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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Ann Anderson

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Everything posted by Ann Anderson

  1. Q3. Can a person be a "disobedient disciple"? Doesn't that represent an oxymoron? Did Gideon have a choice here? Do we have choices? Well, it depends on how fine you want to split the hair here . According to the dictionary, the # 1 definition of a disciple is any professed follower of Christ in His lifetime, esp. one of the 12 apostles. It takes but one look at our beloved Peter to answer the above question, yes? Forget "oxymorons"...no problems with seeming contradictions. And choices are something lots of people forget they have. Always.
  2. I can't think of a single "new" thing to say that is different or better or more profound than anything anyone else has said before me. I agree with everyone else...that, yes, we are to honor our parents but always we love and obey God first.
  3. The Lord requires a cleansing of impurities and it was also a step of faith for Gideon to tear down the altar and the pole. The positive "replacement", if you will, is that which allowed Gideon to build an altar to the Lord, offer a sacrifice and worship Him...something that hadn't been done openly for quite some time it appears. A precious opportunity for Gideon to make a speech without saying a word, huh? Gideon is risking not only the already hostile community's rath but also that of his family. After all it appears that his father is the "keeper" of the altar as it is built on his land. Daytime, nighttime ~ does it really have to matter as far as his faith is concerned? The fact that he made the decision to obey and picked the time when he most likely could get it done without a fight from the locals or family...well, I say go for it.
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