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I certainly would center my life around God
Q4. Outside the City
dlite80 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
Salvation in Jesus Christ comes through faith by the grace of God our Father. Right living cannot come through effort; it can only be done with the unmerited favor of God working in us through His Holy Spirit. Sin cannot face God because He is Holy (period)! We must be holy if we want to see Him. As we work out our salvation in fear and trembling, we draw on the grace and power of the Holy Spirit who is working in us to sanctify, purifies and transform us into the image of God. Holiness is who God is, it is a facet of His personality and He cannot be separated from it! When we live holy lives we bring glory to His name and represent our God to a lost world. -
Q3. Holy City, Bride, Church
dlite80 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
Jesus sees His church as a pure, unblemished, spotless bride. She will be sanctified, sinless, purified and ready to receive her Bridegroom when He appears in all His splendor and glory! Her holiness and righteousness will allow her to truly -
The water of life represents the life giving salvation and eternal life that comes only from God because it flows out of Him. It is the truth of God that leads to eternal life and salvation. It represents His fullness, wholeness, completeness and when we drink of it, we become one with Him and partake of the eternal blessings that comprised in it. The Lord gives us this free choice, it is a call to those who are thirsty and desire the true gift of life. It is free because it is God
Q1. Promises Fulfilled
dlite80 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #8. We Shall See His Face (Rev 21-22)
God will not just be in us, as His Spirit dwells in us -
The Word of God says that those who call upon Him in truth will be saved. Also we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, we receive salvation. God is the ultimate judge of mankind, who gets to enter and stay out rests in His hands solely. I believe in Jesus and the Holy Spirit in me takes me from glory to glory in the image of Him who created me. I am a partaker in His divine nature, and when I follow and abide in His word I have assurance beyond measure that I will realize salvation through Christ Jesus!
The scene of final judgment is frightening because everything will be final. We will not be able to take back our mistakes/sins. They will arrayed before us as a finality of our choices (no matter how big or small the sin/mistake). We will be judged for everything that was done, said, thought- even a stray, careless thought will be scrutinized and brought to light in the presence of God. Repentance will cease and judgment in all equity will be administered, although God
King of Kings implies His Kingship is better and more sovereign that any earthly king that ever existed or will exist. He is above all; the one and only King who will administer justice and righteousness for those are the foundations of His throne. It also means that He is in control of our lives. He is the
King of Kings implies His Kingship is better and more sovereign that any earthly king that ever existed or will exist. He is above all; the one and only King who will administer justice and righteousness for those are the foundations of His throne. It also means that He is in control of our lives. He is the
Q1. Marriage Supper of the Lamb
dlite80 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. The Millennium (Rev 19-20)
I am encouraged in the fact that God wants us for Himself and with that He has promised to never leave nor forsake us! He has planned great and marvelous things for His children. He has chosen us through and betrothed us to His Son Jesus Christ. This means He is in and with us, and is committed to leading, guiding and preparing us for His great feast! We are admonished that we cannot take God for granted. We must persevere in Him and prepare ourselves to be beautiful, unblemished brides to the Bridegroom. As He goes to prepare a place for us, we must wait with hopeful expectation, cleansing ourselves from all unrighteousness and walking in the works He prepared for us before time. Interestingly, one of Jesus -
The balance lies in Jesus Christ as our role model and guide. Not only did Jesus choose to associate with sinners but the light within Him transformed their lives! However, He didn
Worship comes as a natural response in adoration of our God as we experience His love, faithfulness and glory. Appropriate praise and worship stems from God being who He is and our relation to Him. It revolves and centers around Him and only Him, everything (ourselves included) fade into the background, He is magnified and glorified with our praises (be enthroned in the praises of your people). We must worship Him in spirit and in truth. In the book of revelation, we see all the host of heaven bowing down before Him in allegiance and humility to His greatness and personhood. Constant praise comes forth from their mouths to honor the Almighty God for there is none more worthy than Him of all praise and worship. Blessings, glory and honor/ I exalt thee/ Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord/ Worship you in spirit and in truth/ Worthy is the Lamb/ Revelation Song/ You are worthy Lord/ Hallelujah/ Be glorified/ I adore You/ Lord, I lift your name on high/ He Reigns/ El Shaddai/ Shout to Lord/ Agnus Dei/ Everlasting God, etc. etc.
This subject has plagued my mind for a long time! However, in the past few years, I have been gaining perspective of God
Christians should be blameless and spotless before our God, through whose blood we have been made His righteousness. We should be a people who are true to the Lord and who will follow Jesus- spiritually faithful, heart focused and undivided totally to our Father God in every aspect of our lives. A people of truth who stray from sin and unrighteousness and hate every form of it. When we cleanse ourselves from all sins and impurities we become part of the 144,000! We become overcomers of this world and satan, and enjoy the unfathomable joy of being in the presence of GOD Almighty- singing new songs to the Lord (the fact is, only a true follower of Christ will understand and be able to sing such a wondrous song, for they will sing it with all their heart, might and soul).
Q4. Antichrist and False Prophet
dlite80 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. By The Blood of the Lamb (Rev 11-13)
The Anti Christ and False Prophet get their power from satan, they join forces to replicate the Holy Trinity but fall far from it. However, God allows them to wreak havoc in the world for a limited time only! They may seem powerful: eradicating their enemies, performing many signs and wonders, centering worship around the Beast, even deceiving the nations but their powers are limited and constrained by God. The One who restrains them is still at work in the world drawing the lost into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. And once He is removed, these agents of satan will have their way with the unrighteous and perishing for they are the only ones who will believe the lies of deception (even the most elect will be deceived)!!!