miserable, hopelessness, anguished, gloomy, despondent, dejected or in a state of desolation. David could have been experiencing any or all of these thing. This disruption of life was caused by someone close to him, it affected and would affect the people of Israel, it also was displeasing unto God. David was turning to God in a great time of need (solace, comfort, strength, guidance). His being barefoot I agree with Dr, Ralph was symbolic to submission, Why doesn't he take the ark with him into exile? The ark is not David's personal shrine to take with him wherever he goes. Though David paid homage to the things of God, he had learned from when the Ark of Covenant was taken into battle by Hophni and Phinehas through misguidance by the will of man the results produced were unfavorable. He knew the ark was more than a “good luck charm.” I also believe, he believed the Ark belonged with the people, leaving the Ark in the city had the greater potential to bless the people as they assembled. His love for the people, public worship and the honor of God outweighed the thought to have the Ark physically with him. Another probable reason, although David had learned proper transport of the Ark it would not be wise to transport it in haste wouldn't be wise. Does this exhibit faith, fatalism, or submission? "If I shall find favour in the eyes of the LORD, He will bring me again, and shew me both it, and His habitation: But if He thus say, I have no delight in thee; behold, here am I, let Him do to me as seemeth good unto him." Within all David's statement all three can be seen depending on the readers perspective. Although I believe that truth can be found in all three, based on David's character the heavier of the three I believe would be faith. What does this tell us about his faith? David trusted in God, not in the ark of the covenant, he put his fate in the Lord's hands. -
It's difficult to find positive spiritual lessons in these sad and grim chapters. What negative spiritual lessons do you find? There are so many spiritual lessons learned here, so many! Absence does not make the heart grow fonder! Although parents have been blessed to work, they must not negate parenting from a godly perspective. When we fail, our children get CAUGHT IN THE WEB [Worldly Entanglements Bondage] David’s parenting style can documented, they can be contrived from many perspectives (good or bad) some parents simply refuse to discipline their children. Discipline do not necessarily mean readily using the rod of correction, counsel and other measures should be implemented. The negative from David's parenting style should never be duplicated. Nothing in scripture tells us because David was a king that he spoiled his children, nonetheless the same requirements / responsibilities we have as parents, he had. To mention a few, commitment, accountability, self-sacrifice, involvement. Often times more is caught than taught, they see what they perceive we value. If we take a trip into the far country they may take an excursion into the far country, they follow us. What makes it painful is that we come out and sometimes they don’t make out. We make it out with some scars and bruises. But our children following us may not make it out. David’s first born raped his daughter; in scripture we don’t know if David disciplined this son in an acceptable manner nor defended the daughter. The forth son, he didn’t get the proper instructions so he grew up thinking he could do whatever he wanted to do. He set up a kingdom in opposition to his father’s kingdom while he was ill. So Solomon, when he became King he had him killed. The third son killed the first son because he raped his sister; he rebelled against his father, slept openly with David’s concubines. Solomon followed his father to the throne and the far country with many women, wives (divided heart, laid the foundation for a divided house, which resulted in a divided kingdom). When families fail to communicate, communities become combat zones. When we fail as parents our children are, Caught in the Web. When we fail to raise our children to be our brethren, then they become our enemies; because they become the enemies of our king.
What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? Absalom is very cunning, he begins by setting the stage, he projects and promotes a fitting image. A physical image and also an image of endearment. The people saw him as a striking affluent man and he also listened to their concerns. He also tickled their ears, he said things that would satisfy them upon listening to their concerns. Followed with a promise or a subtle suggestion if he were in charge the individual would have justice. He provided a sentiment that was the icing on the cake, sealing conversations with a kiss, supplanting the idea that he was genuinely concerned for their welfare. How effective is it? v. 6 "b" clause - "so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel." He was very effective! What should David have done differently? Taken his head out of the sand. All that Absalom did was out in the open, it may not have been in the direct presence of David. Absaloms' motive were hidden, however the chariot, 50 men before the chariot, his rising up early standing at the gate providing counsel could not have gone unnoticed. It is highly unlikely that David would not have been informed of his son’s activities. The number of people coming to see David surely would have decreased, secondly their concerns would now be presented differently. Perhaps David was proud that his son took an interest in kingly duties, since Absalom was not the king David should have been concerned enough to observed if actions were appropriated. If not involved He should have been engaged. If not from a grooming vantage then from moral or judicial stand point. Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit? David did not exercise proper wisdom and judgment when it came to family members. Absalom plot from the beginning was to exact justice, verses 2-5 conveys justice, judgment being carried out. I believe that the surface weakness however beneath the surface Absalom takes advantage of David obscene. David checks out when he has to make decisions concerning those close to him, he removes himself. Instead of acting on the issue he focus on something this else that could be perceived as kingdom business. This also fueled the bitterness within Absalom, specifically for Absalom he did not satisfactorily care for Tamar and it has been years since he had returned to Jerusalem and he had not been in his dad's presence.
(2 Samuel 13:39-14:24) Why do you think Joab conspires to get David to bring Absalom home? 14:1 Now Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that the king's heart was toward Absalom. Joab was not only David's right hand man at arms, he was also a relative. Perhaps where the Bible is silent with many details, Joab perceived gives us insight that he had some interaction with David. Through this interaction there was enough to know David's heart towards Absalom. Perhaps he as well had some interaction with his cousin Absalom, he knew where Absalom was (14:23) Why do you think David does not immediately show Absalom his favor? Mixed emotions, even though he longed to see Absalom, he still grieved Amnon. Perhaps many factors prior to these tragic events lead to a distant in their relationship, upon Absalom return things became even more awkward and David didn't know where to begin. There could be countless possibilities, many with varying truths.
What punishment does David deserve? The written Word on more than one occasion says death. What does he get instead? Mercy, a demonstration of love. He doesn't die a physical death, the child does. How does this punishment relate to the provisions of the Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7:14-15? "I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: 15 But my mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee." His son's / family those close David would be instruments either ordained or allowed to chasten David, yet God would extend mercy and remove him as He did Saul. God would honor His word, the covenant, David would received punishment. Just as a father in the natural chasten his son through love, God would do so with David so that he understands how destructive "SIN" is. David followed (****, fear, deceit, etc..) his emotions, he would experience emotional distress. His sin in its exactness would not directly continue, however generational sins would follow from the example that he projected. The sword (emotional distress and the results from these distresses) were ever present in David's immediate family, yet the Lord was available to comfort, to provide rest, to help etc. How do David's sins hurt God's glory? Just as our sins do, it does not glorify Him! It identifies that we are disobedient, that we are not honoring Him. How do our sins reflect on Jesus Christ? reflect - (mirror, imitate, replicate, be a sign of) Our sins are not in the likeness of Christ nor the behavior that He demonstrated that we imitate, however because He is compassion He provides a way back to the Father for us as we return unto Him. It has been and it will always be true, it is the Spirit that draws men unto Him, however our use will not be as effective. Often man sees the negative clearer than they can see that which was transformed, or the lessons learned. Our salt have the potential to lose its saltiness when our sins are exposed.
Q3. Confrontation
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
Why might it be dangerous for Nathan the prophet to confront the king? David could have allowed negative emotion to lead his conscience and have Nathan put to death. What device does Nathan employ get the king to listen to him? Judicial parable, storytelling, How does David's condemnation of the rich man's greed help him acknowledge and condemn his own actions? The parable reaches David's heart, his reins, his innermost, he is convicted. Since David cared for sheep, and he had compassion for people the parable hit home! He is able to see the grave injustice that occurred because of his decision making. He is able to see beyond he conniving efforts to cover sins and actually see that he has sinned. -
Q2. Adultery and Murder
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? Simple answer he a human being. Sin is real, it is ugly, it is despicable, it is non biases, no one is immune to it, any human that follows their own will provides a greater opportunity to give into temptation, and to fail when trials are presented. What does this teach us about our human condition? If we place our own will before His Will we are subject to like out comes or worse. What is our problem as humans? Taking a verse out of context, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" Basically we have the propensity to follow our own desires How can David ever recover his integrity after this? Just as we can when we have fell, turn from condemnation unto God / Christ, God is just, He is also merciful. I believe godly repentance is received by Him. David just as we will then have to receive His forgiveness, walk in the redemption and not under the cloak of unforgiveness. Lastly the people that the sin affected, well David / we have to place all in God's hand. for only God can touch their hearts. As God does His part David nor should we neglect to do our part. From the restored moment the child of God is to live with the hopes of reelecting His image. Heaping coals of fire! People may not forget, but they are capable of forgiving. -
Why do you think David doesn't discipline his son Amnon for his sexual assault on his half-sister? I'm glad the question is phrased as "why do you think?" I do not think we will know on this side of heaven, and when we get on the other side I'm not sure this will be the focus of discussion. David perhaps did as a of family members do in our day, he bestowed more compassion on those closer to him. I have seem parents sometimes almost ignore their child's intolerant behavior where as an onlooker (arm chair quarterback) presents many actions they would take and also what they would not tolerate. More than likely he was in disbelief initially, then embarrassed, then uncertain of what action to take next. As he dwelled in the valley of indecisiveness he did not seek the counsel of the Lord. As he did not seek the Lord counsel the spirit of the air grew prevalent among his family and perhaps those who were aware of the horrid occurrence. What are the consequences of David's inaction? David's failure to do anything lead to having a greater influence than righteousness. Not only did sin have a greater influence, it also had a great effect on those immediately associated with the tragic event and a damaging affect on those that knew about it. Lives were destroyed physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Tamar died even though she lived; Amnon died never live as he could; Absolom lived to die, David suffered, those who knew of the rape also suffered consequences in one manner or another. God was not glorified!
Q1. Mephibosheth
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
Why does David honor Mephibosheth? He honors the covenant with his father (Jonathan) What does this teach us about David's character? He honors his word.