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  1. I think by living openly as Christians and doing good deeds and letting people see the change in us shows others that its not just us working on us, its God, and maybe, just maybem they will want the same life. If we blend in we look just like everyone else and leaves no question as to what we are doing with our lives because we are already putting all of our dirt out there. You live in dirt you look dirty, you live clean you look clean, plain and simple. And since the world is living so dirty it brings attention when someone walks in and is living clean and when people ask and are told that its Gods work it brings him the glory which if I do say so myself...is awesome.
  2. He tells we pretty much we are only here temporarily and there is a war going on for our soul and that we should abstain from it or in other terms go to war for your soul by not giving into temptations of this world since we are only "strangers." This little reminder helps me all the time because whenever I am tempted by the world all I have to think about is that why should I? I AM NOT OF THIS WORLD
  3. It should inspire us to be want to be obedient to God. To love and worship him and bring Him glory because we are His people.
  4. We should be offering praise with a good heart, all the time and only to bring Him glory.
  5. The mind set of a priest is to serve our Lord faithfully and obediently. It inspires me to do the same.
  6. Yes there has been countless times I have felt worthless. The verse tells me that I do have Gods love and that I may hold some worth to him. My one and only long term investment is God, eif I have that straight he will provide the rest that I need.
  7. I think they get upset because honestly they don't want to be held accountable for their actions, almost as if it makes them feel guilty and they don't want to because they want to keep going on living the way there are living and to keep justifying that its right. I think God has to judge us to show us he loves us and the reason I say that is because he loves us so much he wants us to live sinless and away from evil and in order to have us do that there would have to be a judgement. And final judgement has to be the core of the Good News simply because the only reason we are saved from the judgement is because of Jesus. When it is left out I honestly think the Gospel is taken advantage of.
  8. Holiness to me is to be Christ like, to live as he lived, to bring glory to God not ourselves. I am holy now because I have accepted Jesus into my heart, following Gods will and living obedient to him. I think in order to be holy you have to be obedient to him or else you are still living in darkness. My biggest struggle with being Holy is not to let wordly views affect me and my decisions and what the Holy Spirit guides me to do.
  9. Christs full glory should be what gets our undivided attention and it inspires my hope because I will finally get to see our Savior and that right there inspires me to have self control, I don't only want to glimpse at him then be told I cannot stay with him forever because I chose to not live obediently, I want to glimpse at him and then be able to glimpse at him whenever I want because I chose to live obediently. I think when we don't expect Christ to come soon we start to slack and think there is time to change our lives and live right, when really you never know what tomorrow brings. I can't wait for my Lord to come so I am anticipating it every day and making sure I am ready.
  10. Yes I can actually just recently. My wife and I were placed in a situation that only God could have brought us out of both physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. I realized how much I actually loved my wife and my family and made me grateful life.Genuine faith brings glory to Jesus because when we know that it is Him all along that is helping us through..the more we will want to worship Him and tell others about Him.
  11. God's job is to protect us and watch over us; our job is to have faith, believe, and trust Him.
  12. hi..yes my wife and i just started this study this week.the introduction to the study pretty much explains how it works: they email you the lessons each week and you go thru the material and answer the questions pretty much.if you have any other questions i'd be more comfortable if you spoke with my wife

  13. Because you are asking God to forgive you of something that you know is wrong and an offense to Him and His ways, so the only natural course of action is to change the behavior as to not offend again.It is deceptive because it makes you think that God doesn't really care if you sin and if He didnt and it wasnt that offensive, Jesus didnt need to die to pay for them.Its not of works because we dont do works to gain forgiveness,they are a response of already being forgiven.
  14. The basis is being saved by the One who gave us breath, who loved us beyond measures. When this joy consumes me it brings me to tears almost everytime, not sad tears but the overwhelming happy tears. I would say it is emotional, but I guess on a different level and very hard to explain. It's very diff then the pursuit of happiness...I think the pursuit is only a temporary happiness in this world...the happiness I am after is the happiness I will have when I see our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . Genuine joy is nothing like you've ever felt before, it consumes your whole heart, mind, body, everything.
  15. Oh yes I can, just recently actually. By far one of the greatest tests ever...without him I wouldn't have kept my sanity... but through this he made me realize some things of myself that I needed to get rid of. Also how much I truly love my husband and need to cherish this gift he has given to me. I think tested faith gives glory to Jesus by showing us that without our Savior...we are weak...
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