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About udi1031

  • Birthday 10/31/1948

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  1. Q7. (Ephesians 1:11-12) According to verses 11 and 12, what is God's purpose for our lives? What do we need to do to fulfill this purpose? How does this purpose relate to Matthew 5:13-16? We are to bring praise to His name by being a light in the darkness. We can do this by standing firm, being diligent etc
    1. I do not understand how to answer the questions on here
  2. Cannot find how to answer the question......or is it for me personally?




    1. arobin


      I second your sentiment.


  3. has not set their status

  4. I think Moses was down right afraid, not only to go to Pharoah but remembering the circumstances why he left in the first place, coupled with a burning bush that wasn't consumed and 'the bush' calling his name and being told it was the God of Abraham, the God of Issac and the God of Jacob, he was most likely awe stricken. Questioning God shows me that he was hesitant and wanted to start a debate. God reassures Moses by telling him that He will be with him. Moses still tried to debate but God has no part in it. God knows what He wants to accomplish and He will accomplish it. In my own life I haveheard that still, small voice say "Trust Me",
  5. While Moses seemed 'sure' that he wanted to defend his fellow Hebrew, he also checked first to make sure no one would see him. Was he ashamed of helping a Hebrew? He not only murdered a man, he also tried to hide the evidence. Positive: He wanted to help Negative: Didn't want the Egytians, or anyone, to know what he did. The next day is interesting: He sees two (2) Hebrews fighting and attempted to reason with them by saying "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?" This shows me that Moses', while being brought up an Egyptian, is a Hebrew and will try to help his fellow man. When finding out that his actions from the day before did not go unnoticed he bacame afraid. Pharoah found out and Moses fled the scene to Midian. At this point his character seems pretty much like ours: We sometimes act in haste (not thinking)then try to cover it up, but when we realize we were found out we try to flee the scene, mostly in words by justifying our actions.
  6. Hi, My name is Judi and I am from North Central PA. I am new to this site and the forum etc. so I am going to ask for help. Thanks In Christ, Judi
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