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Everything posted by Travis63

  1. The verses themselves 9 through 13 can be a prayer however it is my understanding that Jesus give us a template, a pattern a guide, the prayer itself is a good prayer, it is from the Lord, yet it is not to become a ritualistic prayer and or an empty prayer. Although we can pray this prayer, it was not given as exact words that we should use (only / alone). After this manner, Jesus didn't tell us to simply repeat His words, although thoughtfully going through the points of this prayer and talking to God about them is certainly good. (Matthew 6:12, 14-15) How could praying the Lord's Prayer become a curse upon a person? Curse is a strong word, I believe that a person can speak life or death into their lives and or the circumstance. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. however maintaining stride with the thought of the lesson in essence a person if they are not imitating God, His love, His compassion, His character they are asking Him to do unto them as that are doing onto the individual that offended them. They maybe at the time are being influenced and or lead by their feeling and they likewise are asking God to be lead by his now feelings. This can be perceived as a curse. Is forgiving in order to be forgiven a kind of "righteousness by works"? No more Philippians 2:12 speaks of working for one' s eternal salvation (Titus 3:4-7). Jesus by stating what he has is not meant to be interpreted as forgiving in order to be forgiven. It is to be understood as not withholding things that are evil, it is to be interpreted as LOVE, loving God, loving thy neighbor. Matthew 5:44-45 Verses 14-15 God's forgiveness of sin is not the direct result of our forgiving others, but it is based on our realizing what forgiveness means. This is the forgiveness that affects fellowship, it can have an effect on salvation. Nonetheless as referenced here the interpretation is not the forgiveness that leads to eternal salvation. The only way that forgiveness can be considered as works, righteousness by works is if the mindset is not in line with God's intent and character. The motive and the attitude have great baring. Note: The Believer is required to do something to be saved, Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:. It is by His grace yet we must believe, John 3:16 we must believe. Why or why not? I think we are to make every attempt to like our Lord and Savior, this is His nature.
  2. Why does Jesus frighten us with his statement:
  3. In the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant, what is the purpose of contrasting the huge debt with the small one? It is truly amazing how Christ place things in context, so often I miss it even though I read and study His Word daily. Nonetheless when it is revealed it is eye opening. I love this passage of Scripture. The Holy Spirit speaks to us all and this is what I gained from these verses. I can
  4. Jesus says we must forgive 77 times or 490 times. Should we take these numbers literally or figuratively? Figuratively If figurative, what are they figurative of? The number of time is not the focus, but moreso we are to forgive as often as a brethren offends, injures or hurt us and asks forgiveness, we are to forgive them. By forgiving the we are not to hold the offense against them, by remaining in a state of unhealthy emotional, spiritual and mental state. By forgiving genuinely we are declaring that we will not harbor malice or treat them unkindly. What does this teach us about God
  5. Why is this verse so famous? This speaks loudly a strong transmission of love and compassion. It speaks in our understanding of a difficult choice, but of God a necessary choice. it speaks of the utmost sacrifice. It speaks as well of faith and fate. I believe that it is well-know and widely recognized because it is perhaps the only single verse that conveys the Gospel. It speaks of the way to eternal salvation. What does it teach us about God? That God is love, that He loves his created beings that He said were very good. He does not approve of mans conduct when sin is involved, this sacrifice, this unspeakable gift Christ if received will allow for man to once again commune with Him as did Adam & Eve prior to sinning. What does it teach us about salvation? Salvation is desired for what God created and called very good, however man must chose to enter in. Since "entering eternal life" is a synonym for "entering the Kingdom of God," what does this verse teach us about our destiny? Our destiny depends upon us, as Joshua stated we must chose whom we will serve. This verse teaches that spiritual birth is necessary to "enter the kingdom of God"
  6. What does it mean to be "born of water and the Spirit"? Born of water could be our first birth (some interpret as birth through the matrix). There are many beliefs concerning born of the water, I believe that it is baptism, this is what John and Jesus spoke of prior to this declaration. For the people of that day (this one as well) there was a needed change to enter the Kingdom. Baptism is much more than a lifeless ritual, repentance is a part of it as well. It is a deeply spiritual symbol of complete, total commitment to Jesus the Christ. Whereby public declaration is being made that the person is uniting with Christ, just as does a marriage. If this commitment is authentic here begins the burial of the old life and the resurrection of the new life in Christ Jesus. and the Spirit There is a Blessed Assurance regarding our past that Jesus gives us at baptism (Colossians 2:12; Romans 6:3-4). Baptism is a symbol of spiritual cleansing. The water itself does not save, but it does signify we accept the blood of Christ, which does save us. (Mark 16:16 "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.") The belief is more than simply an intellectual assent to a particular creed (our spirits units with His Spirit). The heart must be changed the old way of thinking must be abandoned. It is a heart commitment to Jesus and His Word. It is a turning to Him with all the heart, a belief that He is the Savor and Lord, who alone can forgive sin and give victory in and of life. Matthew 3:11 foretold of one who would baptize with fire and the Holy Ghost, fire does so much (Jesus' ministry would be refining, powerful, purifying, as fire is sometimes an emblem of purity: Fire reveals 1st Corinthians 3:13; Fire refines, or purifies Malachi 3:2-3; Fire consumes Ezekiel 13:13-15; 15:1-8;19:12-14; 21:28-32, 24:10:11; Fire illuminates; Fire warm - {Acts 9:19-22, this text alone could not describe the Apostle Paul
  7. (John 3:3, 5) What does Jesus teach here about the nature of the Kingdom of God? The nature of God's kingdom, the character of God's kingdom differs from what He has allowed. Because a change is required that gives us a basis to begin. The Kingdom must reflect His character, He is love, he is merciful and kind, He is holy, He is righteous, He is just, He is without spot. The Kingdom although not tangible, it is tangible, being that God is a Spirit it is spiritual. Having said so, do to the choice afforded mankind some will not value that characteristic of God nor will they adhere to His yearning for them. Some will become more than causalities in the spiritual war that is as well at hand. Do you think Nicodemus understands him?Partly Partly because Nicodemus as did many of the people of his ethnic groups were greatly oppressed and had been for some time. They wanted to come from under that oppression. They had long sought a kingdom like that of old, perhaps when David was messiah (king). He believed knew it would be ruled by God (God's guidance & influence), he believed this kingdom would be restored on earth, and it would incorporate God
  8. What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Jesus teaches us that His Kingdom value is beyond measure and that He values it. It's worth is greater than it's weigh to those who realize it's value. For those who do not realize it's worth one day that will have knowledge of what could have been. Why are we tempted to value it so little? Christians are not to walk by sight, yet then that we see can quickly grab our attention. The now and society has a strong influence which can affect our Spiritual eyes. Also because many take advantage of God's grace and frustrates His mercy. Ecclesiastes 8:11 Because sentence against a wicked work is not executed speedily - on this account, the heart of the sons of men is fully set within them, to commit wickedness. Either people are not reverencing God and or because of unbelief.. What helps us to appreciate its true value? Getting to know Christ. To love Him is to know Him, to know Him is to trust Him, to trust Him is to honor Him, to honor Him is to obey Him. Compassion is not a human emotion it is the awesome presence of God, it is knowing God, it is experiencing God, it is experiencing Love. (1 John 4:7-8 NKJV) Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. {8} He who does not love does not know God, for God is love. When you walk in compassion you walk in the Spirit, compassion bears all of the fruits of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-25 NKJV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, {23} gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. {24} And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. {25} If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Compassion is totally unselfish, you love the person you are giving to and you don't care if they give anything back to you. Compassion is it's own reward, the presence of God. There are so many things to know about God but the most important thing is God is full of compassion, God is Love. Everything else in all of creation can be explained by this knowledge. God loves to exercise compassion so He has created a universe that needs His compassion desperately. (Romans 11:32 NIV) For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy (compassion) on them all. Spiritual growth results from trusting Jesus Christ. "The righteous man shall live by faith" (Galatians 3:11). A life of faith will enable you to trust God increasingly with every detail of your life, and to practice the following: G Go to God in prayer daily (John 15:7). R Read God's Word daily (Acts 17:11) - begin with the Gospel of John. O Obey God moment by moment (John 14:21). W Witness for Christ by your life and words (Matthew 4:19; John 15:8). T Trust God for every detail of your life (1 Peter 5:7). H Holy Spirit - Allow Him to control and empower your daily life and witness (Galatians 5:16,17; Acts 1:8). How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more? By not pretending, by not being hypocrites, by responding moreso than reacting. By not walking around with the persona of a comic superhero, if we fall proceed as God desires with godly repentance. By demonstrating compassion, by being a servant. By not becoming offended when we are treated as a servant. When someone see us (the Believer) they should see the reflection of Christ. The healing through us may not be physical, it maybe spiritual, emotional and or mental. The touch from us may not be physical however it may be the warmest touch a person can feel. Those who have been comfort can by the grace of God comfort others.
  9. Why is poverty and self-sacrifice an inadequate religion? Not trying to change the thought, however there is a poverty that makes a Believer rich: Matthew 5:3 (poverty of Spirit), Proverbs 19:1, 22, this kind of poverty can be of benefits to relationships. In regards to poverty and self-sacrifice being an inadequate religious conviction, mainly because it would not be genuine, sincere and of the wrong motive. Disingenuous, insincere and self-seeking motives do not reflect the character of God. If none of these reflect God's character then they are not adequate nor pleasing to Him. Why does Jesus ask the man to follow him? Jesus asked the man because he was as the lost sheep of the ninety and nine. because the young man was a soul to be saved, because it is not Gods desire that any should perish. So that he would not only see the Light, but that he would learn of the Light and as well WALK in the Light. In what senses was this a great privilege that the man was offered? The later part of Matthew 11:11 "not withstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he (John the Baptizer). For before him was one greater the temple (Matthew 12:6) greater than Jonas (Matthew 12:41, wiser than Solomon (Matthew 12:42). He had the opportunity to learn from and of the All wise, and the Truth. Why did he reject the offer? Influence from the lesser spirit. There is no indication that he was willing to deny self, to follow Christ, to take up the cross. He went away and not with Jesus. It is implied that his heart went where his treasure was. [My hopes are that he changed prior to closing his eye in sleep].
  10. Why do you think Jesus requires the rich young ruler to divest himself of his fortune? Abraham was positioned with a test of faith {obedience} (sacrificing his only son Isaac, Genesis 22:1-2); the young ruler is positioned with a test of love {putting God first} (Deuteronomy 6:5; Exodus 20:3). One thing thou lackest - When the young man came to Jesus he asked him, "What lack I yet?" Matthew 19:20. The results of this test would determine if the young ruler loved "God" more than he did his wealth, (influence and affluence). Was his worship, his love for supreme, sincere and genuine; or was his obedience external, formal, ritualistic, worship with lips and not heart. The results of the test if sincere and real would make up the one thing "lacking". God looks at the heart as well as the actions. Jesus required the young ruler to divest himself from his fortune to determine where his heart was. Note: There are so many things that can be taken from this passage (striving for perfection; doing deeds {to earn salvation}, keeping of the law etc... however in the latter parts of the verse, (Matthew 19:21 and Marks 10:21), Jesus touches the core sensitive spot. And the young man is put in a difficult position. The question of his wealth / property disposition is not the main thing. I think the primary lesson that Jesus was teaching to teach all that heard Him and those that read of this teaching moment. "AND COME AND FOLLOW ME"; "AND COME, TAKE UP THE CROSS, AND FOLLOW ME". I believe this is the foremost thought. Whatever it is that stands between following Jesus, that is the thing that He says to get rid of. If it is Possessions, get rid of them. If it is your social standing (Status and influence);power / authority; Community leadership; or Family, love God more. Whatever it is, any/ all the activities that stand between the Believer and a closer personal walk with your Saviour, must be placed in their proper perspective. The sad things is the young man was sad and walked away grieved / sorrowful, thereby his decision is implied do to his great wealth. The good thing about the passage is that we do not know with certainty that he remained steadfast with the implied decision he walked away with, seeds that fall in cultivated soil has a good opportunity to grow and produce. Why does this trouble us so much? Ecclesiastes 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things. It troubles us just as the last part of Ecclesiastes 10:19 is taken out of context and often misunderstood. Everyone, mankind can be affected what is said in 1st John 2:16, (the **** of the flesh, and the **** of the eyes, and the pride of life). Man is stimulated by sight, woman moreso by relationships. Wealth has a bearing to a degree in either or both capacities. Even in the most spiritual minded individual, it can have bearing. "I've heard comments like this church has the ability to do this or that, they send missions here and there; that have such a school, a hospital, a magnificent sanctuary (house of worship) etc... Those who have become totally abased are the only people I have read of that the desire to have some form of wealth has not been exposed. It troubles us so much because we have to give up, truly give up self. We have to server, truly serve (not through false humility). If there was no other way for the man to be saved, what does that say about the spiritual dangers of wealth? There are spiritual dangers (we do not war against flesh and blood) of on evil influence lead us away from SPIRITUAL influence of God. If we do not recognized these dangers and repent from them, we can end up in a worse state than those whom we may perceive will not be in the kingdom. Earthly treasures can obscure or capture our view, it can happen subtle without us even realizing it. Without in realizing it we subconsciously place a higher value on things before God. Some become so heavenly focused that they are no earthly good (they are not a good witness for God and His character {the Pharisees, scribes and those today wrapped in man- made doctrine not aligned with God's intent). Just as the rich ruler was sincere, some of us today are as sincere keeping two gods in his life. Then, at the crossroads of life, he chose the broad path that could accommodate all his possessions. I as well agree with advanced member PATCH: "1) Wealth and everything else that contributes to bringing in the wealth (investments, job, bosses etc) becomes our god. 2) Wealth can lead to covetousness, envy, greed and idolatry. 3) We trust in our wealth instead of trusting in God. 4) Wealth can blind us - we think nothing bad can touch us because of our wealth, and we think we can buy ourselves a place in heaven just by being philanthropic". SoiKosum as well as a lot of valid points.
  11. What do the Parables of the Hidden Treasure and Pearl of Great Price have in common? That the immense value of the kingdom far outweighs any sacrifice, inconvenience or prized earthly entity be it through encounter or obtainment. What is the main point of these parables? Regardless of stature, or ability, regardless of how a person is led to the kingdom of Christ, Christ's kingdom, it's values, it's obtainment is beyond estimation, beyond comparison. How should it affect (have an effect on / influence)our values? Being that we cannot take anything with us upon the first death (cessation with breath), the Believers thought process should be in line even more so with that of Christ. Our values should not solely be upon temporal obtainment(s), riches. How should it affect (have an effect on / influence) our lives? Our lives should be that as were that of His closest disciples, that is by His leadership, tutelage live according to His will. When we falter seek His forgiveness and have a godly repentance. By His grace (empowerment) to follow His commandments and be the witness whereby He will say well done thy good and faithful servant.
  12. (Luke 17:33-36) What does our passage teach about the separation and judgment that will occur when the Kingdom comes? There is so much that it teach however in short Jesus uses some of His favorite symbols to illustrate a. When he returns there will be two groups of people living upon the earth-the lost and the saved (the sheep's and the goats). Some at this time will try to save their lives and they shall loose it; those that lose their life shall have it preserved. Two men in one bed. A bed generally connotes sleep, and Jesus used sleep as a symbol of death. He said to the disciples, "Our friend Lazarus sleepeth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep." "Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead." John 11:11, 14. In the resurrection at the last day, there will be two kinds of people sleeping in the grave-the lost and the saved. Two women grinding together. In Bible often it a woman is a symbol of a church (Jeremiah 6:2). Grinding grain represents working with the Word of God. When Jesus comes in His glory, there will be two kinds of churches-the false and the true (church = the body). Both will be outwardly ministering to congregations, but only one will be redeemed. Two men in the field. The field represents the world (Matthew 13:38). When Jesus comes again, there will be two kinds of missionaries laboring out in the field-the false and the true. This is why He said, "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Matthew 7:22, 23. How should this affect our lives? By way of the Spirit's empowerment we should strive to live according to the will of God. How should this affect our testimony? Our testimonies should be as that of the disciples that honored Christ, that were by His grace obedient to His commands, that loved Him. Revelation 19:10 I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. How should this affect our love for our neighbors? We should be obedient to the command of Matthew 28:19 and others, our lives should reflect that of Christ He is the greatest example to a Believer. As we follow others that follow Christ we should only follow them as they follow Christ.
  13. What indications does Jesus give in this passage that he will suddenly come in his Kingdom without further warning? The indications are given by way of recalling the two occurrences of sudden destructions in the history of the listening audience and to the readers of the text mentioned ( the Flood of Noah's day and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah) In both instances people were living as they had grown accustomed to. Prior to the flood there was more than ample warning to repent unfortunately all but 8 souls ignored the warning. In the case of Sodom, Gomorrah and surrounding cities they expressed no desire to change their life styles and a with mob an aflame evil intent pressed beyond what they had previously been accustomed to, only 3 were known to survive. Destruction came suddenly upon both groups of people with without further warning. What are the implications of this for our attitude? It is implied that our attitudes should not be of that similar to those that were destroyed (attitudes of disobedience, attitudes of none belief, attitudes of self seeking, attitudes that are in compliance with SIN). It is implied that we are to have an attitude that was similar (but mot exactly as the survivors), we are to have an attitude that will be submissive to the Lords will. What are the implications of this for our lives? We are told to be ready, watchful, to occupy until He return. We are to walk (live) according to our righteousness in Christ and not to frustrate His grace, love and mercy. When we do sin we are to repent with a godly repentance and by His grace live adhering to His voice (Word / guidance). "Our focus should not be on merry-making and self-indulgence. Rather we should be prayerful and watchful, with our focus on our Lord Jesus Christ." SoiKosum
  14. Lightning tends to occur near the beginning or end of most storms (troubles within the earth). Typically the discharge of electricity is accompanied by thunder, oftentimes more than one of our senses are aware that it is lightning. Regardless of comprehension levels or earthly impairments, just as when lightning appears it is seen or known, all will see Jesus at His appearing. There is as well a suddenness, lighting appears in a flash, no man knows the day nor the hour when He will return. We don't really prepare for lighting it happens and it is observed, however Jesus repeatedly tells believers to be ready. He wants Believers to live in a way so that in His coming they will meet Him in peace.
  15. In what sense was the Kingdom of God present in the Person and ministry of Jesus? In His Person by whom He was, in His ministry as He was in the Father's will. As He walked (lived), through His teachings, His kindness, His love, His compassion, His healing etc... In what sense is the Kingdom of God present today? Today is by His Spirit, through vessels that yield to Him, that adhere to Him. Just as it was then so it is now, this passage of Scripture does not indicate a physical kingdom. A kingdom that has its throne in the heart of those who receive Him, those who yield their hearts to Christ Jesus.
  16. I am a Babe in this walk, your question / point in my opinion is a good one. With the understanding that I have, I believe that even thought in Luke 16:9-15, the audience is of a narrower scope the Scriptures, Jesus is saying the same thing. It is impossible to serve to master. From the Amplified [You cannot serve God and mammon (riches, or anything in which you trust and on which you rely).] Wealth I agree with you is not just money, it can be defined in many ways. There was some very good insight within the study that Pastor Ralph sent out. I totally agree with what he placed concerning this verse God should always be first in the lives of Believers. God desires to be first in the lives of the beings He said was very good.
  17. In my opinion Matthew 11:12 is more so about spiritual warfare. It is true at this time that there were external factors (yes the most of the Religious leaders vigorously opposed Christ. yes Herod had done his part to twart the kingdom by seizing one of it's messengers {the Forerunner}] because there was opposition, however a Believer cannot force their way into the kingdom. Yes according to Luke 16:16 "every man presses into it; {every man entereth violently into it}"; the it being the kingdom of God. A person must upon hearing, receiving respond and or take actions upon what they have recieved to enter in. Just as told about the Sower and the Seed, the prepared soil (good) was the heart whereby the Word was most fruitful. There are some who do not, nor will not struggle with believing in or on Christ, they oppose who He is and what He stand for (Luke 7:29-30). The way into the kingdom is through Christ, through belief, through faith. Many then and now struggle with things that hinders and or besets them from surrendering to Him. Those that enter in have determined that they would follow Christ, or they desire to. In essence there are some whom the Spirit will draw in and there are others who will not receive the Spirit nor His offerings. Note: This verse is speaking of the response to John's preaching as a great uprising (Scripture tells us that multitudes came forth from various regions to hear what John had to say, Matthew 3:5; Luke 3:7). After which Jesus conveyed likewise (repent and the kingdom was near) until now, as Jesus affirmed John's message there was a surge towards the kingdom of God by the people rushing with eagerness to get in it with a forceful zeal. This explains the use of the term violence and fits the overall context here. Matthew 11:12; Luke 16:16) Admittedly, this is a hard passage to interpret. However, if you take the "forceful" or "violent" people as seekers who are doing whatever it takes to press into the Kingdom, then what is Jesus teaching us here about the nature of the Kingdom? The nature of the Kingdom is the nature of God, love,
  18. In my opinion many have abused this passage of Scripture, using these verses in a manner to petition anything one may desire is out of context and out of content. By doing so can damage one's level of faith as well. These principles can apply outside the text, however they also congeal within the text. In my opinion when taken away from the context many, MANY use verses 7-8 as in God is giving the Believer the authority to write a blank check for material blessings. Some people throw in Psalm 37:4 (give thee the desires of thine heart) negating verses 3 & 5 of the same Psalm. This concept does not flow with the whole picture the Bible paints concerning prayer. Such as in conformity with the will of God 1st John 5:14 and sincerely Hebrews 10:22, Psalm 66:18 and many other passages of Scripture. Pray according to His will and His Word!! Matthew 7:7-8) Why is continual asking, seeking, and knocking so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom? Why do we need to keep asking, seeking and knocking, because as long as we live we will keep encountering life and it's challenges. We need to constantly keep our focus on God because too easily we get our focus back on our problems and forget about God for the moment. The command to continually pray is for our benefit to continually keep our focus upon God and not ourselves. Why do we give up so easily? I believe we give up so easily because we are impatient or tired. We desire the process to of growth come to fruition, just as a child wish they were taller or stronger than they are. We desire the opposition to cease because it is tiresome or painful. We cannot see an end now, when the ending maybe eternal. When we grasp the concept of Kingdom living, the Sermon on the mount, when the Seed by some 3000 %, 6000%, and 10000% return within us, we will by His grace live as His witness, His disciple to a greater capacity. We in or as an example like a cell phone is of good use when charged, functioning well being charged from its source. When we are weakened by live woes, opposition and or Self we will turn to Him for renewal, recharging and not give up so easily. We are pilgrims, sojourning at this time until He calls us to rest and to Him. Chapter 7 from 1-7 in a nutshell is saying, We need to pray, communicate with God to grant wisdom dealing with SELF (verses 1-5) concerning sharing holy things (verse 6). This passages of Scripture, when we stay within the context is not about gaining material substances but about gaining help to live using Kingdom principles. Everything that we need for spiritual success has been promised to us. The blessings and provisions of God are available to every one of His children. To live out the Sermon on the Mount we need the help of the Comforter. How do we gain boldness and persistence in prayer? By doing so, by praying, the boldness, boldly is not arrogantly or because of many repetitions. It is with confidence and reverence, a factor of our confidence is based on the knowledge that Christ died, He sacrificed His life for us to have a chance at life. Also that He lives to keep us. We gain boldness as we grow in knowing Him, we gain persistency as our relationship increases.
  19. Matthew 6:33) What does it mean in verse 33 to "seek first His Kingdom"? To seek God, to know Him, to be in relationship with Him. To allow God to reign and rule in our lives moment by moment and not selectively. To walk (live) according to His will alone and not ours plus His, nor not His when we choose to or it is preceived most conducive. What does it mean to "seek first
  20. Jesus seems to make it sound like you can
  21. What did Jesus intend the Parable of the Soils to teach us about the
  22. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? Not attempting to avoid answering the question however I have a question prior to answering the question given. Is it the hearer that brings forth fruit or the Seed that is received and understood by the hearer? (verse 8) What Jesus said in regards to the Sower, the Seed and the soils has always been true and the truth. The responses to the truth are always like those soils. The differences are not to be found in the Word (Seed) but in the preparedness of the soil (heart) to receive the Word. (James 1:19-21). A human being will not receive more than they can believe, nor can they believe what they don
  23. Which of the thorns that Jesus mentions do you think is the most dangerous: Riches, worries/cares, or pleasures? I understand the question, however I cannot really place rating on these as to which is the most dangerous. Each one can become idols where by an individual will place them before God. Each are equally dangerous, I know you asked which one is most dangerous, but as I think of each one from what I have seen in life and or read each venture has done great damage to individual and the perception of Christianity. The Scriptures speak on each of these a great deal, I cannot honestly say, SORRY! Why do you think so? God speaks clearly, compassionately and boldly in more places than Exodus 20 not to place anything before Him. God likewise speaks and has demonstrated His provisional reign, He wants trust from the being after creation He called very good. Lastly but not least in concerns, He has spoken against the misuse and or abuse of His available resources / things which He has made. None of His created beings are to love nor **** for the things of this world. Unfortunately do to evil influences, affluences and through learned things not of God a lot of people choices are to glorify themselves.
  24. Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? There are so many people who are hurting and in bondage, so many that are unhappy or discontent thereby when they hear a word from the Word that addresses or may address their circumstance it sounds appeasing. They become eager and anticipate the desired resolve (await with GREAT expectancy). In essence there is nothing wrong with that, however once beneath the surface the real motive is only to come out from under and not to gain wisdom or understanding. In other words a quick release, and or turnaround. When the release, the desired resolve does not manifest, they discern that which they heard from the Word is not for them or it didn't work. There is a great difference biblically between being happy and having joy. Because we constantly desire to be happy we miss out on what it mean to have joy. No one desires to be unhappy nor should they, however in the process of life, living a Christ-like life we can have joy. What is their problem? He who has ears, let him hear, hearing with carnally vise having ears to hear spiritually. Perhaps their receiving it quickly was an emotional response, they desired to please the Sower, yet they did not have roots in what they received. There is sin in the earth, we do not fight against flesh and blood none the less flesh and blood can be a vehicle used. Jesus said that people will face opposition, but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! (Matthew 18:7, Luke 17:1) {not in context, yet true} As things physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually come are way we are challenged with a choice. We must choose in whom we are going to believe / trust in, Self or Christ. If it is Self we react and or respond with what we had previously known whether it work or not. If it is Christ we need to seek Him for His guidance, the children of Israel throughout Scripture were not protected from trials and tribulation yet they which abide were protected through the trials and tribulations. Bottom line the problem is not hearing the Word, it is investing in the Word, developing a root system. The Word is not rooted in this hearer nor was this hearer rooted in the Word.
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