The devil and his kingdom - this earth- offer many alurring and enticing events. Sometimes Christians are pulled into this demonic force field by loosing their Christian influence. I experienced this overwhelming desire to become like the world when my children participated in organized sports at the high school level. I was so focused on allowing my children the opportunity to excel in sports, that I myself became entangled in the worldly web of "Being the Best and having PRIDE in what they-MY children did". My focus was "what is fair and best for my children's interest-not what is God's plan/purpose for their lives. Both my son and daughter experienced a year of hardships on and off the basketball court due to my over-involvement in their athletic futures.
I physically/emotionally became so engulfed in these carnal extra-curricular activities, that I became disengaged to my first priority as a Christian. Screaming, yelling at the referees at ballgame, instead of actively spreading the Good News of Chirst to my lost friends, teammates, and coaches; having verbal, emotial outbursts with coaches, instead of peacefully sharing my concerns for my children to God.
These overwhelming desires of pride/greed crept into my life slowing, yet so cunningly, that before I realized it, I was totally consumed with worldly ambitions. I didn't even realize that the mastermind of the Devil had lurred me into his worldly web of deceit, ****, and sin.
After several months, my emotional health declined, and I became severely depressed. My worldly longings lead to failure and defeat.
Finally, I realized God had allowed me to suffer because I chose worldly ambition over Godly ambition. Realizing I had sinned, I begged for God's forgiveness. He immediately took my hand pulled me from the sinking sands of my wordly choices. I bathed my life daily with prayer and Bible Study and God renewed Himself to me. I fell in love with Jesus all over again.
Today, I am proud of my children-not because they are stars on a high school basketball team, but because they are stars on God's Team and are living a victorious life of a Champion. Praise God for yesterday's burden-today it is a blessing.