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Everything posted by Travis63

  1. What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? The reasons are too many to list, answering the question as best I can, all of the motivations you mentioned in the lesson and more. Fear, dissatisfaction, envy / jealousy, impatience, frustration, illness ect... How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? I do not understand the question (these two are polar opposites). Fear defined has many meaning; faith as well but can be summed as belief; relate in the sentence it's meaning connection between, relation, interact looking at it . Perhaps I may be misinterpreting the question, if I am please correct me. Perhaps you are alluding to fear, when acted upon affect /effects a person's belief system[faith]. At this magnitude, when it does, fear can cause a person to grumble / complain. Dr. Wilson and to all on the forum If I am off the mark, please provide guidance and or feedback. What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? The symptoms sadness, hurt, and sometimes frustrations. Those are just a few symptoms, their cause when I experience or see a person whom is a child of God deliberately sin. When I see a leader deliberately deceive people and or take advantage of people. I understand that none, no one is perfect, however it pains me greatly when the witness of the body is bad, even when I am a part of that witness. I fully understand that God is going to get His glory, yet it hurts observing someone deliberately frustrate, disdain and take advantage of His grace and mercy. Anyone that is around me will see one or all of the obvert symptoms I've mentioned come to view when I experience this and I may grumble or I may pray, I may ask a brethren to pray with me or for me. I do not maeke this comment in a self righteous manner, for sometimes I too frustrate the grace of God. Be it in thought and not action, or by way of placing before my eyes something that does not edify, (anger, pride etc..) Again the key word I want to emphasize members of the forum is deliberate acts, deliberate. What should you do about it? What I should do I do as the Spirit lead, as I adhere to the Spirit. I pray, sometimes as I go to the Word I find comfort. I pray that I become more Christlike, gain and extend compassion as He does. View life as He does, and strive to live it in the manner that would be pleasing unto Him.
  2. Why is God's glory important in the Exodus? God's awesome glory demands faith and obedience! It as well demands reverence! His awe of His glory build confidence in Moses and the children of Jacob, empowering them to move, to go forth. It as well had an impact on Pharaoh and his army, the Egyptians knew of gods, after their encounter(s) with His awesome power they now knew of the God that Moses gave devotion to. How is recognition of His glory important to faith? It give /builds confidence enabling, better empowering one to believe that what God said He would come to past. The He can do what He chooses to do. To holiness? I do not believe in with our human understanding that we can ever comprehend God's glory, His power. However by His glory we come to know that there is NO GOD LIKE HIM! The He is separate from all other gods, none can compare. The He as well wants those whom believe on, in and upon Him to lead and live a separate life from those that believe in the other gods. To reverence? Recognition of His glory in important to reverencing Him not only because of His awesome power; that He has done amazing / incredible things nor that He will. It also is important because we know that He cares, that He loves us. We may not get everything we want, when He blesses us it may not happen in the manner that we want, sometimes the blessing may even go unnoticed, yet He cares and has our best interest at heart. I'm certain that the desert wasn't the optimal place that the children of Jacob wanted to receive their blessing(s). They had seen the plagues, and now yet again they see His awesome wonder. However some of them still did not notice that they were being blessed, they saw what was before them, the opportunity to be delivered. What happens when leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God? When leaders / Christians take for themselves the credit and glory that is due to God, they are out of the Will of God. They are adhering to their carnal desire and the more they do so the less sensitive they become to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The more they become less sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading the farther they move from God. How can leaders keep themselves from pride? Crucify their flesh; remember that they too are required to take up the cross and deny self; recall that they were creates to worship and not be worshipped; adhere to putting God first and loving their neighbor as they are to love themselves. Recall that they are an instrument in His plan not the plan nor the power.
  3. Why do the people blame Moses for the advancing Egyptian army? Fear What motivates their fear? The unknown, being unfamiliar, the possibility of facing the wrath of a vengeful Pharaoh, not trusting, believing God. Who are the people really blaming? Because Moses was in the will of God, not acting according to his own will, the people were actually indirectly blaming God. They were shooting the messenger with their complaints. How does Moses respond to their blame and fear? He reassures them through several commands, and he as well prophesy to them making several faith assertions. Why doesn't Moses defend himself from their unfair criticism? Moses maintains his focus, being the leader that he was, he redirected their fear coaching them to regain their faith. How do the people respond to Moses' words? They responded to the words of Moses doing what he commanded.
  4. Why was obedience so important to the people
  5. In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? Christ met all the requirements of God. Christ was without sin and lived the perfect life which qualified him as the substitute sacrificial "Lamb of God". He died for our sins God's Passover Lamb came to deliver us from the bondage of sin and its curse, freeing us to worship God on God's terms as (1st Cor. 5:7-8) tells us, the Passover Lamb was sacrificed for us, so let us keep the feast, not with the old leaven of malice and wickedness; but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. In what sense are we marked with His blood? Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Every person that puts on Christ are marked with His blood when by grace through faith they apply the Lamb of God's blood on the sides and tops of the doorframes of their hearts. There are many Scriptures that place to value of the blood of Jesus as are the many songs. I love this song that just came to mind, "Nothing But The Blood" by Robert Lowery. We are mark by faith in and of Him. In what sense does God's judgment pass over us because of Christ's blood? John 3:16 " that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 1st John 3:5 And ye know that He was manifested to take away our sins; and in Him is no sin. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. And because our names are written in the Lamb's book of life (Revelation 13:8), we are not condemned for our sins (Revelation 20:12, 15). God's wrath "passes over" us! Hallelujah! It is by the precious blood of Jesus the Christ, appropriated by faith that God's judgment passes over those that are covered by it.
  6. Why do we tend to fight our battles "in the flesh" rather than using spiritual weapons? Most fight their battle(s) in the flesh because they are in the flesh. Not necessarily that they are committing a sinful act, but more so because God has gifted humans with a will, strength, and talents / gifts / abilities. We being human beings often tend to lean on our own understanding and not follow the Spirits leading, we move in what we see, and often acted within our own reasoning. Unfortunately many will turn to God only after they have failed in their own ability. It would be nice to say that most Christians are Spiritual enough, that they dwell in a Spiritual realm, yet let someone offend them. God gifted us with emotions, and they are a blessed gift, however sometimes we are lead by them, sometimes we make decisions by or because of our feelings and therefore sometime when we fight we fight in the flesh rather then turning the thing over to God. We don't like waiting so we sometimes react. Using Spiritual weaponry may take too long, we use our own strength, talent, ability or gift to accomplish what we will. We use our spirit more so than The Spirits arsenal. 2nd Corinthians 10:3 and other passages tells us how a Christian should war, but often it is in reverse. Why do we so often mistake the human enemy for the spiritual enemy? I understand the question, however my response is from a different perspective, I don't believe that we (Christians) mistake the human enemy for the spiritual enemy. I believe that because in the natural we war in these bodies that's where we lash out. We feel, see, hear, smell, and touch in the natural as does whomever the evil one places his influence. Therefore if it becomes physical we reach out and touch; if it is verbal we say what is believed to hurt to most or gain the greatest attention; what we hear we respond in a manner that we feel will is justifiable or will nullify that which was spoken. When will God fight our battles When we let Him! God will fight any battle He has anointed us to be in. God will fight our battles if the battle(s) as they are in His will and not ours! and when won't he? When we fight our battles "in the flesh" rather than using spiritual weapons. If we are in a fight that we got ourselves into because we have turned our own way and followed what we wanted instead of what God has ordained for us, He will patiently wait for us to realize this and lead us, once again, on a path He has chosen for us. David was a man after God's own heart yet he walk in the flesh quite often. Thank God that His mercies are renewed, thank Him for His Grace, and thank Him for the measure of faith that He gives!
  7. Why didn't Moses accept Pharaoh's compromises? Because the compromises were not in compliance with what God had commanded. In what instances should church leaders accept compromise? When the decision is not in conflict with the Will of God. " Leaders must do what needs to be done to achieve the greater purpose." Instances in this likeness I believe are acceptable. For an example, the church needs a new marquee, the Pastor / Priest / Elder has differing ideas than the Church Board a compromise may be acceptable to accommodate an acceptable marquee. In what instances is it wrong for church leaders to compromise? When God has clearly told us what we must do, when doing something that is contrary to His Will, not doing so would make it wrong to compromise. When a church leader misuses what God has said to satisfy the will of the flesh it is wrong to compromise.
  8. Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? There are countless reasons, each situation differs because each circumstance is different. Any response that I could share will probably already have been shared, they maybe true but they are not the truth, mainly because the shared responses are not all inclusive. Each opportunity to confront people (not just church house members) have their own merit. Having so the difficulty with confronting the person will vary. Saved or unsaved the degree of difficulty will vary as well. There will be times when it maybe less difficult because the leader is passionate about something. There maybe times when the difficulty level maybe higher because of the sensitivity of the nature or the church leaders familiarity or experience level. What fears in this regard does a leader face? That will depend on the issue, it could be the desire to be like; the comfort level in facing confrontation; exposed weakness; truth as to how the leader may stand / their view of a particular issue; if within the church house is could be added to this list possible lost of allegiance or membership (unfortunately many people attend the church house because they like the leader, programs or location. Again the fears will / can be countless, they may stem from the reasons for the difficulty of the issue(s) to confront. How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? It can and will be good every time it (the confrontation & rebuke) is Spirit Lead! If it is of God and not of the leaders feelings the fruit from the rebuke will have a godly result. That does not always mean favorable in our eyes, but nonetheless it will be according to the Will of God. Thereby the end result will manifest for His good. When it is not Spirit lead, but is done according to the leaders spirit leading there is a strong probability that the results will be ill. Regardless if the issue is a minute issue or an issue in great stature if done from feelings alone there is great danger (in my opinion). Confrontation and rebuke needs to occur, the example of parenting you gave in the lesson is a good one. Confrontation and rebuke is needed without it danger lurks, I believe best results come from being Spirit lead. Even outside the Body of Christ the best result transpire when the confrontation and rebuke (counsel) did not derive from an emotional outburst. What happens when we refuse to confront when we should? Continuance of the issue, the fruits are countless, here are a few but definitely not exhaustive: possible degeneration vise regeneration; discord / division; effectiveness of leadership / guidance; separation; progressive disobedience; dysfunction; chaos; dissatisfaction, stagnation; non- productivity, etc...
  9. Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? When Moses did not see the result he assumed as should be, he blamed the Lord because he was the recipient of the retort by the Pharaoh through the blaming response from the people. Moses was receiving the backlash from the people who he had believed would not receive him upon the initial call when God told him to go. At this instance he has cause more the reason for the people to dislike him, so he blames God. Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Rebellion and disobedience is a form of stubbornness. Fear its roots stem most often from an event, our ignorance and poor understanding of certain matters just can disrupt our psychological balance greatly affecting us. Moses and Aaron experienced rejection and what they deemed as ineffective counsel. Because they did not see the desired results, they did not move as God commanded. This could be perceived as unbelief, yet I believe it to be more so leaning towards being afraid, they did not want to continue on what they saw as in effective. Pharaoh's actions because they could see it had a greater more effect on Moses and Aaron than God's promises. They were obedient to the initial, the forefront of God's command to go, but that redeeming statement and that Pharaoh. The bottom line is that that were not being obedient because they were looking at themselves and not looking at what God was doing. They because of the circumstance could see only what was in front of them and not what was to come. because of initial hesitance they only heard what was said and not all that was said. Neither wanted to continue walking when the results were not (immediately) favorable. Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron? God had to command them because they could not see, they were not being obedient, because they were fearful. They had taken their eyes off the given task, and from the assurances of God. God regained their attention, upon doing so they decided to obey
  10. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? The reasons are many yet the same; we as Moses did look to our own might; our inadequacies and man instead of the Lord. We look to what we can see be it physical or in perception vise what we cannot see. We say that we walk by faith and not by sight but through thorough examination is that really true. The reasons all stem from our flesh, however in our case it is worse in two ways. We know more than Moses did about God and also the distractions have magnified. We get these fears of rejection, of failure, of uncertainty, or even of misunderstanding. How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? We should surrender to the Lord, however most attempt to deal with it on our own, or we avoid it if possible. What is the relationship of fear to courage? Negative fear, fear deriving from evil comes from the devil; courage to overcome comes from God. Why is courage required in leaders and disciples?Leader and disciples need courage to face opposition and to make decisions with some uncertainty and risk involved.
  11. Why is God angry with Moses? It is my belief that when it comes down to it, God is angry with Moses because Moses is being disobedience, he expressed through his complaints that he just did not want to do what God has commanded him to do. God has assured him that whatever communication barrier, insufficiency or deficient aspect that Moses would be able to overcome or have the appropriate help. Yet Moses says that he'd rather not attempt this task, pick someone else. What is Moses
  12. Does Moses' response to God's call reflect a low self image, true humility, or lack of faith? Low self image - Moses asked "Who am I" = I don't have the credential or status to stand before the Pharaoh. His second question of statement, "and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt" = I can't lead the children, perhaps recalling the statement made by two prior to his fleeing Egypt, "Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian?" Although Moses is known as being meek at this moment I don't believe true humility was the character revealed here. I believe he was reverential and maybe even fearful, although his father-in-law was a priest Moses himself did not know God for himself. God had to tell him to take off his shoes acknowledging that the place he stood was holy. This was not just as amazing thing, seeing a burning bush. I don't think Moses response to God's call was a lack of faith, at this time I believe Moses did not have faith in God, because he did not know Him. Moses theology at this point was not as we know it, we know the rest of the story. At this point Moses didn't know God, therefore God reveals as much of Himself as needed to Moses, as much as he could comprehend. How does God reassure him? God tells him, "Certainly I will be with thee" How does God reassure us when we are called to impossible situations? Through His Word, through action, through people that He has called, that are chosen people, because of His CHARACTER,HIS FAITFULLNESS. Where God guides He will provide.
  13. In the book of Acts and Hebrews when mentioning Moses referencing this incident it is a retelling of the incident. We today can only speculate upon what was retold. Moses once he was weaned from the nursing of his biological mother went back to his surrogate / adopted mother. From these two mothers and by way of ethnic difference Moses knew that he was not a blood Egyptian. For more than 30 year he grew up as a prince in Egypt and all its entitlements. Moses was not physically blind for years he saw the way non-Egyptians were treated. Then something happens as he witness the cruel treatment of one Hebrew slave in this instance. Moses was not through his actions at this point was not indecisive if he was in God's will because he did not have a relationship with God, he did not know God, he probably knew of God and maybe even about God, but he did not know Him. God has His perfect will, and thing there is His permissive will. So many things happens because sin exist, God ordained Moses to be a leader, however He did not ordain Moses to kill this Egyptian. The murder happened be sin exist. What do we learn about Moses
  14. What does the call to the Great Banquet sound like when we extend the invitation to those around us? When I do so I make every effort to do as Christ did, I often use the example from John 4, the woman at the well encounter with Christ. I as well try to be compassionate and not appear as insincere, there is an adage, (misquoted because I have to go to work)"people don't care if they don't know you care". I have heard many fire & brimstone approaches. This is not bad all together but it is not effective to everyone. Nor is the way that I do so effective all the time. We have to allow the Spirit to lead us, it empowered the Apostles and it does us. What we must remember is that one may plant, another may water and God is the one who will provide the increase. The Spirit that lead us is also the spirit that draws. We must however be available, we make ourselves available by knowing Him, by loving Him, by being obedient to Him. In what sense are we the servants told to "compel them to come in"? We who have accepted the call, the invitation are the servants, John 14:12 If ye love me, keep my commandments. One of His commandments is found in Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. If we love Jesus and adhere to the Holy Spirit's leading we will be aligned with the will of the Father and we will compel others by our witnessed life, our testimony (how He keeps us, how He saved us, how He guides us) and by our witnessing of the testimony of Jesus the Christ. In what sense are we those who have been called to the feast in the Kingdom of God? John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We are that whom the servant compelled to come. Prior to our accepting the call, prior to our taking advantage of God's mercy, prior to our understanding that He had extended His grace, prior to our gaining a perspective of His sacrifice we too, many of us had excuses as well. Some in the like manner of the three men mentioned in this lesson [the impulsive man; (Lu 9:57, 58); the Procrastinator (Lu 9:59, 60); and Mr. Indecisive Disciple (Lu 9:61, 62)]. We are those who have been called whom no longer hide behind an excuse to come. Note: Those who now know Christ no longer use these excuses, some however may fall into complacency. The complacency is not, may not be consistent I pray that for those of us who may have done so to stir up the gift and more earnestly adhere to the leadings of the Holy Spirit.
  15. Why was Jesus so harsh with those who made excuses when called to follow him? We see this as harsh in our understanding, however we must recall that God does not ask anyone to do anything that cannot. Jesus' declarations after the one man's response and the other two request was an address to the reasoning behind the response and request. Verse 57-58 - Jesus mentions in verse 58 that He was about the Father's business, that He himself was he himself was an itinerant, a pilgrim. This man according to Matthew 8:19 was a teacher of the law, a scribe, according to custom, history normally a person of such would be accustomed to having substantial material possession. Jesus says what He say in verse 58 because the man in verse 57 perhaps had not counted the cost. It's implied that the decision was a surfaced decision based solely on emotions, enthusiastically. Having served in the military I have seen many likewise and heard the statement, "this is not what I signed up for." This man resembled those receiving the seed on shallow soil, quick converts quickly lost. Verse 60 - dead bury the dead - This verse is a tough one when we look at it in our own understanding, it was then as it is now. Passages of Scriptures tells us to honor our parents; there are also passages that speak on the grieving process. Burial of loved ones is mentioned throughout the Bible, present where were obedient God believing individuals. However this passage of Scripture is not about not burying a loved one, Jesus is not giving a new command not to do so. Jesus although He was walking on earth as the Son of man, He was yet with all knowledge, He knew what laid behind the man's request. His request was an excuse. We can only speculate if the man was the firstborn where the father's affair rest upon his shoulders. We can only speculate if the man's father was alive, healthy, near death or dead. What Jesus is saying again it's going to take a sacrifice to walk in this walk. In this walk nothing or anyone comes first, the walk is priority. Then Jesus shares His compassion by letting the man know that he knows the spiritual state of his family. Physically dead people can't bury physically dead people. The Bible speaks of two types of "dead:" the physically dead (Ephesians 1:20) and the spiritually dead (Ephesians 1:20). The spiritually dead, whose interests are only in this life, can look after the everyday matters of life; the disciples of Jesus have to attend to the business of the Kingdom of God first. Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead. Christian discipleship calls for high commitment. The point being made is about priorities and not about not burying one's family member. Verse 61-62 - bid them farewell - people of the Old Testament days as well as those at the time Christ walked upon the earth bid their loved one's farewell, two most notable was Elisha & Paul to the elders prior to going to Rome. Again Jesus was not being callus, nor was he telling the man to dissociate his family. If I'm not mistaken the brothers of thunder mother was close enough to Jesus to make a request know; Peter's mother in-law was close enough to be touch, there is not a doubt in my mind that her daughter, if alive, was somewhere near. Jesus saw beyond the man's request, and I believe that is why He says what He does in verse 62. Looking back- Lot's wife was told likewise. In essence being a disciple, responding to the call must come before every responsibility and desire. The man as do all who accept the call just as a diligent and proficient person managing a plow must focus on something in front of them, off in the distance (such as a tree). If this person started to plow, and kept looking behind, they would never make straight rows and do a good job plowing. A faithful disciple should keep their eyes on Jesus in front of us, and never take our eyes off Him, on His will. This walk is a glory walk, but it is not one where by the plowmen gets the glory. Hand to the plow= engage to the task; looking back = the man's will; looking forward = walking in the will of God, if a disciple cannot look forward they are not fit (usable). Why is the call so urgent? It is urgent because Christ's next coming is closer than it was when He made the declarations of that day. Why do our excuses seem so trivial when offered to Jesus? Our excuses just as the men from these verses are trivial in comparison to the value of the call. They may have validity in our minds, however one may not have to use a microscope to see that that behind the excuse is our desires, our wants , not the will of the Father. Our motives may not be as the men mentioned here but their foundation still has Self affront. Note: We are not told how these men responded to the call, I believe Jesus, the Holy Spirit inspired it to be written as such. We too have to make like choices: The first man was too ready and had not counted the cost (Acting with or marked by excessive haste and lack of due deliberation, impetuous ); the second wasn't ready because he did not sense the urgency of the call (To postpone or delay needlessly, procrastinator); and the third was vacillating, he was only almost ready, hot to go when he looked forward but cold to go when he looked back (Given to or exhibiting hesitation, indecisive). It is imperative that we follow the Spirits leading so that the Word will be rightly divided, so that we are following the Lord's will and not that of our own.
  16. In what way is the Parable of the Great Banquet about grace? Grace because mankind through human nature often times display works of the flesh more so than the Fruit of the Spirit and or works of the Spirit. More than often mankind walks according to their will vise that the will of God. Grace because we are not worthy to do so, it is of and by His grace through faith that we are able to do so. The second theme I see is one of grace and mercy. Blessed are those who put on Christ, (Revelation 16:15 Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.) Blessed are those who walks in His righteousness. In what way is it about judgment? Everyone will be assessed, judge by a measure; all are given the opportunity to choose whom they will align with. Those who reject, neglects and does not accepts Christ will have to answer to Him; He is the answer and He will judge justly. In what way is it about evangelism? It is about evangelism according to what is defined of the word is covers the majority of the definition (Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work.) I'm in total agreement with the insight shared from the lesson, " They are not just invited, but they are sought out and urged, compelled, to accept the invitation." To what End Time event does the great banquet point? The Marriage Supper Revelation 19:6-10
  17. In the Parable of the Great Banquet, who do the original guests represent? I believe that the original guest are the self-righteous religious leaders of the day. In verse 1 of this chapter Jesus went into the house of one of the chief Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath day, that they watched him. As He continued in conversation because He was in the presence of religious leader, I believe it is inferred that the original guest are likewise. Through lineage, some felt they were entitled, however do to blindness they could not see perpetuate spiritual adultery committed by some of their ancestors; their works of self-righteousness; their misapplying God's precepts usurping His commands with commandments of men and also not seeking His counsel concerning Christ. The religious leaders knew about the supper but they had marred the way in. Therefore He sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, tell those who had been invited, that supper was ready, the day of salvation was at hand. Christ was the way, they made excuse after excuse by way of works of the flesh, placing Self first. The sought teach one their own worldly advantage more than their spiritual and eternal welfare, or the genuine interest of God. Verse Who do the later invited guests represent? All He that hath an ear, that heard the Spirit saith What does it mean to "compel them to come in" (KJV)? Urge them, press them earnestly, with diligence tell them the importance of accepting the second invitation. It was good that they knew about Him, but God had as in the beginning wanted His created beings which He said was good to have an intimate relationship with Him, He wanted them to know Him. How might this sense of urgency apply today? It applies in the same manner as it did then, however the time is growing nearer. Many today may resist or delay responding to God's invitation, and the excuses may sound reasonable, work, family, financial needs, denial, or refusal to believe. Nonetheless God's invitation is the most important decision a person can make this side of heaven.
  18. How do you think Jesus will hold you personally accountable on Judgment Day for using your "talents"? I believe that He will hold me personally accountable as He would do all others. Those who say that they loved Him and those that loved Him. My prayer daily is that I love Him as He desires to be loved. I pray for forgiveness of sins that I know I committed and of the ones that I am not aware I committed. This may sound corny, yet it is true and the truth to my knowledge. This may as well be a statement of and out of ignorance, it is my desire to hear well done thy good and faithful servant, I'm not concerned about rewards, crowns and or what it will look like in the kingdom. My sole desire is that He will say well done. As I live at present when I know that I have come short of giving Him glory it hurts, because I believe that I have hurt Him. It is my desire to live a witnessed life reflecting Christ as well as it is to witness. For some the only Jesus they will see in this life is of those who believe in and on Him. If you begin to be more faithful from now on, how do you think that may affect his accounting on that Day? I believe that while I have breath, while there still flows life in my body I have the opportunity to serve. As I serve according to His will, His purpose I am acknowledging my love for and towards Him. Being that He is Living, Loving and Just, my being faithful will be acknowledged justly and accordingly on that day. I am so glad that Christ is not like man, when I genuinely repent, He genuinely forgives. He doesn't hold a grudge against me.
  19. When we are successful, to whom does the fruit of our labors belong? To God for He deserves the glory. Revelation 4:11 In what sense are we independent entrepreneurs? Entrepreneurs - One that creates, founds, or originates. A person who assumes the organization, management, and risks of a business enterprise. A risk-taker who has the skills and initiative to establish a business. One who starts a business or other venture that promises economic gain but that also entails risks. Trying to relate the text with independent entrepreneurs is a challenge for me. Basically I guess you could say God entrust individuals with talents gifts and abilities. That individual choose to use these given resources, they have the choice to walk in the calling. Their desires, their willingness, their motivations if adhered to can produce results according to what God ordains or allows. In what sense are we stewards of the gifts and "talents" given us? We are stewards because all belongs to God. Taking a passage of Scripture out of context Deuteronomy 8:18 (But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.) Just as God gives the power to obtain wealth, it is He that grants talents, abilities and gifts. He gives these for our use, we have the choice to use them to bring Him glory, He deserves Glory. How does the attitude of a self-made person differ from the attitude of a steward? The attitude It differs from the perspective an individual deems the origin of the results. A person who claims to be self-made will place the success based from their contribution, "I did this or I did that". A true steward is a servant and will give the honor to God because they know that it was because of God that the success arose.
  20. What are the factors that make up a person's "ability to carry out something"? I believe willingness, desire, motivation, opportunity, environment and timing are factors. What percentage of this is raw talent, in your opinion? That's hard to say, I really can't say. Why are some who succeed not necessarily the most talented? In a Biblical perspective I'd like to use Gideon as an example, place young David there as well. You could pick a lot of characters from the Bible and the answer would be the same, they were available, by them being available God used them. What factors are keeping you from carrying out what God has entrusted you to do? I would say that the same factors as the wicked servant, not in exactness or in similitude, but by disobedient. By placing Self before God's will. It doesn't happen deliberately but it happens more frequently than I (we) would care to acknowledge. I could be I don't think the environment is right, the circumstance are right, or if it is to witness to someone I don't perceive that the person is the right person. Could be situational initial Moses syndrome after his 40 years in the desert, he felt that he was inadequate. What I must keep in mind is where God guides He provides. Note: I'd like to use an example out of context for myself and perhaps many Christians. David when he saw, sent and took Bathsheba he wasn't saying directly God I don't love you; God I hate your laws, your commandments, and precepts. All David saw was the present moment, all he saw was what he wanted to see. David placed David first, he was not thinking about God nor God's will at the time. In essence we were to be honest sometimes we are likewise, the servant who was deemed wicked did not deliberately state after receiving the talent, according to the text, that he was going to be disobedient, slothful and bring forth accusations. What he did do, however was not adhere to the will of his master, he did not place his masters' will before his. For the text tells us that he knew the masters character. He knew to do good as well and chose not to, he therefore demonstrated whom he loved.
  21. What do you think the
  22. According to these parables in this lesson, in what ways is the Kingdom small? According to the parables in this lesson the Kingdom is small because the entrance way is narrow, entrance is through Christ Jesus. Being that entrance is through Christ people are to believe in and on Him, they are to love and obey Him as well. The Kingdom is small in comparison to the world however the number of people there will be great, John saw so many clothed with white robes, he says no man could a number, Revelations 7:4. In what ways does the Kingdom grow? By FAITH, by LOVE & compassion, by the fruit made known in the likeness of Christ. By walking as He commanded, and according to His will. By Believers adhering to the same elements as did the angel of Revelation 19:10 " I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." The Kingdom grows as our lives witnesses His love, compassion, mercy and glory. The kingdom grows as Believer witness to others as Jesus did. In what ways is the Kingdom door narrow? Jesus the Christ is the door, He is the way, being so entrance cannot be obtained other through Him. Those that heard Him, those that have witness His majesty and refuse to accept Him cannot enter by their own doings nor by efforts they have deemed are acceptable. He did not come to condemn, He came to save, however a person must believe. John 3:16 whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In what way is the Kingdom banquet, on the one hand, large and diverse, and on the other, selective? The banquet is large do to those in attendance, it is diverse because of those in attendance. It is selective because Jesus has the final say on who will enter in. Note: Christ declares that those who will weep and gnash of teeth their teeth when they see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, (Luke 13:28). None of the previous mentioned knew Jesus or had a relationship with Him. (Hebrews 11) By, of and through faith the Old testament saints look forward to Christ thereby they are saved. I believe that there will be some people who have never heard the Gospel in the Kingdom. These people did not have the opportunity to heard the Gospel to accept it or reject it. My understanding of Romans 1:20 is that mankind no excuse to have faith in the True and Living God. They will be judged based on what they know. It could be that those who have never heard of Jesus Christ and the Gospel will be judged in a different way than those who have heard of Jesus and ignored. There are not multiple ways to God, there is only One way and that is through Jesus Christ who was the perfect sacrifice, the only Lamb that could atone for our sins. Scripture tells us that Jesus will judge in His next coming. I believe that He is just and will be just as He administers judgment. I as well believe in regards to those who never heard the Gospel, He will judge people on what they do know and not what they don't or can't know. Their faith I believe needs to be as was the saints of the Old Testament, Enoch, Job, etc...
  23. Luke 13:28-30 you yourselves= direct lineage (Hebrews) who thought they were privileged. John the Baptizer called them vipers Matthew 3:7-9 (to included those that remained under their influence). People from the four corners of the earth= those by / in faith. Those who are last who will be first, and those first who will be last= those who believed as Abraham did not just those who were born after the ordained seed of Abraham; Romans 9:6 For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: The fleshly, seed of Abraham, through their rejection of Christ, shall fail to attain unto the promise of Abraham. The banquet of Isaiah 25:6-8 as well as the banquet in these passages of study (Luke 13:29) are "for all people" who come in and of faith in Jesus the Christ. The great
  24. Why do you think Jesus characterizes the entrance to the Kingdom here as narrow? I think Jesus declared that entrance to the Kingdom as being narrow because there is only one way into it. He state that "He is the Way." Many of that time and as well of this time have multiple perceived notions based from misinterpretation of what God has said and or various renditions through the commandments of man. The way is narrow because it is through Christ Jesus, what He has taught, by way of the examples He gave us to live. Striving to enter through the narrow gates is not an effort or endeavor to save one's self by good works. Love the Lord, love others, and love thy self, turn away from all that displeases the Lord, when there is slippage turn to Him vise away from Him. By His grace strive to live as He did and as He has taught. Good works if not according to His will are dead works (Hebrews 6:1; 9:14) On the other hand no one can bring flesh nor the works of the flesh into the Kingdom. Self, our self-centeredness, pride, lusts, hate or especially our own righteousness cannot enter in The way is narrow because man is often tempted by what is before him, i.e. his own flesh, the ways of the world, the devil and his influence. Some do not utilize the measure that God has provided when temptation arises and other do not utilize the measures He has provided when (if) we slip. Some do and that's a wonderful thing. Why will many people try to enter and will not be able to? A person can know something about Jesus and not be saved (there were onlookers of that day who knew various elements of His earthly ministry). You can be in the presence of Jesus and not be saved (there were many of that day who saw Him, and or heard His message). So it was then, so it is now many do not know Him, they do not have a relationship with Him, nor do they strive to have a relationship with Him. Many people will try to enter the Kingdom and will not be able to because they do not know Him, they do not love Him, they have not repented of their sins, nor have they asked Jesus to be Lord of their lives. Many desire Him to be Saviour but want allow Him to be Lord. They will not be able to because they do not know Christ, nor does He know them, there is not an intimate relationship. Why will many people “try to enter and will not be able to”? Other passages of Scripture reaffirms the truth of Luke 13:24 seeking the Lord (1st Chronicles 28:9; Isaiah 55:6. Acts 10:35 also conveys this sentiment) however many will not find Him. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that those who diligently seek the Lord will be rewarded, is this a contradiction of Luke 13:24 and John 7:34. NO!! Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that people think is right. But that way leads only to death. There are those who will seek Him on their own terms and or by works of their righteousness. Some come to Christ while mercy and grace is being extend in a repentant state, then there are others in a remorse state. When mercy has ended, when grace is no longer extended it is too late to strive to enter in. Why would people delay entering until it is too late? Many delay because they lean unto their own understanding and others do not want to change. Their lives may not necessarily be immoral, it's just that they just will not accept Christ Jesus who is the Way. They will not seek to know Him, they will not strive to know Him. One day those who have lived according to their own understanding; those who do not want to change; and those who refuse to receive Him appear at judgment perhaps this will be a light bulb moment. At this they will seek to enter in; but it will be too late, the door will be shut; and because they did not make diligence to establish a relationship with Jesus, shall not be able to "enter in". The time is now to repent, to live, man must be urgent to do what God tells us.
  25. What is the point of the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven? Jesus point was to give, to inject hope, increase faith and give a point of reference. By giving a comparison by way of a word picture, He give the listener a picture they can envision, compare. The Kingdom will grow, beginning small and ending larger than its beginning. Notes: Mustard Seed Verse 19 a man took, and cast the mustard seed (the Word) into his garden (the hearts of those who received it); and it (the Word by FAITH) grew, and waxed a great tree (two or more held true to the Word); and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it (those that understand they are saved by grace will take the weight off their feet under the shadow of a Gospel ministry with great joy, they will abide; and "make their nests (their resting place)". In the Old Testament a tree large enough to support nesting birds was considered prosperous and healthy (Psalm 104:12; Ezekiel 17:23; 31:6; Daniel 4:12, 21). The kingdom beginning would be small, but would grow and be prosperous. Leaven (influence / affect / effect growth) - Leaven in itself is not evil, in the Scriptures it is often used as a symbol an analogy to convey the pervading, transforming effect or influence it has (positive or negative). [Leviticus 23:17 & Amos 4:5 portrayed it in a good light / good use] Baker's Evangelical Dictionary = The first occurrence is in the parable of the leaven (Matt 13:33; Luke 13:20-21). This parable teaches that the reign of God is like what happens when leaven permeates a batch of dough. Jesus' point is that the small, insignificant beginnings of God's reign in himself will one day be great. Although the parable does not describe how this will happen, it alludes to Jesus' future reign as the Son of Man. Easton Bible Dictionary = it is used to illustrate the growth of the kingdom of heaven both in the individual heart and in the world (Matthew 13:33). Holman Bible Dictionary = Jesus also used leaven to illustrate the pervasive growth of the kingdom of God (Matthew 13:33). Fausset Bible Dictionary =Though elsewhere used in a bad sense, leaven in Matthew 13:33 represents the gospel principle working silently "without observation" from within, until the whole is leavened, just as the mustard tree represents its diffusion externally. The understanding that I gather from this verse is that is confirms there will be growth in the kingdom. Luke 13:20 renders it " Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God?". Note: Think about what transforms the solid mass of flour and water into the loaves. Not taking the verse out of context but in a different thought so to speak. The Holy Spirit is the power that gets into human lives and changes them. In order to work effectively, He must be allowed full access to the whole life - thoughts, the ambitions and plans. Some try to change their own lives by breaking off this or that habit. But these are just external changes which do not affect the heart. No person in Christ can transform his or her own life. Just as yeast must be put into the dough before it can rise, so a power wholly from without, the Holy Spirit, must be taken into the life to bring about change. How would this be encouraging to Jesus
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