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prized servant

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  1. Oh, what relief isn't it. This is one of my favorite verses. (describes myself to the "T"). Great verses for new believers it puts satan in his spot. There is no condemnation in Christ! But with all that said, doesn't it show the true Spirit in Paul to show humbleness. Someone hand picked for the starting of the Church, being honest to the point of knowing he needed Jesus and not the other way around. That verse alone sums it up for me but who am I fooling many do. I know I'm ranting but the word stirs me. This Word on the Law just shows it's for us all; however, Paul illustrates it in a matter (for us the individual) to examine and see if it fits. He doesn't persecute with it. Are you or aren't one of these, if our heart is right we acknowledge it on ourselves.
  2. The lack of stability,I believe would be effected. Dwelling on elementary principles for a long time would be more effective than pressing in on matters of construde doctrine. Developing upon non "Truths" would inhabit the Spirit to move; thus causing lack of growth (God wouldn't send souls to mature in such enviroment). The mssion being on Jesus and Jesus alone. Building disciples to further the Gospel of Salvation, anything else becomes a cult, doesn't it?
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