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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Laura T

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Everything posted by Laura T

  1. I am able to love because He first loved us. Without love of God, love of others becomes self serving. And from James, faith without works is dead. How else do we show love of God other than loving our fellow man? The two go hand in hand.
  2. You can only make a body strong by feeding it properly and exercising regularly. Spiritual health is the same way. We need to regularly be fed on the bread of God's word, but if we do not exercise our faith, it becomes flabby
  3. I am a scientist. When I was in school, there was nothing worse than a person who could parrot back the information needed to pass the test, but was totally incompetent in the lab. And that word parrot is important. This person can only speak to what has been spoon fed to them. The book knowledge is of no practical value if it cannot be applied, but by the same token, you need the depth of knowledge that a formal education more effectively provides
  4. Jwalane Mofokeng said: Why is it so important to be authentic, not phony, in our lives? 1 Peter 3v1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives. even for those around us they might be won to Christ because of our behavior. I have recently been drawn to this verse as a reminder that it's not so much what I say, and it's not the flashy being in choir or being an assisting minister in my church, but it is the quiet confidence that knowing that I am saved brings me
  5. As I was facing a serious illness, I knew that several people were praying for me. Even though God chose not to take my illness away, I walked out of the hospital stronger because I knew I was not alone. I was miles away from my biological family, but God had given me a part of His family to be with me.
  6. I really didn't understand this concept until I faced a serious illness that could change my whole life, Standing in the hospital, wondering why, with all the people who were praying for me, my illness was not going away I prayed the simple words, "Lord, may this cup pass from my lips. But if it cannot, not my will but thine be done." It was then that I understood that the cup that God had given me was not more than I could handle because He was by my side. I left the hospital changed forever both physically and spiritually. Since then, I have become more calm and serene realizing that I need not be anxious for God is with me.
  7. Hello, My name is Laura Traas and this is my second Bible Study of the Jesus Walk Series (Kingdom of God was my first) I co-lead adult discussion along with my pastor at the church and I am a firm believer that if I expect people to grow in faith that I must continue to grow as well. This will be my first time on a discussion forum, so it should be interesting Blessings to all Laura
  8. Someone earlier stated that the Jews refused to admit that they were sinners or on the same level as the Gentiles. Add to this the fact that they would not talk to, eat with or touch anything a Gentil had touched. Imagine being baptized in the same water as those "unclean" Gentiles.
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