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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Leonard C

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  1. If you want to follow Jesus, you can
  2. The factors that make up a person
  3. When we are successful, the fruit of our labors belongs to God. We are only independent entrepreneurs in the sense that God never compels us to use the talents He has given us, as was the case with the servants. In that sense, we are the stewards of the talents given us
  4. The talents represent our God-given gifts. I am gifted with the ability to teach Mathematics and English grammar and have an analytical, logical and discerning mind. I am faithful, discerning and compassionate with an ability to teach and exhort. I have a sound knowledge of the New Testament, knowing several chapters by heart, but am probably a little lazy with regard to the Old Testament, using it primarily as a reference to the New Testament. I believe that I have used my teaching talents well. God is presently calling me into leadership and I have taken certain steps. I am endeavoring to enter each door that He opens. Everything I have belongs to God. He has both given and taken
  5. The Kingdom is small because the seed has just been planted. The Kingdom grows as new disciples enter by the narrow gate and earnestly strive to create and remain in a relationship with the Lord. The Kingdom door is narrow because it is difficult to give up a lifetime of bad habits, or worldly things, as in the case of the rich young ruler (Mt 19:16-26). The Kingdom banquet is, on the one hand, large and diverse because disciples will come from all corners of the earth, but it is selective, on the other hand, because few are willing to lay down their lives to accept the one Jesus offers.
  6. Jesus says that the way that leads to life is difficult and few find it. We must earnestly strive to enter the door to the Kingdom and to do what is required of us. People delay entering because they don't want to give up their ways.
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