If people do not truly repent, then they continue to crucify Jesus on the cross. The whole idea of Jesus dying on the cross was to die for our sins. So when we repent, we are to confess our sins and change the way we live. Yes, we are all human and we will make mistakes and we will continually have to ask for forgiveness, BUT changing the way we live is the key. Living our life in a way that shows we truly have changed our 'mind', our 'heart' and our 'ways'. If we say we have repented but we never stop living the way our old self did, then we have not repented at all.
I think repentence is avoided because it requires discipline. It requires really changing the way we used to live. It requires us to stop being selfish, stop being self sufficient, and to stop doing the things that we know does not please God. God desires good things for our lives and when we continually do things that we know do not please God, we are not really living for him. We are trying to fake it. Repentence is a hard and naroow road. Not a pompous, rightous one, but one that is filled with temptations, one that is difficult because we are called to a higher standard of living. It is not easy. It requires us to bite our tongue when we so depserately want to rip off the head of someone who just said something so mean to us. It requires us to give up money, time or possession, when we selfishly do not want to give them up. It is hard to part with time, money and possessions.
I think 80% of the people in church, show up on Sunday, and are not truly living repentful lives. Not because they do not want to, but because they are not properly led, it becomes too difficult and they have no support system, or they really do not believe in "all that stuff".
Living a repentful life requires us to do things that sometimes we simply do not want to do; that is difficult. However, Jesus said the reward would be great and he desires these things for us because they truly are better for us.