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(Galatians 1:4) According to verse 4, for what purpose did Jesus give himself? "that he might deliver us from this present evil world" us from ours the Galatians' from their sins, from all the bad or misguided influences of this world, and from all the false systems of religion engendered in this world. How does Jesus rescue people today? He rescues people today as He did in the days afore by faith. There are too many Scriptures that encourage or tell us to believe, I simply love how it is conveyed in John chapter 3 verses 15 -21. How does he keep people from falling back into their old ways? This is a tough question however the simplest answer is through faith. When one looks at Hebrews 11, we tend to look at all the marvelous things that were accomplished, and they were marvelous. However this then called faith is as well what kept / allowed those mentioned to be in relationship with God. "Tis So Sweet" just as the song writer express "take Him at His Word! Upon uniting with Christ Jesus there is a need to abide in and with Him. Romans 10:17 gives some good guidance, as we have came to know it is a GREAT thing to continue in His Word / Will as we comprehend more about His Word /Will we have this to aid us in keeping His Will. No man is an island has been quoted for ions, it is a good thing to be amidst other who believe as well. Romans 8:9 being submissive to His Spirit afford us the privilege of being in His Will, this as well helps to keep those that are His from falling back into their old ways.
What is the role of church discipline in a dysfunctional congregation? As I was driving to work I thought on this question, and in my earlier response I responded from only one perspective. As I thought on it the discipline can be administered by an individual, a church leader, a church board, or the congregation regarding a matter of sin in the life of a believer, regarding disciplining a dysfunctional assembly. I again believe that the administration of discipline in a church it's main purpose should not be considered as punishment. It should be administered to train, restore, protect and maintain order.
Q4. Greeting with a Holy Kiss
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 13:12) What is the equivalent of a “holy kiss” in your congregation and culture? A genuine hug, and or hand shake Why is a warm familial greeting so important in a healthy congregation? It shows affection for one another , if genuinely given and received the greeting reassures sentiment. There is so much wealth in greetings that there is not enough space to write it. A warm and received greeting in any culture is important and can have a great impact on all that follows. Warm greeting can help melt coldness pave the way for interaction / communication. Why do people sometimes resist being greeted warmly? From the moment of birth I believe that every human being touched desires to be touched however in their growing something happened. The reasons are many as why people sometimes resist being greeted warmly, too many to list, however here are a few: Some may have a phobia, a fear of touching or of being touched (which may have stemmed from an event or experience). Some people have been hurt and do not want to allow someone into their space. Some feel that the greeting is not genuine, that it is superficial or there is an ulterior motive. Some grew up in an environment where it was not common place. Some could be germaphobic. Some could have a superior complex ,"can't let those common like touch me". Again the reasons are countless, I am not a doctor however in my opinion there is a need for healing to occur if a person does not desire a warm greeting, be it the greeting a holy, kiss, a hand shake, a hug or any measure of touching. There in my opinion is an need for healing and surrender to the Lord. My sincerest hope is that I am not being crass by that statement, nor none sympathetic to someone suffering through that experience. However the God we serve is an embracing God, a God that touches more than spiritually. He gave many example as He graced the earth, just as a warm greeting can affect the possibility of a relationship so can non-warmed greetings / non-touching. -
Q3. (2 Corinthians 12:20) How do you “cure” a church of these kinds of behaviors and sins? We in ourselves cannot cure anything. By the grace of God, through wisdom He imparts, a church leader should use the authority He has given them. As they exercise this authority in His authority the results should be godly. Be it the use of authority is rebuke, counsel or guidance, the end resolve should be according to and with the counsel the Lord gives. How can a “love offensive” begin to change the spirit of a dysfunctional congregation? God extended love towards us first, (1st John 4:19 we love him, because He first loved us), even thought we were in the wrong. God's love sought for me and kept seeking even when I tried to hide. We were offensive to Him, yet He made the moves to demonstrated His love for and towards us. He mounts a daily, actually a moment by moment love offensive. By Him heaping coals of fire upon our heads, by His conveying His compassion in our hearts (minds), for those whom He won over we make efforts not to displease Him, we want to show Him that we too love Him. A love offensive when recognized can not only begin to change the (spirit) mind / will of a dysfunctional congregation one person at a time, it can change them. Unfortunately not all will surrender to Self, some in a congregation were buried alive when they were baptized. This can be applied as we assemble as well for God works through us. A love offensive is an act of generosity marked by abundance, self-sacrifice, perhaps with an element of surprise, and always perfectly timed. When we embark upon this offensive maneuver surprisingly both parties may be surprised. A love offensive is not an insincere apology, nor is it simply announcing canned sentiments like with fake earnestness, "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." Neither a love offensive ignoring a person's need 'cause you don't want to make them feel uncomfortable. Love is an action word. There was this member of my church, many knew he was struggling, I made the statement I have made many times before, "If there's anything I can do, just let me know." Rarely did anyone let me know, they in turn would give another canned Christian sentiment, "I'm fine." I did a simple thing visit the person and tears flowed like the Niagara falls. According to him no one ever visited him, he did not share with me the problem. However he said that my visit was the greatest act of love he had seen since attending any church. Colossians 2:2, Philemon 1:7, Hebrews 13:1, 1st Peter 2:17, 1st Peter 4:8, 1st John 4:12 Jesus commands us to love as He loved. His standard for dealing with a spouse, a family member or a brethren is based on the internal workings of the heart, not the day-to-day desire to have someone conforming to our ideals. No one is perfect. But Christ loves imperfect people. He calls us to love one another. And love covers a multitude of sins. If this is our spirit, our love to others will not depend on their love to us, but we shall do as Christ did to us--love them. Jonathan Edwards What is the role of church discipline in a dysfunctional congregation? The character of church disciple is to carry it out, it's role is unlike the role of disciple in any environment. Rules and regulations are the foundational, and discipline helps to ensures that these rules and regulations are followed. Guidelines are integral, they help to ensure the safety of the people involved they also allow things to become as efficiently as possible. When administered to / in a congregation dysfunctional or not it must be administered according to divine authority of Scripture. The church leader or board must not become speck inspector nor should they seek find a passage of Scripture and use it in an misinterpreted manner, every passage of Scripture cannot be used outside of context. The authority administering church discipline should seek counsel of God, and as well recall the character of God when administering church discipline. The Spirit of the Scripture is extremely important more so than our opinions or dislikes, God's counsel must be the guide not the weapon offense. I was once a part of dysfunctional congregation, the pastor and the assistant pastor both recalled passages of Scripture that supported their defense. Neither Matthew 18:15-17 counsel, there are other passages I could refer to, this is not the end all when there is offense, however this one was not even considered. These two had offence and now the assembly is split, they assemble at separate localities where unfortunately some of the residual from the fall out is still amidst 2 years removed. There is a definite need for church discipline, there are some general causes, and also some specific causes, however from the understanding that I have be the cause general or specific the discipline is intended for restoration of a sinning brother and not to condemn anyone. Even in the case of excommunication, Paul did not give the guidance to be considered as a measure of punishment.
Q2. Weakness to Strength
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 12:10) What was the life-changing lesson that Paul learned from God when God denied his prayer? "For when I am weak, then I am strong" That when he did not exert his own strength and allowed God to use him he was the strongest. Paul understanding his weakness in his flesh allows the Spirit to work in him more fully. How does our self-sufficiency limit God’s power through our lives? We tend to lean unto our own understanding producing results from our own understanding. The problem isn't that He gave us understanding and wisdom, the problem is that we do not acknowledge Him. He does not tell us not to use our several ability, in the parable of the talents and the pounds there is a stiff penalty for not using ones several ability. The thing is that we are to use what He has given us according to His guidance. Whenever we use our own sufficiency's according to our wills, our spirit is not in agreement with the Spirit. God will not share His glory therefore He will not be in the midst of what we are doing. His power will not be visible because He is not in the act / action that we are conducting in our self-sufficiency. Can we become dependent upon God without having to experience some “thorn in the flesh” ourselves? I believe we can, but that is His call, He sees us naked. -
Q1. Paul's Thorn in the Flesh
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. Paul’s Vision, Thorn, and Final Words (12-13)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 12:7) Why was this “thorn in the flesh” given to Paul? Paul give us the reason, "lest I should be exalted above measure." {NIV} To keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations, there was given me a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. What purpose did God want to achieve through this in Paul’s character? Its purpose I believe was to have Paul allow the Lord to use him with the Lords strength vise Paul's own. Paul's strength was made perfect in weakness, for his strength was in the Lord. Paul could have fostered a prideful attitude, he was not immune to pride. He could have exalted himself and by doing so influenced caused others to praise him. How can something be both used by God and be caused by Satan’s destructive work? The book of Job gives us a great illustration, as does Jacob and Esau tell of events. Whether God allowed or ordained events, through His perfect or permissive Will things we experience that are not favorable, through them God can still receive glory. Paul, in 1st Corinthians 5:5 states that excommunication is a way of delivering the unrepentant sinner “over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.” This means that excommunication can somehow involve God’s using Satan (or one of his demons) as a disciplinary tool to work in the sinner's life physically to bring about true repentance in his/her heart. How does this verse relate to Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20? It relates as in something happening to us a child of God not so much our liking nevertheless the end result yet magnifies the Lord. When we are going through something that is not to our liking often we see the that which is happening, and sometimes even a continued downward spiral. Regardless of the outcome God can get the glory as we remain in faith. Even through relentless adversities as a child of God clings in faith the fruit yield is precious in the eyes of God whereby He will get the glory. The good will occur if not in this life, it will in the life to come. God is able to even make those sufferings work together for our good and His good. -
Q4. Sufferings and Authenticity
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Paul’s Defense of His Ministry (10-11)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) How do Paul’s sufferings help authenticate his claim to be an apostle? His continued diligence affirms that he believes he was sent by the Lord. The reception of the Gospel, that people were converting to Christianity was evidence the he was sent by the Lord. His being sustained, helped, delivered, receiving the protection that he did provides evidence that he was sent by the Lord. By Paul letting his light so shine before men, that they may see his good works which glorified the Father which is in heaven. What do these sufferings tell us about Paul’s commitment? The he had confidence in the Gospel, that he had confidence in his call, that he was committed to the call, that he was passionate to the call. How does this account inspire you – or convict you? It does both, it inspires me not necessarily to duplicate what was accomplished through Paul, but to have a like dedication and compassion as he did. The Bible does not capture Paul's day to day living however from what is recorded as he overcame day to day deterrence's he made himself available and because he was available the Lord used mightily. Many of us today would prefer the later to be used mightily, however we do not consecrate ourselves (make ourselves available) so that the Lord can do so. I am convicted, not that I desire to have like afflictions pressed upon me, but more so that it doesn't take a fraction of the persecution Paul faced before I succumb to Self, doing something my way, or trying to please myself. Instead of allowing Him to work through me when I am weak, often I use my on strength. I am so very thankful for the process of sanctification, and in it that He extends mercy. My prayer is that I continue to draw nearer to Him, and allow myself to be available. May I be content if He chooses me to be a tool as was Andrew or Barnabas, regardless of the charge my desire is to be a well done servant. How will you be different from having pondered it? I will be different if in my choosing I LOVE the Lord God first and others as I do myself. I will be different as I adhere to the Holy Spirit's guidance vise my own especially when it is influenced by another. -
Q3. Bivocational Ministry
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Paul’s Defense of His Ministry (10-11)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 11:7-9) Why do you think Paul refused to require the Corinthians to support him? Paul says that he did not accept any financial support because he did not want to be burdensome unto the Corinthians. He was not chargeable to any man in Corinth, being so no one is Corinth should question his motives, they should see that his motives were pure. In a few verses farther he shares that he loved them. Not that he didn't love those whom from abroad supported him. However through Paul using the wisdom that God gave him and adhering to the counsel of the Holy Spirit, Paul deemed this was the best course as he ministered in Corinth. How did this help his ministry? Paul not accepting financial support from the Corinthians allows his service to Christ to be seen as genuine. It allows those that will see his service to them, the motivation behind his service to them as sincere and pure. How did it contribute to them taking him for granted? I'm not certain how Paul not allowing the Corinth contribute financially afforded them the opportunity to take him for granted. I can see how others with a carnal mindset polluted the minds (spirits) of others. I get this by way of Paul having to defend himself, by his mentioning that he was serving without their financially supporting him. How can we honor Christian workers, clergy and lay, who give of their time sacrificially to minister for Christ? With our support be it financially, or through our time, talents and gift. We can honor them by communicating with them as they align with the Will of God vise against them. We can honor them by adhering to their guidance as they are lead by the Holy Spirit according to the Holy Spirit. We can honor them by acknowledgement. How will Christ honor them? Jesus will honor them just as He will honor all whom return to Him. The parable of the talents and the pounds is not an all inclusive assessment, however it does have merit. They will receive their honor based on their faithfulness and their adherence to the leading of the Holy Spirit. -
Q2. Purity of Devotion
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Paul’s Defense of His Ministry (10-11)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 11:1-5) What does it feel like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ, and instead takes on other motivations for its religious observance? I can't answer that, I've never experienced a congregation taking on other motivations for its religious observance. What I can say however is that I know of some people that were a part of a congregation that worshiped Christ, and because they felt that the bishop was an ineffective as a teacher and preacher; they left this congregation and joined another congregation that worship God but not Christ Lord. Although they are not Jews they adhere to the majority or perhaps even the same ordinances as a Jew. The leader of this congregation I am told is an excellent teacher. Rumor says that those who left and are under his tutelage say that they are now being feed. What a cost!!!! to eat something that's not good for you. It is also being said that the earnestly attempt to recruit from the congregation they left. I don't know what it feels like when a congregation loses its pure devotion to Jesus Christ and instead take on other motives for its religious observance. What I know unfortunately that those who take on other motivations for sacred / spiritual / dutiful adherence they are no longer aligned with the Spirit. When they follow their own spirit and do not repent they are influenced by another spirit and under another gospel they become corrupt. Adherence to another gospel leaves them uncovered and also no longer espoused / betrothed to Him who is the Redeemer. As they are inclined to the deception they farther distance themselves from the only way to the Father. False apostles preach false doctrine remaining under this influence can lead to a reprobate mind. The Jesus that Paul preached is the only Jesus that is able to save. The Spirit which he preached is the only spirit that is able to sanctify in a manner pleasing to the Father. In what ways is this like the church at Ephesus losing its “first love” (Revelation 2:4)? Those who follow the false apostles (chiefest / super apostles) followed with another spirit as they preached another gospel. Unlike the church at Ephesus these did not try these apostles determining that they were not apostles, that they were liars. Just as the church at Ephesus made a choice to leave its first love so had these Corinthians as they chose to adhere to another spirit, another gospel. Thou hast left thy first love. Neither maintained the passion and devotion of the love required. Verses 2 & 3 tells us that the church at Ephesus did things that were pleasing to God nonetheless they are charged with a sin. The sin Christ charged this church with, is, not the having left and forsaken the object of love, but having lost the fervent degree of it that at first appeared. Perhaps they were going through the motions, espoused but not engaged. The impression I get from 2nd Corinthians 11:1 - 5, is that these false apostles were attempting to convey something better than what Paul had, something more excellent. Inferring that those who inclined to follow them were seeking more, something better. They made a chose to seek another forsaking the devotions they had for Jesus. How can this purity of devotion be restored? Yes, by adhering to the same guidance Christ gave to the church at Ephesus, Repent! Return to Jesus, change the way of thinking and acting, and do what the things as they were done and why they were done before. -
Q4. An Indescribable Gift
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Sowing Generously (9:6-15)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 9:12-15) Why should our giving prompt thanksgiving? One may provide the seed and another plant the crop, but God gets the increase. The saints who are blessed by this offering will give thanksgiving to God. According to the recipient and or any onlooker's heart, as we give willingly / cheerfully, as it fulfills needs it gains merit. As done in a manner honoring God, the recipient and onlookers who's hearts are touched will joyfully express their appreciation and thanks, this will be a conduit to God directly if they are Believers and indirectly if they are not. As our light reflective so shine that men might see the good works were made for God will receive glory with thanksgiving. How is our giving a demonstration of God’s grace? Cheerfulness relating to giving carries the same connotations as God extending grace to us. Our giving just as it demonstrated to the saints in Jerusalem via the Corinthians Christians that the grace of God was showing in / through. Why is God’s gift of Jesus termed “surpassing”? Surpassing - exceeding beyond anything every known or imagined. The strength and power of the Christian principle, manifesting itself in doing good to those whom an individual does not have an immediate or direct relationship with. The gift of Christ was given even though we were not in intimate relationship with God. It is surpassing - exceeding because Jesus as His gift surpasses what man knew, had known and will be able to comprehend. Why is God’s gift of Jesus termed “indescribable”? Man's utterances cannot appropriately express the magnitude of Christ the Gift. Unspeakable meaning Christ the Gift is greater than the mind can conceive, with the ability we have to think and speak there isn't a language or level at our grasp that can adequately express or explain Christ the Gift. -
Q3. (2 Corinthians 9:10-11) According to these verses, what is the purpose of God increasing your “store of seed”? He increases “seed” we sow for His Kingdom purposes. The seeds (offerings given)sowed here in which Paul was collecting was to help the Believers not only back in Jerusalem. It as well would BLESSED the givers, just as it did the Macedonians whom provided aid to Paul as he was about the Fathers business. How do greed and generosity differ from each other? Greed focus remains on Self, generosity does not. Greed has a likeness to ****, with relating to money it could be deemed as loving money and material wealth. Generosity focus does not remain on Self and it is not limited to the distrubution of funds / money. Relating to giving greed is contrary, it conveys accumulating, collecting however not with other in mind. The expense can be costly for others because it comes at their expense, it can poison or corrupt. Generosity conveys a spirit of concern, care and moves to aid or help, the focus is about sharing, giving not collecting for self. It conveys an act of grace - good will. Gererosity conveys that a person's heart has been cleansed of self-interest and filled with the servant spirit of Christ. What is God’s promise here to generous givers? Being enriched in everything to all bountifulness, made rich. Not for the Corinthians own riches (masses of physical things or lavish lifestyles), but for their kindness, for the glory of the Lord, and the good of men. [Love the Lord God and others as one should love themselves]. who causes through us thanksgiving to God (KJV) Your generosity will produce thanksgiving to God because of us. (GWT) After giving according to Paul's guidance with kindness and willingly, the thanksgiving is directed to God. God gets the glory! and He should for he gave the ability to be in a position to give. He through grace provided the example to show grace.
Q2. Guilt vs. Cheerfulness
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Sowing Generously (9:6-15)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 9:7) Why do you think pastors or other church leaders use guilt to try to compel people to give more? I think a pastor or church leader may use guilt attempting to compel people to give more when their agenda differs from God. Unfortunately more than often it is due to fleshly desires, carnal thinking. Unfortunately this occurs at the at the expense of the sheep, members, individuals, some will remain and complain with the assembly, some will leave (go elsewhere or nowhere); some will remain and pray; some will remain and prepare divisive offering. They “Decided in their heart” to give, they have thought it through and want to be a part of the collection / giving. However do to the method of coercion they have decided amounts to give in increments. Thereby at the end of the campaign they have giving what they have reasoned willingly, however that is far from giving willingly. The thought that ran through their minds was not motivated by thoughtful discipleship and love for Jesus. This infection damages the movement, as I said previously, the money will have an effect however it will not work in the fullness of the manner God intended. When we conduct ourselves in this manner our spirits are not aligned with His Spirit. We are not adhering to the Holy Spirit! I have also experienced occasions where it was for a good cause (to provide aid of some sort). However if God did not move the pastor or church leader towards the cause it may be a good cause that may not be deemed a good work in the eyes of God. Can greed be behind their pressure? Yes, among other things. **** can be very powerful! Some may be leaning closer to a form of religion in Christ vise having a relationship with Him. They may not carry visibly all of the attributes of the Pharisees and Sadducees. However vise putting Christ first they place themselves first, they accrue many worldly trinkets / toys, outer accruements that they desire to maintain. Financial pressure loom, along with the bar of “success” being set by larger, more attractive churches cause them to have green eye syndrome. Why is pressure incompatible with worship? It contradicts the character of God. God does not force anyone to consider Him worthy, relating to honoring Him through or with an offering, pressure in any form would negate love. The offering would not be a free-will offering, an offering freely of the givers will. The verse says not to give harboring feelings of remorse / guilt nor to give because of force or feeling obliged due to man's influence. In essence Paul conveys that a person giving with a cheerful countenance God loves relating to giving, vise a person giving not really wanting to. What does cheerfulness while giving say about the condition of a person’s heart? Their mind, their spirit is aligned with God's, they reflect the character of God. The condition of a cheerful heart giver is in line with God principle of giving, and also in His likeness. For this is how He gives, there are so many examples where God blesses those who believe in and upon Him. He does not give from a feeling of guilt or that He should, He give just because. -
Q1. Reaping Material Benefits
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. Sowing Generously (9:6-15)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 9:6) Does the Scripture teach that material blessing results from giving generously to God’s work? In my opinion the Scriptures do not teach that a believer will receive material blessing equating to physical (a tangible increase of the money given). I do believe they can receive material blessings that are pertinent by giving generously to God's work. With the understanding that I have I do not comprehended that a Believer will receive material / physical blessings for giving. When a farmer sow, he hopes to reap a return for him (his family. business or organization. The believer should be sowing seed for the furtherance of the Gospel. Relating to the farmer buried seed it may take time to germinate, it may lie in the ground with no obvious sign of a return or of increase. However in the process of time and by the grace of God, by acting according to the wisdom God gave the farmer the seed springs up and produce an increase. With the Believer willfully giving money they should not sow seed with the intent of receiving a return for themselves, they gave it for the purpose of God's work, and act of benevolence, an act of kindness, etc.. In regards to an increase, an abundant harvest, just as with the agricultural seed, the benefactor, as they wait in time their good deeds may not be visible. However in time the seed will grow, God's work will manifest and according to His Will be magnified. We have no recording where by giving in the book of Acts those who did gained material blessings physically. However we do have recorded that many were sustained and The Church increased. Acts 16:5 So the churches were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers. NIV And so were the churches established in the faith, and increased in number daily. KJV This is a bad example or likeness, when I give to a charitable organization I don't expect to receive a material increase, however I believe that the kingdom is furthered by my giving. Why are we so careful to reinterpret this as referring mainly to spiritual blessing? Many are careful to interpret sowing and reaping because there are spiritual blessings to be received as well as there are pertinent (material) blessing also. Having God delight in our actions are certainly a Spiritual blessing! Although the God we serve is not a slot machine we trust that God will provide, He is the God of provisions. The God we serve can never go bankrupt, nor is He in debt to any human, or any being. Spiritually, we can trust that God will reward the giving heart both now and in eternity. If you compared your own actual giving to God’s work to a tithe (10%) of your income, would it look generous? I believe that it would. I tithe and I give offerings because I believe in our time that finances are needed to aid in some of the efforts that are Christian based. They also aid with the maintenance of a church and activities if a church has activities. Culturally it would not be feasible to tithe crops or their likeness, however I do not find in the Scriptures Old Testament or New where the people were given instructions to tithe money. Abram tithe spoils (the bounty he collected from war) and Jacob made a commitment to give God back a tenth of his increase if God would fulfill certain conditions: be with him, watch over him on this journey back to his father's house in peace, give him food to eat, and clothes to wear. (Genesis 28:20-22). I understand the principle of tithing was before Abram, if it were not he would not have known about it nor would have Melchizedek. Abram, Melchizedek and Jacob having knowledge of tithing places tithing prior to the Mosaic Law. Many who lived in the Old Testament had riches (silver, gold and precious stones) yet we do not have a recording where they tithed these riches. Deuteronomy 14:22-29 gives us one reference of accommodation as they moved from the wilderness into Canaan. This guidance was given due to the travel distance involved, it is too far to carry the tithe from the fields, the tithes were to be converted to money, the money to be used for the Levites and services ordained by the Lord. There is a reference to money as an offering (2nd Kings 12:4-16) however I have not seen a ref to tithing money. Again I tithe because there is a need relating to the principle, services are still ordained by the Lord and there are still servant that provide or facilitate the service. In our day money is the feasible medium, however it doesn't stop there. Here is another bad analogy, imagine how a child feels knowing that there estranged parent lives a block or two away and all that they do is send money. They never invest a percentage of their time, share their talents or experiences. Just as it is beneficial to tithe finances to God's work, we are to tithe intangibles as well. Being that Paul is not referring to tithing, those who do not believe that tithing is required, these Christians should give in a manner as the Lord prospered so that the services can be rendered. I am blessed of the Lord where I am able to tithe and give offerings, praise the Lord! -
Q4. Men-pleasers and God-pleasers
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 8:21-22) What is the balance between living our lives wholly before God without being men-pleasers, and doing what is right in the sight of men? The balance is to follow the example of Christ emulating as well the motives the He followed as He graced the earth. When we move away from that our motives change and we as well move from the Will of God. The balance is to strive not to give into flesh, striving to live in a manner whereby it reflects according to His guidance as His guidance recommends. No one is above reproach therefore we need to express extreme caution as varying temptations lurk. Pride, the desire to be liked, and as relating to giving, giving with the wrong motive to been seen does not please God. The money will work that is given, however it will not work as the Lord would have it to because the spirits are not in agreement with The Spirit! -
Q3. Christ Became Poor
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 8:9) What riches did Christ have according to this verse? The riches prior to Him assuming human form. This is probably best taught in Paul’s majestic hymn about Christ in Philippians 2:6 (Possessor); John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17 (Creator) of the heavens and the earth, basically He had All that which comprises royalty beyond our comprehension. He was as well rich as it relates to His divined nature. How did he become poor? Philippians 2:7-8 He was not a destitute beggar. He became poor by assuming human nature, with all its weaknesses and imperfections, he appeared not as a Lord, but in the form of a servant; he endured reproach and shame, and also experienced death. He emptied himself of all his divine prerogatives and humbled himself – and ultimately died for us and for our sins. In what way were we poor? We were deficiency spiritually, many of us were poor spirited, which differs greatly from being poor in spirit. In what way have we become rich? We become enriched by and through Him as He graces us with His Spirit. We become rich as we embrace the truths of the Gospel, of His Gospel. We become rich as we become inheritors of riches in heaven. -
Q2. Grace and Giving
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 8:4, 7-9, 19) What does grace have to do with giving? There are many reasons why people give nonetheless narrowing it down to a possible six reasons I'd say some give for earthly praise, others because that feel obligated, some because it commanded, some because it's rewarding or for a reward, and others because it is spiritual discipline, some because of compassion. Grace could mean the ability to do so, or it mean with kindness. Giving from kindness being the motivation provides great wealth for both the giver and the receiver. This kind of giving is reflective of the Lord. What does giving look like when it isn’t accompanied by grace? A chore, a duty, a necessary evil, a tax, an exaction. What does it look like when grace prompts your giving? This kind of giving is reflective of the Lord. -
Q1. Giving from Extreme Poverty
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. Generosity Modeled and Encouraged (8:1-9:5)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 8:1-5) Why is it so difficult to give when we are stressed by circumstances and bills and pressures? The answer to this question will vary from individual to individual; from circumstance to circumstance (some are just plain selfish and don't want to). This applies to giving tangible or intangibly, it will vary from person to person. Circumstances - The person view may have a greater focus on their impending circumstances. Bill - Some regarding their bill(s) may be past do, being so it may determine if they will have the basic necessities or the threat of the necessity being taken away. Pressure - It is difficult to give when pressured either because the person don't know the cause or believe in the cause, or they have because of distrust do to past appalling behaviors. The previous church I attended it was not uncommon to be approached by a panhandler. Many would not give because they didn't know it the money would be used properly, they didn't trust the panhandler. What can we learn from the example of the Macedonians and the poor widow? That there are some who will give even though they are struggling financially. That there are some that give according to as they have. That their giving is an example we can follow. I would love to say the following statement are true, but more so they are truths: The poor give more because: 1. They have a better sense of where their help comes from. If his eye is on the sparrow surely he watches over me. 2. They know what it feels like to need help. Matthew 5:7 You’re blessed when you care. At the moment of being ‘careful,’ you find yourselves cared for. 3. They know there is a greater reward coming. Blessed are the Poor for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6:20 4. The more you have the harder it is to let it go. It’s hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Mark 10:25 5. They know God’s going to give it back. Luke 6:38 One of the most touching things I read regarding the poor giving in today's time: "One of the most moving experiences as pastor was when I had more people who needed groceries than we had grocery cards for. The members responded by giving more money right there on the spot to help people get food to eat. The members responded by giving more money to help out. With half the people in the church not working they still gave more!" How will this lesson affect your own giving? The lesson really will not have an effect on my giving. I give as I am able to, I give as the Spirit leads me to, I give regularly, I give to the panhandler not fearing or mandating how they will spend as I discern when to give (however often I will offer sustenance more so than money), I give as I am giving to the Lord. Perhaps because of flesh I have a problem giving when I discern compulsion, coercion or obvious manipulation are affront. -
Q4. Fear, Faith, and Courage
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 7:5) What are the distinctions between fear, faith, and courage? Fear Fear can be healthy, it can facilitate someone to exercise caution, it's a part of our daily lives regardless of people are not willing to admit it. As stated it is a reaction to danger that is hard-wired into our human bodies to pour adrenaline into our bloodstream to prepare us to defend ourselves. But fear can also continue on, eating into our confidence, if we let it. Praise God, through faith we face our fears, take courage, and don’t allow our fears to control us. Faith = belief, confidence, it is not blind even thought the Scriptures declare "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." There is an anchor to our belief! It has been said from the biblical days up to our day that Joshua, David and others were courage, I'd like to use quotes concerning courage: "Courage can't see around corners, but goes around them anyway." Mignon McLaughlin "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." Ambrose Redmoon "Every day you either see a scar or courage. Where you dwell will define your struggle." Dodinsky "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." Winston Churchill "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. Mary Anne Radmacher Lastly I believe that an individual can experience all three at the same time. Why is being honest about our fears better than pretending we don’t have any fears? Having fears is healthy, it's a part of normal living, however living in fear is unhealthy in the healthy, it can paralyze your living. Pretending that we don't have any fears can cause us: to live a lie; to continuously live making advised decisions; to miss opportunities to walk by faith; to be bound, etc... We need to face our fears, so that we may have an opportunity to overcome them, the deal with them. That's easier said than done, however running away from our fears or avoiding them don't make them go away, that just makes them bigger than ever. How did Paul deal with his fears? He rested in the Lord, he turned them over to the Lord. By, in and through faith he faced his fears, took courage, and didn't allow his fears to control him. -
Q3. Separation from Sin
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1) What kind of separation is Paul calling the Corinthians to? Holiness Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit: The let us infers that there is something the Corinthians (Believer) needs to do, and that is turn from sin, sinful practices and turn towards God. They were to turn from things that they could physically do and also to remove themselves from environments that could pollute influence of Christ. Separation from the world and it's influences involves more than keeping our distance from sinful practices, we are in the world but not of the world as we are in Christ. Separating from the world means staying close to God, adhering to the Spirits voice, not ours alone nor that of the air. There is no way we can totally separate from sinful influences, every being is not in Christ, nonetheless are to resist the sin and sinful practices around us, without either giving in or giving us. We can do that by following the guidance of Christ and adherence to the Holy Spirit. Perfecting holiness: The ing suggest to me that it is an ongoing process. As the Corinthians are in Christ they have received Him, at that point holiness began in the heart (mind). Paul is saying to them and to every Christian that they should make every effort that it might be complete in all its parts. Every Christian in purifying himself should strive for greater holiness and constantly seek to attain to the ideal of which Christ is the example. No one can do this on their own, God empowered us to make decisions, with that ability if this is going to happen we must crucify our flesh and follow Him. In the fear of God: God is ALL Power, He is All Mighty, all-knowing, He is ever presence, all seeing, having seven eyes He can see in completeness, He sees us naked. In the fear of God, I see it as more than the fear of punishment, not disdaining it, however may foster compliance vise commitment, this compliance may stem from compulsion and if that be the case the root of it does not reflect the character of God. This fear for me aligns with reverence and respect for God, in knowing that God not only is Almighty, and ever present but He as well is all seeing. He sees and He will knows if I who having taking His name made efforts or a decision to refrain from indulgence in pollution of flesh and spirit, and also from committing. This fear as well may not be healthy however it is a viable fear as well. The bottom line I believe that Paul was conveying whatever capacity one may receive in the fear of God that they may that the Corinthians (Christian) strive not to displease Him, hating whatever might enliven His displeasure. How can they strike a balance between separating themselves from sinful practices that mess up their spiritual lives while at the same time maintaining friendships with pagan neighbors and co-workers? Follow the example of Christ just as Paul did, if Paul had not do so they would not have the experience of the Gospel of Christ. Jesus associated with the sinners of his day: tax collectors, prostitutes, and others. Yet he did not do as they did, he did not follow their wills He followed the WIll of the Father. He followed His will as it aligned with the Father's. While among none believers He was light and salt, not too much light and salt, but light and salt. The Corinthians as can we still have friends that are not Christians, if they desire to be friends. We don't or shouldn't sever our relationships with family if they chose not the serve the Lord. However we must love the Lord FIRST, the Corinthians nor a Christian should be around or involved with them when they are sinning. The Christian Corinthians, all Christians we should separate themselves from activities and people engaged in those activities that would lead back into the sin and poverty of our former lives. The Corinthians (Christian) must exercise godly wisdom, they as are we are in the world but not of the world because we are in Christ Jesus. Until God deem it so the tare and the wheat coexist, having said that as we live because we are in Christ we should reflect Him regardless of the setting. What we should not do, what the Corinthians should not do is tempt themselves nor tempt the Lord. Taking a passage of Scripture out of context and perhaps out of content, but I hope it is in line with the lesson and as well the Lord's Will. Haggai 2:12-13 The influence of holiness is not as far-reaching as the influence of unholiness. A rotten apple will corrupt a barrel of good apples; but a good apple will not transform a barrel of rotten apples." Sanctification, holiness, or cleanness cannot be transferred by us, but defilement can (just as health is not contagious, but disease can be). How can the Corinthians strike a balance between separating themselves while maintaining friendship with nonbelievers, by love, by loving God first then their neighbor as themselves Matthew 22:37-40. Even though living in Rome they were not to do as the Romains did. By being in environments that the Lord appointed and would approve of. In my growing I have witness some witnessing to people in bars, I've not done that but I would not be influenced to drink if I'd embarked in a like venture. Some in street ministry have been in places where prostitution and drug use was prevalent, I've not done that but I would not be influenced by either, I say this not being prideful, those things have not been a temptation for or to me. I have been in those environments before I was a Child of God and they did not influence me. There is yet another ministry that I read about in Charisma and Christianity Today years ago, which went into erotic, sensual clubs and **** like environments. I fully believe that if God told me to go there in His service that I could do it because He would empower me to do you. However this is not an environment that I could have a healthy balance, separating myself and maintaining profitable communications. Although I have not frequent these places prior to becoming a Christian this environment would have a strong influence on me, one strong enough that I would fall. Thereby I exercise godly wisdom not contaminating my body and spirit. -
Q2. Living Holy Lives
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18) What are the reasons Paul gives us – both in his letter and by quoting Old Testament scriptures – that we should live holy lives? Because God is holy as we are united IN Christ we to should live holy lives. Although no Christian is sinless (1st John 1:8-10), as we are in Christ God expects the true believer to adhere to the Spirit's leading and not to sin habitually. “No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God.” ESV. If a Christian willfully practices sinning they are not separated from the world, the unbeliever. Paul references temples that God lives within them and walk among those that have been dedicated to Him. Having said the he states that those committed to God are living temples. He reference the command by the Lord to be holy, to separate, to come out from among those who have not been cleansed. Not to do things that will defile. Paul also reference that Believers are God’s own special children, that He will be a father to them. What kinds of temptations did the Corinthians face in their notorious city. Corinth was a major cosmopolitan city, a seaport and a major trade center, it was said to be the most important city in Achaia. Idolatry was a strong part of the culture as was immoral behavior. The probable temptations are many too many to list, however from the Scriptures we know that idol worship, sexual sins (identity, adultery, fornication, prostitution etc..); partaking in sinful behaviors such as greed, drunkenness, and pride; proper treatment of women as they assembled, proper use of spiritual gifts, false religion, etc.. -
Q1. Ministry Hardships
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Hardships, Holiness, and Joy (6:3-7:16)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 6:3-13) Why do you think Paul shares so much about his various struggles with the Corinthians? I think that Paul shares so much to convey his point, he shares with them that his service to Christ is a living testimony. As a faithful agent of urgent reconciliation He by the grace of God did not allow his communication about Christ ministry become neutralized. Although he was faced with hardship, hostilities both verbal and physical Paul's behavior never discredited Christ ministry nor his allegiance to Christ. By Paul sharing his experiences some will gain a greater grasp of service, some will receive comfort for they may have been persecuted as well, some will strive to do likewise. Paul by sharing his experiences informs them as well that he did not receive the grace of God in vain nor did he present to the observer an offence. How we act in varying situations, when we are faced with circumstances will reflect what we believe. As we promote the testimony of Christ some will accept it, some reject it, some will hate us, some will love us, it was so for Christ and it will be likewise for us. Even so Paul sharing with the Corinthians and also to us gives us treasures beyond explanation. As Paul did, we should look for ways to demonstrate our faith even in bad situations. Whether or not the situation improves. How does this help them accept his apostleship as authentic? Paul sharing not only that he encountered struggles but also that by the grace of God he persevered encourages them. In Paul living what he believed, what he preached, encountering such opposition and yet continuing with confidence, sharing his experiences helps the Corinthians and also others who read or heard of his sharing and how they strengthen his claim to authenticity. Have you ever complained about what you’ve had to put up with in your ministry? Sure I have. Throughout the Scriptures ordinary who answered the call may have became frustrated, yet they continued in the calling. Moses, Joshua, David: Stay alive until you take the throne. Jeremiah: Preach the warning of God in spite of opposition, all of these saints got may have gotten discouraged and complained, but they overcame and continued in their calling. Our focus should be just as Christ was, just as Paul's was regardless of how we preceive the results should be and that focus should be to never to lose sight of God's calling. How does it compare to what Paul faced? Paul was appointed a time and a season, he encountered what he did according to the permissive and the perfect will of God. His service to God had the same purpose as mine, nonetheless the hardships that Paul faced greatly overshadows what I have faced. Nonetheless in the course of each day that the Lord has blessed me with I should not allow careless or undisciplined behavior be the light that people see. In the midst of trial, test, tribulation, and temptations I should strive as Paul did by turning to the Helper, that being Christ Jesus. Regardless of the situation I must fight my way through it and faithfully carry on in Christ. I must not succumb when another god desire to take God's place as head in my life. -
Q3. (2 Corinthians 5:21) In what sense did Jesus “become sin” on our behalf? He was the sin-offering that was acceptable to God, the sins of mankind were transferred unto him, laid upon him, and placed to His account, Jesus became the bearer of sin. His being the sacrifice for sin, none of which He committed, He does so on our behalf. The wages of sin is death, Jesus chose to stand in the place of the guilty that our sins could be atoned for. By this act the law was satisfied, as we are united in Christ we receive forgiveness of sin and are accounted righteous. In what sense do we “become righteousness”? We readied as the righteousness of God when we are in Him (in Christ), as we are united in Christ, as we believe in and upon Jesus. We are accepted as righteous, and treated as righteous by God because of the price that Jesus paid on our behalf. We become in right standing before His eyes, we are justified, our sins are not held against us. As we are IN Christ it is just as we did not sin; we are justified through the shedding of His blood, and we are sanctification through adherence of His Spirit. In that sense we become the righteousness of God.
Q4. Agents of Reconciliation
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:18-6:2) If you, then, are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation, how is this likely to affect your daily life? Every being that has united with Christ Jesus are called to be an urgent agent of reconciliation regardless when they adhered to the call, this is an ongoing charge. Every Christian regardless of title is a servant and their lives should reflect that of Christ. This should influence my daily life and all that are united in Christ in a manner where we do so. We should conduct ourselves as God's servants, and we live, move and have our being reflect suitably to that character. We should live our lives in a manner whereby it does not cloud the Gospel of Christ, nor in a manner where His influence cannot be seen or neutralized. How will it affect how people perceive you? How we live can greatly influence how people distinguishes me, my character, to whom I belong to. If I live in a manner that reflects Christ not only will they know that I am in Him, but it may also as the Spirit leads draw them to The Spirit, not my spirit but Him (Christ). Paul in the verses that follow shares that he has experienced all kinds of difficulties. Nonetheless through these things he has remained faithful. Some people have honored him, others insulted him, but in all circumstance he has showed by his consistent behavior that he is a true servant of God. Being that I am being made perfect through the process of sanctification, if I offend or stumble my repentance can affect how people recognize me as well. Did they observe remorse or godly repentance. In my living as an urgent agent of reconciliation I cannot afford to live a hypocritical lifestyle, this as well can have a great influence on how people identify me. The cost of living in hypocrisy can cause a person claiming to be a child of God the same or worse fate as that of most Pharisees in Jesus' day. How will it affect how God perceives you? God distinguishes, He identifies myself and all whom are agents of urgent reconciliations by our character, behavior and the fruit that is displayed. When I say fruit I am not references a term that I heard so many say, "how many people I have lead to Christ". Truth be told according to the Scriptures it is the Spirit that draws. Fruit more so that what is displayed genuinely, that is reflective of Christ inward and illuminates outward. That which we do with our hands, feet and mouth are for His glory. God, He sees all and know all, He knows if I am truly His, He knows if I will be His, and also know if I am not. As a faithful agent of urgent reconciliation He will be pleased. As someone whom He knows will chose Him He is patients, long suffering and compassionate for it is His Will that none should perish. As a person who is not His, yet they say that they are He will not receive them upon judgment. He will say depart from me workers of iniquity. -
Q2. Reconciled to God
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) How have we humans been reconciled to God? By faith, through faith, by receiving Christ and accepting His unspeakable atoning gift. We who are in Christ as reconciled to God according His Word. Romans 5:10 For if when we were enemies, God was reconciled with us in the death of his Son, how much more therefore, in his reconciliation, shall we live all the more by his life? 2nd Corinthians 5:18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; What did God do so that reconciliation could take place? 2nd Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. He gave Christ His only begotten Son who knew know sin. 1st Peter 3:18 For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: Through Jesus the only acceptable sacrifice for sin, as we are in Him, God does not charge men's transgressions to their account. In what sense are you an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God? Being that God was in Christ, reconciled me unto Him, not imputing my trespasses against me as I am in Christ, He has as well committed myself and all who are in Christ the word of reconciliation. We are Ambassadors, just as a high government official has a spokes person to speak on / of their behalf, we are to be trusted spokes persons for Christ doing likewise. Telling of His goodness, of the opportunity He extends to others, sharing whatever it is that He through His Spirit lead us to say or do. In what sense are you a Minister of Reconciliation for Jesus Christ? Within the circle of influence, within the environment that I live, move and exist I am to live for and through Him. As the opportunity arise as the Spirit leads if I am to act as peacemaker then act accordingly. How I respond to change or hostility can be a witnessing moments as to my allegiance with Christ. In essence my life, my lifestyle, what I say, what I do all is to share the Gospel of Christ with people. Conveying to them His desire as the Spirit lead, not as my spirit alone desires. Some speak fire and brimstone when the Spirit may have wanted them to know Him as a Comforter. Some speak of Him Ruler when the Spirit may have wanted them to know Him as friend. Jesus witnessed to the woman at the well differently than He did with Nicodemus. Basically we whom are IN Christ know that He is all, that there are many capacities that He holds, there is only one way to the Father and that is through Him, however we can convey His love and authority in multiple ways. His is a friend but not just a friend, He is the Comforter that can empower to become more than conquerors. -
Q1. A New Creation
Travis63 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) What does verse 17 teach us about the nature of a new believer? They unite with Christ Jesus in faith, they are changed. Those who come to Him by faith, are changed, the woman at the well was changed. This declarative statement pertains to those united in Christ not to those buried alive (who are in themselves; they often may the statement "that's just how I am" justifying rude behavior among others). Regarding the nature of a new believer there is a change produced in the renewed heart of man that is equivalent to the act of creation, there mindset has been renewed. "Be IN Christ" meaning having Christ dwelling in his heart (mind) by faith, that person is a new creature. As they are in Christ their thoughts of selfishness, deep prejudices, and **** for / of iniquity changes as we strive to love the Lord and others. The person his old status is changed: they were a child of Satan, they are now a child of God. What changes in a person when he puts his faith in Christ? Their way of thinking, the way that they live, as they adhere to the Holy Spirit, as they refer to Christ His actions and or His guidance their outlook changes as does their motive. The prejudices, opinions, and habits are looked at differently. Our spirit agrees with His Spirit, not that of the world nor our own, but that our spirit agrees with His Spirit. This change is constantly being facilitated in the process of sanctification. Why don’t old habits disappear immediately if everything has become new? It would be grand if every Christian had a Damascus road experience, some do and some do not. Coming from darkness to Light is a wonderful things, however the fondest someone held while living in darkness may have lingering influences. I have found that it is harder to break bad habits than it is to form lasting good habits. God's Word is true, someone IN Christ is changed, they are a new creature, yet He did not remove the power, the freedom of choice. God is all power He can do anything, however what we know of His character He will not force us to do anything. He can and will strongly encourage; He may place challenges / test, and trials that gives us the opportunity to strengthen our faith. He may allow situations, circumstances or event to occurs, yet ultimately we have the power of choice and we must make a decision. Ceasing to commit to old habits for some is more difficult than it is for others. It isn't simply a process of "turning over a new leaf" or "getting your act together", sometimes it is a process. (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:10-12).